Some in-sentence examples of “as to”

How to use in-sentence of “as to”:

– There are various explanations as to the origin of the word Sonora.

– This page consists of guidelines as to how.

– All kinds of clothing send social messages as to what the person is.

– To dissect is to cut up a body so as to reveal its structure.

– A bodyline delivery was one where the cricket ball was pitched short so as to rise towards the body of the opposing batsman on the line of the leg stump.

Some in-sentence examples of as to
Some in-sentence examples of as to

Example sentences of “as to”:

– So far Cloudpaw has not done that and gets into trouble, even going so far as to beg for food from a Twoleg, which results in him being stolen.

– Ribbons are also tied in a knot so as to appear pretty, as when wrapped around a gift.

– Would any bureaucrat who isn’t too busy be so kind as to desysop me per this? : It’s always been my firm opinion that an administrator ought to be active, and I don’t think I can be so anymore.

– She is very powerful and she tried to kill Zero’s soul.She is actually jealous of the love zero and Kurohime share, and uses Darkray’s skull to turn Zero into the god of death, so as to make Kurohime experience hell on earth forever.

– Vulnerability refers to a person’s state of being liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation.

– Finally, they all rode out in different directions so as to make it harder to trail them.

– There are three main hypotheses as to the origins of the Etruscan civilization.

– In other words RDBMS store information in rows and columns and conducts searches by using data in specified columns and rows of one tables as well as to find additional data in another related table.

– His disappearance gave rise to many theories as to what happened to him.

– Computer systems use the X-Ray and MRI imaging of hospital patients to make a diagnosis as to whether or not they have cancer.

– Getting angry and insulting, deriding, or verbally assaulting them is sometimes what trolls want from you, so as to cause a flame war, and will make new editors unwelcome.

- So far Cloudpaw has not done that and gets into trouble, even going so far as to beg for food from a Twoleg, which results in him being stolen.

- Ribbons are also tied in a knot so as to appear pretty, as when wrapped around a gift.
- Would any bureaucrat who isn't too busy be so kind as to desysop me per this? : It's always been my firm opinion that an administrator ought to be active, and I don't think I can be so anymore.

– He was to “apply himself with the most exact care and diligence to the rectifying of the tables of the motions of the heavens, and the places of the fixed stars, so as to find out the so much desired longitude of places for the perfecting of the art of navigation”.

– Because the cell organelles of eukaryotes have different origins, the question arises as to whether the group is a unified clade or not.

– In the 2000 psychological horror movie “American Psycho”, Reagan was discussed towards the end of the movie as to whether he is a psychopath or an innocent old man in regards to the Iran-Contra affair.

– The square root of 2, or the th power of 2, written in mathematics as To be more correct, it is called the principal square root of 2, to tell it apart from the negative version of itself where that is also true.

– The problem with superphylas is that there are different suggestions as to how phyla are related, and each suggestion uses different terms.

– In general, these membranes are impermeable to large and polar molecules, such as ions, proteins, and polysaccharides, while being permeable to non-polar or hydrophobic molecules like lipids as well as to small molecules like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and nitric oxide.

– There is some debate as to whether it is a typo, a legitimate form of punctuation, or an emoticon.

– Fiber is sometimes used for shorter links too, such as to carry the sound signals between a compact disc player and a stereo receiver.

– This can be used to create new music as well as to reconstruct the ancient melodies.

More in-sentence examples of “as to”:

– In fact, Aristotle goes so far as to say that all logical fallacies can be reduced to what he calls ignoratio elenchi.

– The Queen, in consideration of the “many eminent services performed to herself and to her royal predecessors by the honourable and noble House of Stanley” withdrew her right and referred the contending claimants to the decision of the Privy Council as to the best claim of inheritance.

– For articles or sections which have a lot of material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as to add to the top of the article instead.

– Following the defeat of the Axis Powers in North Africa, there was disagreement between the Allies as to what to do next.

– Some go so far as to call it an Anglospherist school of thought.

– The word “tantra” means “treatise” or “continuum”, and is applied to a variety of mystical, occult, medical and scientific works as well as to those which we would now regard as “tantric”.

– I think in the large my edits and admin actions in the past speak for themselves as to why I should re-gain the mop.

– Since 2012, Pornhub has hosted several events and campaigns to raise awareness of certain issues or raise money, as well as to help promote their brand.

