Some example sentences of “worse”

How to use in-sentence of “worse”:

– As South Korea got richer and life got better there, North Korea got poorer and life became worse there.

– Croup symptoms include a “barking” cough, stridor, hoarseness, and respiratory distressdifficult breathing that are worse at night.

– If hyperglycemia gets worse or is not treated, it can cause toxic acids called ketones to build up in the blood and urine.

– Although the conditions they live are bad, they could imagine how much worse their life would be in Mexico.

– His condition got worse in December 2016.

– These symptoms get worse during exercise or hard work.

Some example sentences of worse
Some example sentences of worse

Example sentences of “worse”:

– A study on chess players shows that if females are made aware of the stereotype that females are worse at chess than males, they perform worse than the controls.

– Ther people around him have much worse lives.

– As he was preparing to die, the pirate boats were hit by a cyclone and destroyed, and they released him before even worse things happened.

– Many persons still believe that the situation still continues to be worse compared to earlier times.

– Some of the famous people who have gotten Alzheimer’s disease are former United States President Ronald Reagan and Irish writer Iris Murdoch, both of whom were the subjects of scientific articles examining how their cognitive capacities got worse with the disease.

– Syphilis gets worse over time.

– Markets for some toxic assets froze in 2007, and the problem grew significantly worse in the second half of 2008.

– Some Japanese claim the fighting in Nanjing was the same or not much worse than fighting in other places and in other wars.

– Haber said he did not think killing a soldier with poison gas was any worse than by letting the soldier bleed to death.

– Hitler was a man who only made things worse between Germans and certain countries, thinking that Germany needed more land.

– An asthma attack is when, after a period of time when aperson has had only a few or no symptoms of asthma, the asthma gets worse all of a sudden, usually because of being exposed to one or more triggers.

– Woody jokingly asks Buzz “What could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?”, a question which is immediately answered; Andy’s new gift, as it turns out, is a puppy, and the two share a worried smile.

– Things got worse for the Germans when the USA joined the war in December 1941, because the Americans brought bombers to the United Kingdom, and they attacked Germany from there.

- A study on chess players shows that if females are made aware of the stereotype that females are worse at chess than males, they perform worse than the controls.

- Ther people around him have much worse lives.

More in-sentence examples of “worse”:

– According to CBC News, the destruction caused by the rioters was worse than the 1994 Vancouver Stanley Cup riotriot that followed the Canucks loss in Game 7 of the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals, especially the looting aspect.

– This rumor was made worse by stories of one or more of them escaping, thanks to sympathetic guards at the Ipatiev House, where they were being held.

– The divisions became worse when Parliament tried to disband the New Model Army.

– There may be sleeper socks around, not to mention that the vandalism around here seemed to be worse than usual.

– The sense of balance often gets worse as a person ages.

– I’m worried that blocks of incomprehensible English might actually be worse than a stub with blank sections when it comes to attracting passerby edits.

– A panic attack is far worse than an anxiety attack, though both attacks require the person to learn how to calm down or get professional help if it becomes a problem in their daily lives.

– This gets worse when exercising or working hard.

– By 16 March, news reports emerged indicating that the effect on the United States economy would be worse than previously thought.

– In criminal law, an “ex post facto” law may Criminalizationcriminalize actions that were legal at the time they were committed, or may make a crime worse by bringing it into a more severe category than it was in when it was committed.

– It will be particularly noticeable on small fonts that when the ‘Publish Changes’ button is pressed, the resulting bitmap has much worse fonts than the preview.

– In very bad cases, they can even get a much worse fever, fewer white blood cells, and loss of appetite.

– The pain may be worse after exercise.

– Many Russian soldiers were poorly equipped and trained, many Russians were killed, and poverty and starvation became worse problems than before.

– He had pneumonia and it was also found that he had diabetes made worse by alcoholism.

– In other words, half of the children in 1932 would be classified as having borderline mental retardation or worse in 1997.

– Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease causes a dementia that gets worse quickly, over weeks or months, and is caused by prions.

– One of the worse thing is texting will driving, that is real dangerous for your life but also the life of the other drivers.

– But the two long-suffering wives realise they’re worse off than before.

– Many stories today say recordings made in Romania are worse due to their lower quality.

– In 2008 American journalist Peter Maass called Obiang Africa’s worst dictator, worse than Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

– Treatment with antibiotics reduces the risk of worse illnesses.

– Awake bruxism can feel fine when waking up, then get worse as the day goes on.

– It is worse than not having anything, because you think that you have filtering when you don’t.

– Dead’s mental state began to take a turn for the worse due to his fascination with death and his social situation.

– Even though no-one could be made better off without making someone else worse off, it is possible that one person owns all of the world’s things.

- According to CBC News, the destruction caused by the rioters was worse than the 1994 Vancouver Stanley Cup riotriot that followed the Canucks loss in Game 7 of the 1994 Stanley Cup Finals, especially the looting aspect.

- This rumor was made worse by stories of one or more of them escaping, thanks to sympathetic guards at the Ipatiev House, where they were being held.

– This shortage of water is expected to be worse in arid countries like the UAE.

– In Europe anti-Semitism became worse because several authorityauthorities made Jewish people must wear yellow badges so people knew who they were.

– They try to prevent the person’s illness from getting worse before they reach the hospital, where doctors and nurses will take over care.

– On October 17, 2013, Young’s family told the “Tampa Bay Times” that Young was continuing medical treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center but his “condition turned for the worse overnight and he is gravely ill.

– There’s nothing to rival it; it’s ten times worse than anything else.

– An example that people use to prove this argument wrong is New Coke, because even though it was made later than the older Coca-Cola, most people who have tasted New Coke say it tasted worse than Coca-Cola.

– He was supposed to be released before Christmas, but was kept in and over the holiday because he got worse with a high fever.

– Itanium did not have success compared to IA-32 or reduced instruction set computerRISC, and was even worse when x86-64 was released, which worked with older x86 applications.

– What basically wanted to say: The other long-term blocks we have were done for worse offences than his.

– After the passage of the reconstruction amendments, things began to get worse for black people in the South.

– Close to the Earth’s poles and the water around the poles, the warmest month has an average temperature of less than 10°C, and the subarctic climate turns into a tundra climate, which is even worse for trees.

– But the idea became more popular as rebellions and protests broke out across France, more radical politicians started to lead the government, money problems became worse and foreign governments threatened to invade.

– Hartnell’s health got worse and in December 1974, he went to hospital.

– Ward’s play became worse late in his career, and so he was released by the Steelers before retiring.

– I’m not a presidential scholar but I don’t think you’ll find a worse president in the history of the United States.

– These can be very effective, but they all have side effects, some worse than others.

– As he got in worse condition, the surgical team had made the decision to perform surgery anyway.

– It gets worse if left untreated.

– Damage across Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard was worse than the 1938 hurricane.

– In 2012, these delays were made even worse since the City Of Manila decided to stop trucks from driving along the route to and from the Port of Manila, causing long delays in releasing and transporting not only balikbayan boxes but all cargoes, domestic and international.

– The less money, the more difficult things become and the worse people feel.

– On the day of the election the Conservatives did worse than expected and May lost her majority in the House of Commons.

– There are certain types of drugs that make asthma worse or that can trigger such an attack.

– These vibrations become worse as engine size and power increase.

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