Some in-sentence examples of “conclusion”

How to use in-sentence of “conclusion”:

+ In the conclusion to the match, Benoit climbed a ladder to attempt to retrieve the Money in the Bank briefcase hanging above the ring but was stopped by Kane who had also climbed the ladder.

+ The official stated that he could not come to a conclusion and the case would have to be referred to Rome for the Pope to make a decision.

+ At the conclusion of this story he chooses to return to London by train rather than by TARDIS with the Doctor and Sarah-Jane, who continue their adventures without him.

+ Danza Kuduro appears on the Fast Five soundtrack and is the song played at the conclusion of the movie.

+ She portrayed the starring character, Alex Russo, until its conclusion in 2012.

Some in-sentence examples of conclusion
Some in-sentence examples of conclusion

Example sentences of “conclusion”:

+ To avoid confusion and double counting, these charts are updated at the conclusion of a tournament or when the player’s participation has ended.

+ Deluc’s analysis came to the conclusion that mercury mercury-based thermometers were the best for practical use: He made an experiment, as follows: Suppose there are two amounts of water, say one liter, are mixed.

+ An MO having a nodal plane is like the conclusion that employees walk down aisles and not through shelves.

+ It ends with the tentative conclusion that people might get some benefit by thinking about the world as made of computations.

+ The Court’s conclusion was based on extensive Congressional hearings on the issue.

+ Synthesis is combining material from multiple sources to reach or imply an idea or conclusion not stated word-for-word by any of the sources used.

+ It ended with the conclusion of the Wars in 2001.

+ Even if the conclusion of an argument is correct, it is not supported by the logic given.

+ Deductive arguments are attempts to show that a conclusion must follow from a set of premises or hypotheses.

+ There have been many breakthroughs, improvements and setbacks made in research upon the conclusion of what contributes to a person’s intelligence test, whether it is genetics or environmental factors.

+ In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy, a conclusion reached previously by the FBI and Dallas Police.

+ The conclusion is taken from the premises.

+ Aristotle studied different syllogisms and identified valid syllogisms as syllogisms with conclusion true if both premises are true.

+ Further experimentation led to Herschel’s conclusion that there must be an visual perceptioninvisible form of light beyond the visible spectrum.

+ The dramatic courtroom scene, at the conclusion of John le Carré famous Cold War spy novel “”The Spy Who Came in from the Cold””, takes place in a secret Socialist Unity Party of Germany installation near Görlitz, in the middle 1960s.

+ To avoid confusion and double counting, these charts are updated at the conclusion of a tournament or when the player's participation has ended.

+ Deluc's analysis came to the conclusion that mercury mercury-based thermometers were the best for practical use: He made an experiment, as follows: Suppose there are two amounts of water, say one liter, are mixed.

More in-sentence examples of “conclusion”:

+ In 2011, Lee explained that one of the reasons behind Evanescence’s lengthy hiatus after the conclusion of “The Open Door Tour” was because she was feeling pressurized by her band duties, mostly due to the hectic schedule and quick rise to fame.

+ I think we discussed them before, and reached a conclusion that they led to ridiculous categories.

+ After long experimentation, Heihachi’s bioengineers came to the conclusion that an extra gene – the “Devil Gene” – was needed in order to successfully splice Ogre’s genetic code into another living organism.

+ He broke his elbow that season and decided to retire at its conclusion to concentrate on coaching full-time.

+ The expert’s conclusion that a defect in the tire caused the accident rested on certain observations about the tire that Kumho Tire vigorously disputed.

+ These numbers were the conclusion of a study by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention using 72,314 COVID-19 cases in mainland China as of Feb.

+ As the War drew to a conclusion the former capital was pulled once more into heavy fighting as German troops retreated.

+ The paradoxical conclusion is that treatment A is more effective when used on small stones, and also when used on large stones, yet treatment B is more effective when considering both sizes at the same time.

+ I reviewed the previous counts, and I agree that previously conclusion due the non-reliable source that was stated.

+ This conclusion is based on evidence that supports it.

+ Edmonds’ profession as Frank Thompson reached a conclusion when she traveled to Berry’s Brigade so as to convey mail to Union powers.

+ The conclusion is marked “Tempo di cadenza”, again with glissando-figures.

+ They came to the conclusion that humans living in the cave started to eat new foods.

+ Others took up his social ideas, and drew the conclusion that it was useless to try and help the poor, and that competition without limits was the way society should go.

+ People from outside jumped to the conclusion that they symbolised ‘concrete cows for concrete fields’, failing to recognise how green Milton Keynes is and that real cows and sheep graze the linear parks.

