Some in-sentence examples of “bodily”

How to use in-sentence of “bodily”:

– Another Andalusian-Arabian physician, Ibn al-Khatib in his treatise “On the Plague” stated how infectious disease can be transmitted through bodily contact and “through garments, vessels and earrings”.

– There is belief that it is possible to predict the size of someone’s penis by observing other bodily features such as the hands, Footfeet, nose or height.

– They then do not have enough protein for other needed bodily functions such as growth and building tissues like bones.

– Some of them are beliefs about one God; Jesus’ death, burial, and bodily resurrection; the Trinity ; the need for salvation; grace; and evangelism and missions.

– A profanity usually refers to religion, sex, or bodily functions.

– When humans perceive speech, they not only take in auditory information but also visual information as well in the form of reading lips, facial expression, and other body bodily cues.

Some in-sentence examples of bodily
Some in-sentence examples of bodily

Example sentences of “bodily”:

- It suggests that four bodily fluids affect human personality trait theorytraits and behaviour.

- Some street names, especially when mixed with other substances such as amphetamines, can be Soap, Water, Salty water, Blue water, and Grievous Bodily Harm.
- A camel has a naturally adapted temperature regulation - it can change its bodily temperature by six degrees Celsius either way.

– It suggests that four bodily fluids affect human personality trait theorytraits and behaviour.

– Some street names, especially when mixed with other substances such as amphetamines, can be Soap, Water, Salty water, Blue water, and Grievous Bodily Harm.

– A camel has a naturally adapted temperature regulation – it can change its bodily temperature by six degrees Celsius either way.

– There are over 20 different signaling paths that control a wide array of bodily functions.

– Finally, she was carried bodily to the altar by the Constable of France, and married against her will.

– The mind-body problem has to do with the explanation of the relationship that exists between minds, or mental processes, and bodily states or processes.

– For the second time, Viktor Yanukovych was prosecuted for inflicting moderate bodily injuries under Art.

– At the beginning of the serial, Romana changes bodily forms several times, like she was trying on different outfits, before deciding to take the form of Princess Astra, who had been played by Lalla Ward in the final serial of Season 16, “The Armageddon Factor”.

– When humans go out to get food or homes, that is studied in “economics”, but when non-humans do it, that is “ecology”, though it is clear that there are motivations, methods and certainly bodily needs in common.

– Susan “Sue” Hawk left angry in episode six, one day after a problem during an immunity challenge where a naked Richard Hatch had quick but inappropriate bodily contact with her.

– These include an 18-month prison sentence in September 2008 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm for attacking a 16-year-old boy with a golf club in December 2006.

– Several of these words come from Anglo-Saxon or old Norse names for body parts, and bodily functions.

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