Some example sentences of “wine”

How to use in-sentence of “wine”:

+ As First Lady, Hayes supported her husband’s ban of alcoholic beverages at state functions, excepting only the reception for Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia in 1877, at which wine was served.

+ He wrote about food, wine and whisky.

+ The wine produced is then fortified with the addition of a Brandy.

+ Sion is the third largest wine making region in Switzerland, however, the valuable agricultural land and vineyards are undergoing constant regression due to the process of urbanisation.

+ This region has a large part of the state’s small vineyard and wine industry.

Some example sentences of wine
Some example sentences of wine

Example sentences of “wine”:

+ The Barossa Valley is famous for making wine and because of this it often has many tourists.

+ He also experimented with nutmeg that same year, when he “washed down three ground nutmegs with a glass of wine and experienced headaches, nausea, euphoria, and hallucinations that lasted several days”, which remain a good description of today’s average nutmeg binge.

+ Many people call all sparkling wines “champagne” but according to trade laws, only sparkling wine from the Champagne region can be called champagne.

+ Also, wine is made there.

+ Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine, playing different roles regionally and nationally.

+ South Africa has also developed into a big wine maker.

+ The word in the original text is “pithos”, which usually refers to a large container; used to store wine or other things.

+ Mancini’s best known works include: The Pink Panther Theme, the Peter Gunn Theme, Moon River and Days of Wine and Roses.

+ In all, 64 turkeys, 20 pounds of mashed potatoes, 35 pounds of stuffing, 44 pies, 30 pounds of sweet potatoes, 18 bags of mini-marshmallows and 50 gallons of fake wine were used.

+ The wine from Bordeaux was a dark rosé spiced drink in the Middle Ages.

+ This is ignored by some countries outside Europe, but the system of AOC is used in the wine business, so many parts of the world do honour it, and have similar arrangements.

+ The wine industry in Bordeaux has economic problems.

+ The Barossa Valley is famous for making wine and because of this it often has many tourists.

+ He also experimented with nutmeg that same year, when he "washed down three ground nutmegs with a glass of wine and experienced headaches, nausea, euphoria, and hallucinations that lasted several days", which remain a good description of today's average nutmeg binge.

More in-sentence examples of “wine”:

+ The region is famous for its wine production.

+ In March 2010, "Days Of Wine And Roses" was opened by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond at the Kirkcaldy Museum.

+ The region is famous for its wine production.

+ In March 2010, “Days Of Wine And Roses” was opened by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond at the Kirkcaldy Museum.

+ The King Valley is a beautiful, cool climate wine grape growing area.

+ Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, especially wine production and Olive oil.

+ Bacchus was the Roman god of agriculture, wine and fertility, equivalent to the Greek god Dionysus.

+ He used wine bottle corks pierced with sharp nails as golf balls.

+ Since the end of the Soviet Union and the independence of Azerbaijan, many attempts have been made to revive and modernize the Azerbaijani wine industry.

+ One of the features of Champagne wine is that this carbon dioxide originates from a second fermentation in the bottle, and is not added.

+ The wine is bottle fermented.

+ The valley of the Moselle river is famous for the wine of Elbling, Riesling, and Müller-Thurgau – grapes in the wine growing region Moselle-Saar-Ruwer.

+ The Ukiah Valley is a center of a major wine production industry.Palmer, ‘History of Mendocino County, California” pg.

+ San Luis Obispo is painted white and is surrounded by gardens, wine vineyards, and a fountain.

+ Traditional commerce is in wine and olive oil, Cork, wool and leather, and iron.

+ There are school sports carnivals, folk carnivals, multi-cultural carnivals, horse racing carnivals, wine and food carnivals and boating carnivals.

+ Slaves poured wine and honeyed water in flasks.

+ The trophy was in form of wine bottle holder paired with a giant wine glass as a nod to NAPA County’s wine country.

+ It has 12 recognized wine kinds that are “Appellation d’origine contrôlée”.

+ Agriculture produces bananas, flowers, and Madeira wine which is exported.

+ The French and Spanish also often drink cider instead of wine made from grapes.

+ He washed his wounds with wine and olive oil.

+ The priest says prayers at Mass so that the bread and wine become the flesh and blood of Jesus.

+ The shapes of the vases are also inspired by the tradition of metal: thus with the lagynos, a wine jar typical of the period.

+ People first made wine in California in 1769.

+ One of the most important uses for a small chapel within a church is to store the Sacrament, the wine and bread or wafer which is used for Holy Communion.

+ Steven Spurrier Spurrier created the Paris Wine Tasting of 1976.

+ Earthenware wine coolers work on the same principle.

+ The wine is then stored and aged.

+ Many New World wines are single vine strains such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot noir, Syrah, and the white wine grapes Chardonnay and Sauvignon blanc.

+ The wine industry of the canton is the largest in Switzerland.

+ Also, the French drink less wine nowadays.

+ It can be made from wine or other liquids containing alcohol, like cider or fermentationfermented fruit juices.

+ After the defeat, Zheng went back to Taiwan where he spent his time with wine and women, dying soon after of illness.

+ Montresor tells Fortunato he has bought a wine called amontillado.

+ A big part of the wine production in Alsace is used to make Crémant d’Alsace.

+ Rosé wine is made by leaving red grapes in skin contact for a very short time.

+ It is made of finely sliced lettuce, scallions, and fresh dill, and dressed with salt, black pepper, olive oil and red wine vinegar or lemon juice.

+ Because of this, the Bible sometimes uses wine as a symbol to teach about good and bad.

+ Praetorius wrote a poem about the Heidelberg Wine Barrel in the Heidelberg Castle in city of Heidelberg in October 1595.

+ However, because of diseases and bad harvests, the last wine grapes were raised in Kreuzlingen in 1938.

+ In 660 Cenwalh of WessexCenwalh created a new Wine the first bishop.

+ He loved hunting, wine and feasts.

+ Today the valley is home to “Oregon Wine Country”.

+ Sick people were also given wine and spirits.

+ It is the major wine producer of Argentina and has many other crops.

+ But in celebration they decide to drink the wine unknowing that the poison was still in the wine, the choked to death due to the poison.

+ There is also a winery, the Bell River Wine Estate.

+ She invites him to have wine with her.

+ This fair is held in the city’s food market, with wine on the ground floor and pintxos on the first floor.

+ The group gives him lots of wine so that he becomes drunk and starts to tell the people his adventures about love.

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