+ If a green apple is evidence for “all non-black things are non-ravens” and “all non-black things are non-ravens” is equivalent to “all ravens are black”, then green apples are also evidence for the hypothesis that “all ravens are black”! This conclusion is highly unintuitive despite the appeal of both starting principles.

+ He found none of the answers he sought and came to the conclusion that his belief had no basis.

+ Another feature of an argument based on false premises that can bedevil critics, is that its conclusion can in fact be true.

+ After the conclusion of the South Carolina primary, Bush withdrew from the race following a second win for Trump.

+ Eventually, Einstein drew the conclusion that the concepts of space and time needed a fundamental revision.

+ For example, the rule of inference called “modus ponens” takes two premises, one in the form “If p then q” and another in the form “p”, and returns the conclusion “q”.

+ We’ve been through this many times before, and every time we’ve come to the conclusion that we’re not here to harbour users from other wikis for them to ‘reform’, which this seems to be another case of.

+ The voting is conducted by members of the Professional Hockey Writers Association at the conclusion of each regular season to determine the winner.

+ If they do not find an inconsistency, the philosopher might show that the theory leads to a conclusion which is either unacceptable or ridiculous.

+ The Romans would annex the region by the conclusion of the Punic Wars in 146BC, with what is now modern day Algeria staying in Roman hands till the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century and the region being taken over by the Germanic Vandals.

+ A false premise can also be a premise that is poorly defined, which makes the conclusion questionable.

+ However, as a result of schedule delays to both the 2019–20 and 2020–21 European seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020–21 European season started before the conclusion of the 2019–20 European season.

+ This conclusion is supported by scientific studies.

+ In 1999, he announced that at the age of seventeen he had visions of Parisians in flames throwing themselves into the Seine and that after studying other concordant prophecies, he came to the conclusion that the Mir space station was going to crash in France at the time of the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999.

+ At the conclusion of the meeting, she offered him a script for “Jekyll”, suggesting that he might like the role.

+ Scott Cawthon, the sole developer of the Five Nights at Freddy’s games, has stated that nobody has figured out a completely accurate conclusion of the story.

+ A fallacy is when someone does not draw a conclusion according to the rules of logic.

+ The conclusion must be that symbiosis has been highly significant in the evolution of life.

+ They all develop the story very quickly and come to a conclusion quickly too.

+ In April 2008 the website for LissaMail expired, leading to the conclusion that this service is no longer being provided.

+ Facts and arguments supporting this conclusion were made public in 2004.

+ The following players led the league in points at the conclusion of the regular season.

+ This marriage was looked upon favourably by the Holy See and effectively meant the conclusion of the diplomatic disagreement Charles and the See had had.

+ As of the conclusion of the 2010–11 NHL season, the Red Wings have made the Stanley Cup playoffs for 20 consecutive seasons, the longest post-season streak for a single team in all of North American major professional sports.

+ At the conclusion of the trial he was forced to return a number of properties he had taken.

+ The album is the second in a set of six Joker’s Cards since the conclusion of the original Joker’s Cards.

+ On June 23, 2015, while he was competing for Brazil at the Copa América, Hoffenheim and Firmino both agreed the terms for him to transfer him to the Premier League club called Liverpool for about £29 million on conclusion of the tournament, Liverpool confirmed the signing the next day The deal was finalised on 4 July.

+ Although “Rookie Of The Year” honors were handed out beginning in 1932-33 NHL season1932–33, the Calder Trophy was first presented at the conclusion of the 1936-37 NHL season.

+ It rather depends on whether the conclusion follows from them, which is to say, on whether “under the assumption” that the premises are true, the the conclusion must be true as well.

+ I would like this issue to be brought to a conclusion that would make anyone proud to continue working here.

+ He was the first candidate hired by The Trump Organization at the conclusion of the first season of Donald Trump’s reality television show, “The Apprentice”.

+ The ridiculous or “”absurdum”” conclusion of a “reductio ad absurdum” argument can have many forms.

+ This conclusion was reached by noting similarities in the damage to the skull and eye sockets of the Taung Child to the skulls of primates known to have been killed by modern eagles.

+ In 2011, Lee explained that one of the reasons behind Evanescence's lengthy hiatus after the conclusion of "The Open Door Tour" was because she was feeling pressurized by her band duties, mostly due to the hectic schedule and quick rise to fame.

+ I think we discussed them before, and reached a conclusion that they led to ridiculous categories.
+ After long experimentation, Heihachi’s bioengineers came to the conclusion that an extra gene - the "Devil Gene" - was needed in order to successfully splice Ogre’s genetic code into another living organism.

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