Some example sentences of “strikes”

How to use in-sentence of “strikes”:

+ Balls of solid glass occasionally were used in a method thought to prevent lightning strikes to ships.

+ August 17, 1986: Hurricane Charley strikes along North Carolina.

+ In this case, the hunger strikes are sometimes ended by force feeding, when the prisoners are fed against their will through a feeding tube.

+ Soon the government became concerned that labor strikes might stop the production of military equipment and supplies.

+ This is good for succeed as the strikes in karate take strength.

Some example sentences of strikes
Some example sentences of strikes

Example sentences of “strikes”:

+ The local bus company did go bust a few times, notably at the same time as the major plague of train accidents and strikes in early 2002 - where combined with large snow deposits, made travel in or out of the town impossible or at least very unpleasant.

+ On his return to Belgium in 1950, Leopold was met with one of the most violent strikes in the history of Belgium.
+ A throat thrust, throat strike, sword stab, or an open-hand uppercut is a move where a wrestler strikes at the opponent's throat with their open hand and usually with their palm facing upwards and with all five fingers together.

+ The local bus company did go bust a few times, notably at the same time as the major plague of train accidents and strikes in early 2002 – where combined with large snow deposits, made travel in or out of the town impossible or at least very unpleasant.

+ On his return to Belgium in 1950, Leopold was met with one of the most violent strikes in the history of Belgium.

+ A throat thrust, throat strike, sword stab, or an open-hand uppercut is a move where a wrestler strikes at the opponent’s throat with their open hand and usually with their palm facing upwards and with all five fingers together.

+ Drones strikes are used for targeted killings by several countries.

+ This is what keeps the people inside safe when lightning strikes a car or a plane.

+ She was respected for her acts in strikes and helped the Irish economy.

+ September 27, 1985: Hurricane Gloria strikes near Hatteras Island.

+ The strikes reportedly killed 15-30 people, including Colonel Gaddafi’s adopted daughter.

+ In November 2015, Lay made his big-screen debut with a supporting role in the Chinese movie “Ex Files 2: The Backup Strikes Back”, which was a blockbuster, getting two billion in sales within ten days of its release.

+ Very big artillery strikes had also destroyed the ground surface.

+ August 17, 1955: Hurricane Diane strikes near Wilmington just five days after the previous hurricane.

+ The first revolution began with a series of strikes in early February 1917.

+ The size of the GNTCU also made any strikes difficult to organise.

+ After his company’s executive officer was mortally wounded, he continued to direct the company’s actions, ordering air strikes and coordinating the advance until the enemy retreated; Fox, the only officer left in his company that was capable of resisting the enemy, was wounded again in the final assault, but refused medical attention while he reorganized his troops and prepared the wounded for evacuation.

+ Meanwhile Israel had conducted preemptive shelling and air strikes to deter PLO terrorist attacks on settlements in Galilee in northern Israel. Infoplease.

+ Billy strikes a deal with Dr.Sivana to give up his powers in exchange for his foster family but instead of giving Dr.

+ Bush and that “The Empire Strikes First” is about him.

More in-sentence examples of “strikes”:

+ Sun angle is the angle of incidence at which sunlight strikes the Earth at a particular time and place.

+ The armed action, code named Operation Vijay by the Indian government, involved air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, and was a decisive victory for India, ending 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa.

+ Sun angle is the angle of incidence at which sunlight strikes the Earth at a particular time and place.

+ The armed action, code named Operation Vijay by the Indian government, involved air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, and was a decisive victory for India, ending 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa.

+ In combat sports like fencing, boxing, karate, etc., the cover is a defensive movement permitting to protect oneself against strikes by placing a weapon or a body part like the fist, forearm, elbow, arm or shoulder before the aim aimed by this attack.

+ In Popular culturepop culture, the 1977 Star Wars” was renamed “The Empire Strikes Back” came out.

+ There were several strikes in the late 1970s, but decreased after privatisation.

+ He was best known for the role of the bounty hunter Boba Fett in “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”.

+ There were several such strikes in the late 1970s.

+ During the Hunger Strikes of 1981, Adams played an important policy-making role.

