Some example sentences of “temperament”

How to use in-sentence of “temperament”:

+ Also, it must have a quick and stable temperament for the best performance.

+ Despite their obvious differences in temperament and aesthetic preference, they eventually became good friends.

+ They have a mild temperament and are interested animals.

+ Upon retirement from racing, the big, near-white gelding with a lovely temperament was employed as the clerk of the course’s horse by Racing Victoria’s long-time Clerk, Graham Salisbury, and has made numerous appearances on television, at charity functions, and at schools.

+ Ferdinand was by temperament melancholy, shy and distrustful of his own abilities.

+ It was a belief that too much or too little of any of four distinct body fluids in a person directly influenced their temperament and health.

+ He said that “the Chinese understanding of the nature of sound as vibration was much increased by studying the production of timbre on the strings of the “ch’in”.” This understanding of timbre, overtones and higher harmonics eventually led the Chinese to discover equal temperament in music.

+ Examples for temperament are introversion and extroversion.

Some example sentences of temperament
Some example sentences of temperament

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