– If the area of the actual map is a large portion of the mini-map, an open red box can be included instead of a dot, so as to show the bounds of the main map.

– Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation.

– The boundaries of Salisbury Plain have never been defined, and there is some difference of opinion as to its exact area.

– It is unclear as to where April got its name.

– Instances should generally use the code so as to allow them to be forced to display as though they were on a page with a particular level of protection.

– I am confused as to why my account doesn’t seem to have the autoconfirmed status, although I have made more than 10 entries the account is years old.

– When Hermóðr stated his business as to why he wished to enter Hel, Móðguðr let him pass.

– Of course, I will accept the consensus of the community, but from those in opposition to this proposal, I’d like a clear understanding as to what damage would be caused should the probation be removed.

– There was some variation as to which deities were included in the Twelve.According to As such, the list below numbers fourteen.

– I’m personally quite disappointed that some people are reverting templates such as to how it was before I changed it to the icon, calling it “nonsense”.

– By mining data is meant collecting information about use, and about users, so as to advance some commercial or other purpose.

– Overweight is the condition of a person when they have more fat in their body than what is thought as to be normal for their height.

– Mental health experts may testify as to whether at the time of the crime the defendant understood what he did was wrong.

– Research has shown that a number of genetic disorders may be related as to their root cause.

– This is electronic music which is made in a specific way as to be danced to, usually in the setting of a nightclub, discothèque or a party.

– When this is done, the computer instructs them as to how they can build a living individual.

– What is nore, he knows this, and has been editing in such a way as to be difficult to characterise as simple vandalism.

– There are certain rules as to how to format a movie script.

– Often the food is arranged in such a way as to resemble other objects: dolls, flowers, leaves, and so forth.

– Many times, when troubles arise, each person has a choice, as to whether they could just drop the matter, and simply move on to something else.

– For example, in England and Wales, a citizen’s arrest can be made on someone who has committed a serious crime, though there are rules as to when and how this can be done.

– During filming, the actors were given clues as to their next location through messages given in milk crates found with Global Positioning Satellite systems.

– Even the Standard Model has various interpretations as to the natural world.

– I am puzzled as to why there isn’t a test1 or test4 template for removing content warning templates.

– Psychologists disagree as to how much and which parts of the mind is constructed modules.

– Juno admired the necklace and asked as to where she could get one.

– Under cover of darkness, Patience looks for answers as to who killed her and why.

– All countries, religions and societies have their limits as to what can be said, or written or communication by art or nowadays by computer.

– Camko City is being constructed by Korean companies to modernize Phnom Penh so as to make it appealing to foreign investors and businesses.

– In December 2015, he made the decision to join the 2016 New Territories East by-election so as to push localism forward and test his accepted rate, being a representative of Hong Kong Indigenous.

– To want is not the same as to need, which is when someone “must” have something.

– There has been much debate as to which arthropod group is most closely related to the Myriapoda.

– A structure may refer to buildings, machines and similar things made by people as well as to a Rock rock or a mineral, atoms or sentences.

– I also help remove as well as to talk pages to help new editors before I give them the relevant template warnings.

– It is similar to the Modern defence, but reserves the decision as to whether to fianchetto the g8 bishop.

– Chemical compounds of boron are important as to make strong materials not weigh very much, as nontoxic insecticides and preservatives, and for chemical synthesis.

– Sarah Emma Edmonds’ enthusiasm for experience was started by a book she read in her childhood by Maturin Murray Ballou called Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain’, recounting to the account of Fanny Campbell and her undertakings on a privateer transport during the American Revolution while dressed as a lady Fanny stayed dressed as a man so as to seek after different experiences, to which Edmonds credits her longing to dress in drag.

– Hollandaise light yellow and opaque, smooth and creamy: it tastes rich and buttery, with a mild tang added by the seasonings, but not so strong as to overpower mildly flavoured foods.

- In fact, Aristotle goes so far as to say that all logical fallacies can be reduced to what he calls ignoratio elenchi.

- The Queen, in consideration of the "many eminent services performed to herself and to her royal predecessors by the honourable and noble House of Stanley" withdrew her right and referred the contending claimants to the decision of the Privy Council as to the best claim of inheritance.
- For articles or sections which have a lot of material lacking sources, there are other, more appropriate templates, such as to add to the top of the article instead.

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