+ A low blow happens when a wrestler either kicks or strikes the opponent in the groin.

+ Rosenberg is known for making the voice of Boba Fett in “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back”.

+ To destroy Hezbollah bases, Israel has responded in different ways; for example, air strikes on sites in Lebanon and sending ground troops into Southern Lebanon.

+ The Memphis sanitation strikes was one of the key movements in the Civil Rights Movement.

+ The story of season one was set during the Clone Wars and season two was set during the Galactic Empire of from “Star Wars A New Hope” to “Star Wars Empire Strikes Back”.

+ The President before Bush, Bill Clinton, maintained sanctions and made occasional air strikes in the “Iraqi no-fly zones” or other restrictions, in the hope that Saddam would be overthrown by his many political enemies.

+ September 18-19, 1955: Hurricane Ione strikes near Morehead City.

+ At the end of the Star Wars film The Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker loses one of his hands.

+ The largest bell is Great Peter, which strikes the hour.

+ There were an average of about 500 strikes a year between 1881 and 1885.

+ In “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”, he is a bounty hunter hired by Darth Vader.

+ Their next album, “The Empire Strikes First”, was released in June 2004.

+ The Great Depression meant social unrest, high unemployment, strikes and riots, especially a miners’ strike in 1929 in Valea Jiului and a strike in Griviţas maintenance workshops.

+ He strikes a deal with Dr.

+ It strikes of attention-seeking; any user who begins editing actively or semi-actively is quite obviously un-retired.

+ Dr Sivana then strikes a deal with the Seven Deadly Sins to become a supervillain in exchange for power.

+ If collective bargaining does not work, unions often use strikes to get their demands.

+ It serves as a remaster and remake of the first three Crash games: “Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot”, “Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back” and “Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped”.

+ The e-petition got over 72,000 signatures, and called attention to the huger strikes that ‘involves more than 100 prisoners, including come 21 who are being force-fed to keep them from starving to death.” Petition by former prosecutor to close Guantanamo Bay tops 75,000 signatures.

+ Thus winter falls on that part of the globe where sunlight strikes least directly.

+ Some of his hunger strikes lasted more than 40 days; he was taken to hospital several times for treatment.

+ August 12, 1955: Hurricane Connie strikes the Outer Banks.

+ A back elbow or reverse elbow is a move where a wrestler stands with their back to either a standing or a running opponent and strikes the opponent with the back of the elbow.

+ There were also several other strikes in the late 1970s.

+ The magnification that can be achieved in a scanning electron microscope depends on how narrow the beam of electrons that strikes the surface can be, and can reach 1 nanometer, about the size of 3 to 5 atoms.

+ The hunger strikes saw Sinn Féin become more important as a political force.

+ September 22, 1920: A strong tropical storm strikes land near Wilmington.

+ Their main task is to capture important bridges, buildings, villages and other sites, do guerrilla strikes like blowing up an enemy railway line, capture enemy leaders and important soldiers and do long range reconnaissance.

+ Large meteorite strikes may have played a part in several of the mass extinctions, and so indirectly on the course of evolution.

+ Refraction is greater for red light rays than for others, so red is what strikes the Moon.

+ However, its support to independentist movement in French Indochina and to strikes isolated it from other parties.

+ Three strikes are a “strikeout”, and this is one way to make an “out”.

+ Summer falls on that part of the globe where sunlight strikes most directly.

+ Because so many passengers travel on the London Underground network every day, strikes or industrial actions on the Underground network have a very high impact on London’s traffic and can impact on London’s economy.

+ Leia was played by Carrie Fisher in the original three “Star Wars” movies: “A New Hope”, “The Empire Strikes Back”, and “Return of the Jedi”.

+ If a frequency of light strikes the metal surface that is greater than the cutoff frequency, then the emitted electron will have some kinetic energy.

+ There were many strikes at British Leyland’s factories, making British Leyland and other companies with the same problem, such as the Ford Motor Company unproductive compared to Japanese and European companied like Volkswagen.

+ Sometimes, hunger strikes are done by people who are in prison.

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