Some example sentences of “sultan”

How to use in-sentence of “sultan”:

+ Tipu Sultan in his tenure also finished the construction of Lal Bagh Botanical Garden in the Bangalore area which was started by his father Haider Ali.

+ Over his career, which began with his playing bit parts in the late ’50s, Sultan appeared in more than 700 Punjabi films.

+ In 1864 the westernizing Ottoman sultan Abdülaziz imported 90 mares and two stallions from Count Branicki”s studs in Bialocerkiew/Poland.

+ A British Resident was nominated as a representative of the British government to advise the sultan in all matters except Malay customs, traditions and Islamic religion.

+ It is the site of the Royal Ceremonial Hall or Lapau, Royal Regalia Building, the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, the Malay Technology Museum, and the Brunei History Center.

+ This was after the defeat of Tipu Sultan in the Fourth Mysore War of 1799.

Some example sentences of sultan
Some example sentences of sultan

Example sentences of “sultan”:

+ Sikandar Lodi was born to the first sultan of the Lodi dynasty, Bahlul Lodi and Bibi Tiger, daughter of a Hindu goldsmith.

+ The owners of the Giants are businessmen Ron Toigo and Sultan Thiara, Hockey Hall of Fame members Gordie Howe, Pat Quinn Pat Quinn, and singer and actor Michael Bublé.

+ From the Court of Appeal of Brunei the only appeal is to the Sultan of Brunei.

+ In 1219, he went to Egypt to convert the Sultan so the conflict of the Crusades could end.

+ Brian voiced the role of the Great Sultan Shahryār; the album was released as the first in a series entitled “Grandma Dingley’s Ingeniously Musical Tales” in March 2011.

+ Then Khalifa Sultan became grand vizier until his death in 1653 or 1654.

+ When Raffles landed in Singapore, he paid the then Sultan a sum of money for a piece of land in the South of Singapore.

+ The Queen and the Sultan have agreed that the cases are heard by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council who then advise the Sultan, directly.

+ Born, Muhammad Sultan in India, Rahi moved to Pakistan at age nine.

+ He was the 27th Sultan of Kedah.

+ With French help, Tipu Sultan fought against the British RajBritish to keep Mysore’s independence.

+ The 20 Hunchakian gallows is the common name for the group of Social Democrat Hunchakian PartyHunchakian activists who were hanged in the Sultan Bayazid square of Constantinople in June 15, 1915.

+ He was largely a puppet of the United Kingdom The British removed him from power because of his support for the Sultan of Turkey in the outbreak of World War I in 1914.

+ It was the first state in Malaysia which adopted the constitutional monarchy system, and its laws are stated in “Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Johor written by Sultan Abu Bakar.

+ The “Sultanate of Women” became an nickname for the Ottoman Empire after consorts Kösem Sultan and Turhan Sultan became important in the empire and sometimes made even economic decisions in the Sultan‘s place.

+ After death of Sultan Illtutmish, Rukn ud din Feroz had been the ruler of the Delhi sultanat after that in the year 1236AD Sultana Razia had become the Sultan of Delhi sultanat and they are killed by Ghiyash ud din Balban.

+ Sikandar Lodi was born to the first sultan of the Lodi dynasty, Bahlul Lodi and Bibi Tiger, daughter of a Hindu goldsmith.

+ The owners of the Giants are businessmen Ron Toigo and Sultan Thiara, Hockey Hall of Fame members Gordie Howe, Pat Quinn Pat Quinn, and singer and actor Michael Bublé.
+ From the Court of Appeal of Brunei the only appeal is to the Sultan of Brunei.

More in-sentence examples of “sultan”:

+ The country has had a large number of Chinese people since the 1930s and 40s, and the sultan sometimes comes to their New Year celebrations.

+ Additionally, he has also worked as a translator for a number of TV/radio channels such as the TRT 1trt1, where he is known for interpreting its series “Payitaht abdulhamid Capital of Sultan Turkish to Arabic.

+ After the death of Nasiruddin Mahmood in 1266 AD, Balban became the Sultan as Nasir-ud-din.

+ The Sultan could overhear from a concealed grille.

+ The Sultan sent governors to rule these countries or provinces, with titles such as Pasha or Bey.

+ In 1970, the Sultan introduced a complete new set of national flags.

+ He was a shrewd leader, and left his son Tipu Sultan a kingdom that was significantly larger than when he first took it over.

+ Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah II was a Malaysian politician.

+ Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuff Izzuddin Shah Ghafarullahu-lah, Order of the BathGCB, KStJ was the ninth Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.

