Some in-sentence examples of “celestial”

How to use in-sentence of “celestial”:

+ What must have happened was that Triton was part of a binary pair with another unknown celestial body.

+ Some celestial bodies might be terraformed.

+ Although she looks like an eccentric tramp, she is actually a celestial creature with the ability to read Meg’s thoughts.

+ A celestial sphere can also refer to a physical model of the celestial sphere or celestial globe.

+ A celestial coordinate system is a coordinate system that helps astronomers specify the location of objects in the sky.

+ An observer standing on the Earth’s equator visualizes the celestial equator as a semicircle passing directly overhead through the zenith.

Some in-sentence examples of celestial
Some in-sentence examples of celestial

Example sentences of “celestial”:

+ The area of mechanics which is used for these studies is called celestial mechanics.

+ Virgo is a zodiac constellation which lies on the celestial equator.

+ Many demigods use celestial bronze weapons.

+ More importantly, the discovery of celestial bodies orbiting something other than the Earth dealt a blow to the then-accepted Ptolemaic world system.

+ A ferryman called Vain Hope ferries Ignorance across the River of Death, but Ignorance is turned away from the gates of Celestial City and thrown into hell.

+ Arcturus of the celestial hemisphere.

+ These stars wandered around the celestial sphere, in an area now called the Zodiac, and the astronomers carefully recorded their travels.

+ He did scientific studies of the Sun and other celestial objects using advanced space instruments.

+ The area of mechanics which is used for these studies is called celestial mechanics.

+ Virgo is a zodiac constellation which lies on the celestial equator.

+ It is known for bringing down the divine celestial egg down to earth.

+ This held that the Earth was at the center of the universe and all other celestial bodies revolved around it.

+ At the poles, the celestial equator is parallel to the horizon.

+ She was also known for accuracy in computerized celestial navigation.

+ Also, he worked out that comets were real celestial objects, and that their orbits were different to those of the planets.

+ Then he created celestial phenomena, the winds, the tarantula, and the earth from the sweat of the four gods mixed together in the Creator’s palms, from a small round, brown ball, not much larger than a bean.

More in-sentence examples of “celestial”:

+ Nico’s sword is made of Stygian Iron, which will kill monsters, and, unlike the other metals of Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold, is capable of harming mortals.

+ Astronomy is the Sciencescientific study of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.

+ Because of the projection, certain parts of the celestial sphere cannot be shown.

+ They substituted a spherical Earth surrounded by a Celestial sphere.

+ A celestial globe from Classical Antiquity is in the Naples National Archaeological Museum, Italy.

+ In astronomy and navigation, the celestial sphere is an imaginationimaginary sphere of a very large unspecified size.

+ Babylonian astronomers viewed the sky as a celestial sphere, far above the Earth.

+ As a result of improvements he made to the telescope, Galileo was able to see celestial bodies better than ever before in human history.

+ The Laplace operator is named after the French peopleFrench mathematician Pierre-Simon de Laplace, who first applied the operator to the study of celestial mechanics.

+ It is not the story of a vindictive venomous snake-goddess alone but a sad saga of a lonely woman who perpetually gets hurt by the closest male members of her life—her father, her husband and all other celestial men folk, who censor her right to be worshiped as a Goddess.Manasha is the goddess of snakes.

+ Astronomers use the principle of parallax to measure distances to celestial objects including to the Moon, the Sun, and to stars beyond the Solar System.

+ The Way of the Celestial Masters became the first Taoist sect.

+ He thinks he can enter the Celestial City even though he does not believe.

+ He worked in celestial mechanics.

+ The Axis of rotation is an imaginary line passing through the centre of mass of any celestial body around which the celestial body rotates.

+ It is made of celestial bronze, a fictional metal which will injure immortals and monsters, but not wound mortals.

+ They are also used for training in celestial navigation.

+ He observed that the ecliptic plane is inclined with respect to the celestial equator and more accurately calculated the length of the tropical year.

+ Astrophysics uses kinematics to describe the motion of celestial bodies and systems.

+ Indeed, the discovery of Astrea proved to be the starting point for the eventual demotion of the four original asteroids to their current status, as it became apparent that these four were only the biggest of a whole new type of celestial body.

+ Christian and Hopeful eventually reach the Celestial City.

+ It means that, as seen from some place, two celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky.

+ Shani is one of the Navagraha which are the nine main celestial beings in Hindu astrology, or Jyotiṣa.

+ Most celestial objects are oblate spheroids.

+ The celestial mechanics of Kepler and Newton is a way of predicting and explaining planetplanetary motions in the Solar System.

+ Nico's sword is made of Stygian Iron, which will kill monsters, and, unlike the other metals of Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold, is capable of harming mortals.

+ Astronomy is the Sciencescientific study of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.
+ Because of the projection, certain parts of the celestial sphere cannot be shown.

+ This shape is produced by all celestial spinning spheres, such as stars and planets.

+ These jets have Lorentz factors of ~100 or greater, making them some of the fastest celestial objects known at present.

+ They give him new clothes and a passport to the Celestial City.

+ I created Capricornus and Celestial sphere today, but found that I was changing very little from the en: wp version of the file because I found that the English used was simple enough.

+ The mathematics of celestial mechanics include spherical geometry, trigonometry and Newton’s laws of motion.

+ The hero of the story is Greatheart, the servant of the Interpreter, who is a pilgrim’s guide to the Celestial City.

+ Therefore, people thought the celestial region was made of a fundamentally different kind of matter from that found on Earth.

+ Who –  The second of the three celestial beings who accompany the children on their adventure.

+ As a result of the Earth’s axial tilt, the celestial equator is inclined by 23.4° with respect to the ecliptic plane.

+ The celestial equator is a term in observational astronomy.

+ Autolycus’ surviving works include a book on spheres and another on the rising and setting of celestial bodies.

+ All objects in the sky can be thought of as projected upon the celestial sphere.

+ Capella is the brightest star in the Auriga, the eleventh brightest star in the night sky and the third brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus and Vega.

+ Unlike most celestial bodies, Io is a prolate spheroid, pulled out of round by tidal stress from Jupiter’s gravity.

+ The reason for this is that the Sun does not stand still on the celestial sphere, and the stars do.

+ In astronomy, a light curve is a graph that shows the brightness of light from a celestial object or region, over a certain amount of time.

+ Venetia Burney is known for suggesting name the Pluto for newly discovered celestial body in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

+ Radio astronomy is astronomy which studies celestial objects at radio frequencies.

+ It is the list of brightest starsfifth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus.

+ Which –  The oldest of the three celestial beings who accompany the children on their adventure.

+ Telescopes are mostly used for looking at celestial objects such as, the stars, planets, etc.

+ The study of spectroscopy and spectra is used in astronomy to help scientists study the whole electromagnetic spectrumspectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, which radiates from stars and other hot celestial objects.

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