Some example sentences of “unnecessary”

How to use in-sentence of “unnecessary”:

+ Get in the habit of thinking in clear, direct English, without unnecessary words.

+ It also integrates with the “Reading List” function and provides a “Reading Mode” that strips unnecessary formatting from pages to improve their legibility.

+ It is unnecessary to detail the opposition to the degree that he has done – the article is about the metric system as a whole: the problems that French had two hundred years ago warrants a passing mention but nothing more.

+ It seems a little unnecessary to contribute it in the first place; all of you work your butts off without any sort of significant thanks, without provocation.

+ It seems unnecessary to have pages on each of the characters.

+ To add reviewing into this would just add an unnecessary level of bureaucracy.

+ Register renaming refers to a technique used to avoid unnecessary serialized execution of program instructions because of the reuse of the same registers by those instructions.

+ Grandin is motivated by a wish to improve animal welfare by getting rid of unnecessary stress on domestic animals, particularly before and during slaughter.

Some example sentences of unnecessary
Some example sentences of unnecessary

Example sentences of “unnecessary”:

+ The article, Nelson Mandela, has been either vandalized or had unneeded or extremely unnecessary content added by unregistered users.

+ As such, they're entirely pointless, and create unnecessary clutter at the top of the articles.

+ The article, Nelson Mandela, has been either vandalized or had unneeded or extremely unnecessary content added by unregistered users.

+ As such, they’re entirely pointless, and create unnecessary clutter at the top of the articles.

+ They removed all extra movements and unnecessary decoration and objects from the tea room.

+ Altogether, bhakti resulted in a mass of devotional literature, music and art that has enriched the world and gave India renewed spiritual impetus, one eschewing unnecessary ritual and artificial social boundaries.

+ We have Terrorist incidents in the 2010s and Terrorist incidents in Asia; this seems unnecessary to me.

+ Please be sensible when setting the coordinates, tenths or hundredths of seconds mean unnecessary centimeter precicision.

+ I believe the point of this is that hes creating an unnecessary amount of work here.

+ Most of the units here are simply unnecessary for conversion.

+ Had this discussion occurred after Synergy’s undoing of it, or before Synergy’s undoing of it, then we could have avoiding unnecessary drama.

+ He’s adding meaningless and obviously unnecessary links to a pornographic actress everywhere he could.

+ General Sam Houston felt that holding San Antonio was unnecessary and impossible.

+ With the recent success of “Lock Up Lock Up” and “Tango Cash”, at the start of the 1990s Stallone starred in the fifth installment of the Rocky series “Rocky V” which was considered a box office disappointment and was also disliked by fans because it seemed like an unnecessary movie to the series.

+ To consider copies from enwiki of perfectly legitimate material plagiarism is unnecessary rules-following, in my opinion.

+ Stop creating unnecessary drama when you could have easily deleted them and moved on.

More in-sentence examples of “unnecessary”:

+ In many places outside the buildings it becomes unnecessary to have a wire to complete the circuits and carry the current from the buildings to the generators.

+ We don't currently group things region like this, and I think it would be an unnecessary complication to do so here.
+ Specifying range map width is unnecessary in most cases.

+ In many places outside the buildings it becomes unnecessary to have a wire to complete the circuits and carry the current from the buildings to the generators.

+ We don’t currently group things region like this, and I think it would be an unnecessary complication to do so here.

+ Specifying range map width is unnecessary in most cases.

+ They believe that priests and rituals are unnecessary and can get between the believer and God.

+ On 27 January, following the COVID-19 pandemic in mainland Chinadevelopments of COVID-19 outbreak in mainland Ministry for Foreign Affairs advised citizens to avoid unnecessary travel to Hubei province.

+ It is very important to note that “s-ref” already incorporates the function of template “end”, and it is thus unnecessary to use to close a succession box when “s-ref” is used.

+ Russian, for instance, is almost exclusively written in Cyrillic, so there is no need to specify would be unnecessary for English.

+ The Eighth Army’s later advance as the Germans retreated hundreds of miles towards their bases in Tunisia used the logistical as well as the firepower advantages of the British Army while avoiding unnecessary risks.

+ Norton Internet Security have been criticized for refusing to uninstall completely, leaving unnecessary files behind.

+ Such systems reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary printouts and reducing the number of inbound phone lines needed by an office.

+ However, I think that this template is unnecessary and introduces additional overhead to this small wiki.

