Some example sentences of “stimuli”

How to use in-sentence of “stimuli”:

– This is done by pairing stimuli with a specific behavior.

– Perceptions need stimuli to be created.

– Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes or masked by other stimuli.

– By contrast, outside rewards and stimuli are used in training animals by giving them treats when they perform a trick correctly.

– This logarithmic relationship is valid, not just for the sensation of weight, but for other stimuli and our sensory perceptions as well.

Some example sentences of stimuli
Some example sentences of stimuli

Example sentences of “stimuli”:

– So for the first half of the 20th century, psychology as a field was dominated by behaviorism, which was mainly stimuli and a person’s response to it.

– Our perceptual experiences depend on stimuli which arrive at our various sensory organs from the external world and these stimuli cause changes in our mental states, ultimately causing us to feel a sensation, which may be pleasant or unpleasant.

– Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing.

– This stimuli is measured by sensory receptors and the energy is converted to something our brain can understand.

– Percussive foraging: stimuli for prey location by aye-ayes.

– Oxford University Press In humans, information received from the eyes dominates other sensory modalities, including audition, so for instance when ‘ba’ is heard and ‘ga’ is seen, the resulting stimuli is heard is ‘da’.

– Once the stimuli gets changed, the infant exhibits an effect similar to the McGurk effect.

– Visual information in the form of reading the lips is also taken into account and combined with the auditory information that is heard to produce the final stimuli perceived.

– Drives often occur “within” the individual and may not need external stimuli to encourage the behaviour.

– A recent review of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies shows that subliminal stimuli activate certain parts of the brain, but the subjects do not notice the stimulus.

– Properly, it is used only of well-defined acts whose causation is inherited, and which are triggered by specific stimuli called releasers.

– In physics, the superposition principle states that if there are two or more stimuli at a given point in time, the response will be the result of adding all the responses.

– The stimuli are processed by the region of the human brain which is responsible for smelling.

– Visual stimulusstimuli are considered elegant if a small number of colors and stimuli are used.

– Behaviorists focus on relationships between stimuli and responses.

– Pavlov discovered that, if the two stimuli are presented together again and again, the organism “learns” that they belong together.

– These bodily reactions to stimuli or outside forces are observed and measured.

- So for the first half of the 20th century, psychology as a field was dominated by behaviorism, which was mainly stimuli and a person’s response to it.

- Our perceptual experiences depend on stimuli which arrive at our various sensory organs from the external world and these stimuli cause changes in our mental states, ultimately causing us to feel a sensation, which may be pleasant or unpleasant.
- Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing.

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