Some example sentences of “unconventional”

How to use in-sentence of “unconventional”:

– Jessie J is recognized for an unconventional musical and performing style.

– The authorities persecuted them for their unconventional religious beliefs and for flouting the law.

– Instead of numbering the chimpanzees she observed, she gave them names such as Fifi and David Greybeard, and observed them to have unique and individual personalities, an unconventional idea at the time.

– Sun Tzu was unconventional in that he didn’t follow the prevailing wisdom of his time.

– He favored unconventional tactics, frequently winning cities over by treachery or negotiation rather than by siege.Kern, Paul Bentley 1999.

– The unit focused on unconventional warfare in Vietnam.

– The dividing line between conventional and unconventional warfare is not clear-cut.

– Those engaging in unconventional warfare need to hide before they can launch an attack.

Some example sentences of unconventional
Some example sentences of unconventional

Example sentences of “unconventional”:

– The USA Department of Defense defines unconventional warfare as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area.

– This creates a hilarious ruckus due to the unconventional role reversal of Mohor and Rishi.

– An unconventional war is rarely announced as a war.

– Much of pop art is rather academic, as the unconventional organizational practices used often make it difficult for some to understand.

– Sarma was one of India’s contemporary playwrights and is known for his unconventional plays with some elements of drama.

– Oil produced from bitumen sands is often referred to as unconventional oil, to separate it from traditional liquid oil.

– Oil sands, or tar sands are an unconventional source of petroleum.

– This book looked at the future of unconventional fuels.

- The USA Department of Defense defines unconventional warfare as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area.

- This creates a hilarious ruckus due to the unconventional role reversal of Mohor and Rishi.

– With unconventional warfare, this is not the case.

– For actual examples of the use of this template, use the link in the toolbox on the sidebar, near the top on the left side of this page unless you are using an unconventional skin…

– Shay’s 2000 autobiography is titled “Album for an Age: Unconventional Words and Pictures from the 20th Century.” In 2002, the American Theater Company in Chicago staged Shay’s autobiographical play, “Where Have You Gone, Jimmy Stewart?”, directed by Mike Nussbaum.

– After World War I and World War II unconventional forces were used to drive out colonial powers, or to try and do so.

– David uses an unconventional weapon and slays Goliath.

– His umbrellas have been used as guns, gas guns, swords/knives, a mini-helicopter and many other unconventional tools.

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