+ It is my view that this editor currently constitutes a net negative to the project, and that we should not be wasting unnecessary editorial resources towards dealing with whatever he throws us on a daily basis.

+ Please notice that all unnecessary aspects are left out.

+ The tool is already creating unnecessary work for editors and can only get worse.

+ She thought that “Sozin’s Comet” lacked plot holes, as well as unnecessary plot devices, stating that the “story moved and kept us moving right along with it from beginning to end”.

+ Per Manual of Style, unnecessary words aren’t supposed to be capitalized.

+ To avoid unnecessary bureaucracy, most companies ask managers/supervisors to lead departmental teams whose goals mesh with the overall objectives of a company’s Gainsharing plan.

+ Many parameters shown above are unnecessary in most cases, and can be omitted.

+ But in the vast majority of changes they are unnecessary and forcing people to use them are more likely to cause unhelpful or even bad edit summaries to be added.

+ The Public Health Agency issued recommendations to: if possible, work from home; avoid unnecessary travel within the country; to engage in social distancing; and for people above 70 to stay at home, as much as possible.

+ The use of special formatting in the list of battlesis generally discouraged; while there are a “few” cases where such approaches may be both helpful to the reader and sufficiently well-sourced that they do not constitute original research, they are usually both unnecessary and potentially confusing.

+ Doing so helps ensure that the original owner of the asset won’t incur unnecessary charges and that the asset that you link to won’t be unaccessible given that the owner implements hotlink protection or removes the asset.

+ The idea is ancient, but it was not meant to justify unnecessary cruelty.

+ A great many of them overlap each other as unnecessary synonyms.

+ Hungarian Medical Chamber advisor, epidemiologist András Csilek, stated that the Chamber also considered it wrong, saying that it “carries unnecessary risk adding” and “shouldn’t be allowed”.

+ They are built without any unnecessary gadgets, such as chain rings or freewheel hub.

+ Some forms of early ascetic Gnosticism held all matter to be evil, and that unnecessary gratifications of the physical senses were to be avoided.

+ Because the infantry, artillery and engineers were trained together, rehearsed together, and worked together they were able to do what they were asked efficiently and without unnecessary casualties.

+ Note: to avoid unexpected results or unnecessary duplication, read to make sure you are familiar with the different ways noindexing is done.

+ If unnecessary lines are included, then paste the text into to remove lines with the string.

+ While most of the borderline vandalism is under control thanks to Chris G Bot and a few other vandal patrollers, it does create spam and unnecessary used up space in the new changes page.

+ Do not add any unnecessary new lines when using the template.

+ In a June 2008 interview arranged by his publicist, he promoted his book “Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War”.

+ But once errors are removed, unnecessary usage of memory takes place as it has to be present in the memory always.

+ The early Spartans believed helmets were unnecessary and boxing prepared them for when they were hit on the head in battle.Swaddling, Judith.

+ This avoids unnecessary white space as any text is floated around the template boxes.

+ For location, it is unnecessary to link countries or general regions unless obscure.

+ They concluded that the probable cause of the in-flight separation of the vertical stabilizer was the result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs.

+ Notably, even after assuming the formal regalia, Hatshepsut still described herself as a beautiful woman, often as the most beautiful of women, and although she assumed almost all of her father’s titles, she declined to take the title “The Strong Bull” –by being her son sitting on her throne–an unnecessary title for her, since Hatshepsut became allied with the goddesses, herself, which no male pharaoh could.

+ Bad medical care had led to unnecessary deaths in California prisons.

+ Note that this is a complete list of every variable that can be used with and that many are unnecessary in most cases.

+ In the past, there were several debates as of how to handle such users and most of them consumed time for unnecessary arguements when we could have been making encyclopedic articles and contributing furthur to make this wiki a better online encyclopedia.

+ To avoid needlessly cluttering up articles, it is usually appropriate to remove any unnecessary parameters from the template.

+ There’s unnecessary made-up trivial info and may be a prank or a attack page.

+ If this template is substituted, it will return a cleaned-up copy of itself with unnecessary parameters removed and deprecated parameters replaced.

+ A modern elevator processes the requests to stop at floors in the logical order 2, 4, and 5, without unnecessary travel.

+ Defendants who cause unnecessary delays also lose their rights to a speedy trial claim.

+ Then BR Midland Region thought it was an unnecessary rival of their Midland Main Line.

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