Some example sentences of “vote”

How to use in-sentence of “vote”:

+ In the 1949 constitution, a vote of no confidence must be accompanied by the election of a new chancellor, so this could not happen.

+ A state where most Votingvoters vote for Republican politicians is sometimes called a “red state”.

+ The country voted for a republic, but Leka said the vote had been changed.

+ Their most recent performance was in the 2017 Bulgarian parliamentary election, where they received 33% of the national vote and won 95 out of 240 seats.

+ They allied with the Liberals, winning 25% of the vote in 1983 and 23% in 1987.

Some example sentences of vote
Some example sentences of vote

Example sentences of “vote”:

+ Ocasio-Cortez won the election with 78% of the vote to Pappas' 14%.

+ In January 2014, he was nominated for another term, and, in June 2014, he was confirmed by the United States Senate in a 67-24 vote for a 14-year term ending January 31, 2028.

+ Ocasio-Cortez won the election with 78% of the vote to Pappas’ 14%.

+ In January 2014, he was nominated for another term, and, in June 2014, he was confirmed by the United States Senate in a 67-24 vote for a 14-year term ending January 31, 2028.

+ The Parliament is unicameral is formed only by the House of Assembly with 21 seats: 15 Representative democracyrepresentatives elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms and 6 appointed senators.

+ Vice President Mike Pence cast the deciding vote, the first time in the nation’s history a vice president’s vote was necessary to approve a cabinet nominee.

+ Proposed in 2004, it proposed that instead of giving all its electoral votes to the winner of the state in presidential elections, it should base electoral vote allocation on voting proportionally, a unique system.

+ And they will vote for this president no matter what.

+ On August 2, 2016, Hanna became the first sitting Republican member of Congress to say that he would vote for Hillary Clinton for President of the United StatesPresident over 2016 presidential election.

+ They also vote on new laws presented to them.

+ Ami and Julie soon followed, even though they had tried to vote off Chris.

+ We vote at T:DYK, WP:RFA, so why not here? It makes it clear, and any objections can be brought up during this “vote“.

+ Supporters argue it to be better than plurality voting because voters can vote for the lessor of evils advertised by the media but also for their favorite candidates.

+ In 1840, an important trial took place in Monmouth, of Chartists who had protested that more people should be allowed to vote in elections.

More in-sentence examples of “vote”:

+ The Republicans passed laws that former leaders of the rebellion were temporarily denied suffrage, the right to hold office or vote in elections.

+ The president is elected by popular vote for a five-year term.

+ On October 28, 2019, Speaker Pelosi announced she would hold a floor vote on a resolution to formally establish the procedures for the impeachment hearings.

+ The women held a vote on whether Balukas should be allowed to play.

+ Illinois Blue Book, 1979–1980– Secretary of State of Illinois– Official Vote Totals, Illinois General Election of November 4, 1980 O’Neal resigned as Lieutenant Governor in 1981.

+ In 2006, there was a vote for the change of the logo of Wiktionary.

+ I hope these points can be sorted out; so that we can take the version we have on the 14th as a basis to vote on.

+ The next season, he finished second in the AL Cy Young Award vote as he led the Major Leagues in strikeouts with 277 and finished fourth in the AL in earned run average at 2.83.

+ The President could veto the disapproval, but the Congress, by a two-thirds vote in each House, could override the veto.

+ Some people living in DC want it to become a state, or for Maryland to take back its land, so that they can have the right to vote in Congress.

+ This meant that they could vote in black politicians, and vote out racist whites.

+ In 1893, New Zealand became the first independent country to give all adult women the right to vote in national elections.

+ The Liberal party split 50/50 over a vote to replace him and he decided not to vote for himself and resigned as their leader.

+ The back row is kept secret to their owner, until the players secretly vote for the weakest player, and the player with the most votes is voted off.

+ Traditionally, a vote needs to be held if a treaty is going to be changed, and 75% of Lakotah males need to vote in favor of the change.

+ The small parties often joined together to vote against the government, but could never stay together and choose a new government.

+ In some parts of the United States, many people who were considered non-white could not vote and were not allowed to be part of the government.

+ It recently failed a VGA vote for problems with red links amongst other errors, but I believe that those red links could be filled in and that this article would be a great Good Article.

+ When serving in this capacity, the Vice President, who is not a member of the Senate, may cast a vote to break a tie.

+ There was also an open proxy used to edit his userpage, the IonusRand user page, and to vote in an in support of his position.

+ Working out who has been elected can sometimes take two or even three days, because the votes are counted several times under the Single Transferable Vote system.

+ Electors could vote for four candidates.

+ On January 19, 2006, Leahy announced that he would vote against Judge Samuel Alito to be a justice on the Supreme Court.

+ On 21 April 2002, Jacques Chirac from the Rally for the Republic won 19.9% of the vote and Jean-Marie Le Pen from the National Front won 16.9% of the vote.

+ Although in America, a higher number of Christians vote for Republicans, there are also many Christians who vote for Democrats.

+ The Republicans passed laws that former leaders of the rebellion were temporarily denied suffrage, the right to hold office or vote in elections.

+ The president is elected by popular vote for a five-year term.

+ Jackson received the majority of the popular vote and the majority of the electoral vote.

+ She was confirmed by the United States Senate on April 20, 2021 with a 98-2 vote and sworn-in the next day.

+ Those leaders vote for the president.

+ For contrast, someone born in Puerto Rico or Guam is a citizen, so if they move to a state, they are allowed to vote in that state and in all federal elections.

+ She was confirmed in a 84–10 vote on January 20, 2021.

+ On January 20, 2017, Kelly was confirmed as Secretary of Homeland Security by the United States Senate with a vote of 88-11.

+ The procedure given in Robert’s Rules of Order for voting on motions and amendments is also a Condorcet method, even though the voters do not vote by ranking the candidates.

+ The president is chosen by direct popular vote, that is the voters choose the president, they do not vote for other people to choose as in the USA.

+ The women, in the guise of men, sneak into the assembly and vote the measure, convincing some of the men to vote for it because it is the only thing they have not tried.

+ On December 10, 1974, the Senate confirmed Rockefeller with a vote of 90–7.

+ A bill may be voted upon by the entire house right away or may first go to a small group, known as a committee, which may recommend a bill for a vote by the whole house.

+ Goes through RFD because it has been here so long; if you vote to move/rename, please also make a suggestion about the title.

+ He won over 95% of the vote in Tennessee.

+ When a president is removed by Congress, the House of Representatives must vote to impeach him, and then the Senate to convict, by a 2/3-majority.

+ She has held contests on her Facebook page to vote on which sororities will get their own prints.

+ Personally, I think a vote would be wrong, in the sense that you do not need to vote on the notability of a geographic location.

+ The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.

+ The Labor Party held a meeting on 27 February 2012 and held a new vote for the leader’s position.

+ With Nick voted out, the old La Mina tribe tried to get some old Casaya members to vote with them.

+ A three-quarters majority vote from all members is required for re-election after the third term, which acts as a motivation for members to remain active and productive.

+ Before presenting the votes, she also gave a live statement on the human-rights issues in the hosting country, saying: “Tonight nobody could vote for their own country.

+ Wallace ran on every state ballot in the election, though he did not represent the American Independent Party in all fifty states: in Connecticut, for instance, he was listed on the ballot as the nominee of the “George Wallace Party.” The Wallace/LeMay ticket received 13.5 percent of the popular vote and 46 electoral votes from the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia U.S.

+ He remains a member of the College of Cardinals, eligible to vote in a papal election until November 2020.

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