+ The main attractions are the Sultan Salahuddin Mosque and Sultan Salahuddin Museum.

+ The tribe trace their descent from a Sardar Kallar Shah, son of Sultan Sujann Shah, who is believed to have come from southern Afghanistan.

+ Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah was the fifth sultan of the Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golkonda and founded the city of Hyderabad, in South-central India and built its architectural centerpiece, the Charminar and Mecca Masjid.

+ However, Sultan Abdul Hamid I claimed a diplomatic victory by assigning himself the protector of Muslims in Russia as part of the peace treaty.

+ Newman “Safavid Iran” p.81 His name was Sultan Muhammed Mirza until he became Shah on 15 May 1642.

+ He became sultan when he was 26 years old.

+ Tipu Sultan’s full name was Sultan Fateh Ali Khan Shahab.

+ Qutb-ud-din Aibak was finally purchased by the ruler of Ghōr ProvinceGhor in central Afghanistan, Sultan Muhammad Ghori.

+ Conron trained Sultan for eighteen months until he was ready to be a good service dog.

+ She was happy until the day that the Sultan tried to force her to marry before her 16th birthday.

+ Qutb-ud-din AibakQutbu l-Din Aibak, a former slave of Mu’izz, was the first Sultan of Delhi.

+ Although hostilities were temporarily patched up in 1919, by September 1924 the then Saudi-sponsored Ikhwan under the leadership of Sultan bin Bajad and Khaled bin Luwai was ready to attack Ta’if.

+ Qutb-ud-din Aibak crowned himself the Sultan of Delhi in 1206, when Muhammad Ghori was killed on the battlefield.

+ The gate structure was completed in 1732 by Mulay Abdullah who was the son of Sultan Mulay Ismail.

+ At the end of his life, Sir Sultan Mohammed did a remarkable thing.

+ Tipu Sultan had written a Military Manual Fathul Mujahidin in which he explained the operation of these Mysore Rockets.

+ An impressive example of tomb architecture is the Tomb of Ahmed Sanjarmausoleum of Sultan Sanjar at Merv.

+ They planned to march together against the ruling Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, who was the King of Delhi at that time.

+ The Turks invaded Wallachia and the Sultan put Vlad III on the throne as his puppet ruler.

+ The current sultan, Muhammad V, is the 29th Sultan of Kelantan.

+ Sungai Petani hosts a large number of reputable schools such as the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ibrahim, and Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Mohamad Jiwa.

+ He lived in the courts of Malik Shah I and Sultan Sanjar.

+ In 1747, the Sultan had this dagger made for Nadir Shah of Persia, but the Shah was assassinated before the emissary had left the Ottoman Empire’s boundaries and so the Sultan retained it.

+ His time as sultan is notable mostly for the major lawlegal and military changes he caused.

+ Suleiman I or Suleyman I سليمان “Sulaymān”, Süleyman; almost always “Kanuni Sultan Süleyman” in Turkish languageTurkish, was the tenth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

+ Ten minutes from Sungai Petani town, Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim is an institution set up by the government to provide teaching courses for trainee teachers.

+ A few weeks after the beginning of the Armenian Genocide on June 15, 1915, all twenty men were hanged in the central square of Constantinople, known as Sultan Bayazid Square.

+ That title is currently held by Sultan Abdullah of Pahang.

+ The city is served by Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport which has many flights to many cities in Indonesia and also to Singapore and Malaysia.

+ The sultan was the sole ruler of the empire.

+ Just before the Caliph died, Saladin was crowned Sultan of Egypt and Syria.

+ Gradually, as Sultan Ghori concentrated on Central Asia after 1192, he was given the independent charge of the conquests in India.

+ Sheikh Khalifa became President on 3 November 2004, following the death of his father, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

+ From the period of Sultan Nazuk Shah by Mirza Douglat in 1548 AD to the reign of Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1872 AD, this shine was burnt down around eleven times.

+ Around 1880 Sultan Abdul Hamid II reasserted the title as a way of countering the spread of European colonialism in Muslim lands.

+ Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge is a bridge between Asia and Europe in Istanbul, Turkey.

+ The country has had a large number of Chinese people since the 1930s and 40s, and the sultan sometimes comes to their New Year celebrations.

+ Additionally, he has also worked as a translator for a number of TV/radio channels such as the TRT 1trt1, where he is known for interpreting its series "Payitaht abdulhamid Capital of Sultan Turkish to Arabic.
+ After the death of Nasiruddin Mahmood in 1266 AD, Balban became the Sultan as Nasir-ud-din.

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