Some example sentences of “truths”

How to use in-sentence of “truths”:

– Rather, it can make sense to involve religious, tribal or community leaders, communicate difficult truths indirectly through a third party, and make suggestions through stories.

– Other Christians think that the biblical creation story has fundamental truths and messages, but should not be taken literally.

– It is about a range of truths and mistakes.

– He also does not name fundamental truths or axioms and try to figure out how people ought to act.

– This being, and other religious truths can be determined by observing nature, and finding natural laws.

– The stories that deal these fictional charactercharacters include historical truths as well as fictional parts.

– Tennyson expressed the difficulties evolution raised for faith in “the truths that never can be proved”.

Some example sentences of truths
Some example sentences of truths

Example sentences of “truths”:

– To them he first presented what he saw as the Four Noble Truths of life and the Eightfold Noble Path.

– Deduction is a special way of thinking to discover and prove new truths using old truths.

– By this, he meant that nothing is absolutely truth, but there are different truths for each person, and each person makes the truth for themselves.

– In the hall of two truths Ma’at weighed a man’s heart against the feather of truth to see if the man would have an afterlife or his heart would be eaten by, the devourer.

– For any set of axioms and inference rules proposed, either the system must be inconsistent, or there must in fact be some truths of mathematics which could not be deduced from them.

– It is a kind of philosophy called metaphysicsmetaphysical, because it covers everything: “nature is all there is, and all basic truths are truths of nature”.

– Samudaya sacca is the second of the Four Noble Truthsfour noble truths in Buddhism.

– Yet by his view of nature, Plato regarded astronomy as similar to seeking a theoretical proof in geometry—abstract and not the real world—whereupon the mind’s insights derived from a quest to hold other truths through the mind’s probing of ethics and aesthetics would yield discovery of truths within the realm of Forms, outside space and time.

- To them he first presented what he saw as the Four Noble Truths of life and the Eightfold Noble Path.

- Deduction is a special way of thinking to discover and prove new truths using old truths.
- By this, he meant that nothing is absolutely truth, but there are different truths for each person, and each person makes the truth for themselves.

– During their investigations, members of the crime-busting team fall in – and out – of love as they learn other hidden truths about themselves and their comrades.

– In every Egyptian temple one area was called the hall of two truths or the hall of Ma’at.

– Smart says that “sometimes a person who is really an atheist may describe herself, even passionately, as an agnostic because of unreasonable generalised philosophical skepticism which would preclude us from saying that we know anything whatever, except perhaps the truths of mathematics and formal logic”.

– He taught about the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

– The man also helping him understand some hard truths about life.

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