Some example sentences of “weeds”

How to use in-sentence of “weeds”:

– They can also create bugs and weeds that are more resistant to the chemicals, causing outbreaks of these pests.

– There are also some weeds in the family.

– The female birds, peahens, are soft brown and gray with white chests and bellies and some light green on the neck, the colors blending so well with weeds and grasses that when the female is nesting on the ground, she is almost invisible.

– By 2009, it had “doors hanging open, weeds sprouting through the terrace paving, windows broken, grass growing through the cover over the empty swimming pool, peeling paintwork and a general air of dereliction.” Stephen Bates, “Guardian”.

– They prefer weeds and are often found near fallen logs.

– The weeds are eaten by caterpillars of the Monarch.

Some example sentences of weeds
Some example sentences of weeds

Example sentences of “weeds”:

– Blister beetles are attracted to alfalfa and weeds during bloom.

– It may also be used to remove weeds and to cover up seed after sowing.

– Invasive weeds include “Mimosa pigra”, which covers 800km² of the Top End, including vast areas of Kakadu, invasive paragrass displaces the native food of much of Kakadu’s birdlife.

– The Queen of the Wilis rises from the weeds to call the Wilis together.

– The weeds that survive pass on their genes.

– The weeds come to look like the crop because the weeders pick those weeds which look most different.

– Gradually, all the weeds look more like the crop plant.

– By using its scarlet fruits for aesthetic effects, landscapers allow it to be grown on trellises, fences or let naturally flourish through other weeds and shrubs.

– The act of caring for a garden by watering the flowers and plants and removing the weeds is called gardening.

– The pole did not work and weeds began to grow.

– Biological control agents of weeds include herbivores and plant pathogens.

– The building work had stopped for so long that weeds and bushes were growing out between the stones of the unfinished building as if it was a cliff.

– During the 20th century they have become more productive because farmers are able to grow better varieties of plants, use more fertilizer, use more water, and more easily control weeds and pests.

– Scooping is digging between rocks blindly into bushes of weeds or large bushes.

– Some species grow in large numbers as tiny weeds in the soil of gardens and cultivated fields.

– Game and weeds are a major problem.

– Before herbicides, weeds were plucked by hand.

- Blister beetles are attracted to alfalfa and weeds during bloom.

- It may also be used to remove weeds and to cover up seed after sowing.
- Invasive weeds include "Mimosa pigra", which covers 800km² of the Top End, including vast areas of Kakadu, invasive paragrass displaces the native food of much of Kakadu's birdlife.

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