Some example sentences of “splicing”

How to use in-sentence of “splicing”:

– Deep surveying of alternative splicing complexity in the human transcriptome by high-throughput sequencing.

– Alternative splicing is normal in eukaryotes.

– There are splicing activators that promote the use of a particular splice site, and splicing repressors that reduce the use of a particular site.

– So, in molecular biology, splicing is a process where introns are removed and exons are joined.

– It is any nucleotide sequence within a gene that is removed by RNA splicing to get the final RNA product of a gene.

– In alternative splicing the exons of the pre-messenger RNA produced by transcription transcription are reconnected in different ways during RNA splicing.

– RNA splicing takes place after transcription and before translation.

– Many human genetic disorders come from splicing variants.

Some example sentences of splicing
Some example sentences of splicing

Example sentences of “splicing”:

– The splicing process produces the final proteins, which then fold up into their protein structure.

– Heihachi’s goal was to make a new life form by splicing Ogre’s genome with his own.

– This is done by translation translation and RNA splicing which produces messenger RNAs.

– Alternative splicing produces alternative messenger RNAs, and these produce different proteins.

– Alternative splicing of introns within a gene allows a variety of protein isoforms from a single gene.

– Alternative splicing is a modern discovery of great importance.

– The process called alternative splicing can produce many possible proteins from the gene parts because the proteins are put together in different ways.

– Phillip Sharp and Richard Roberts were awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of introns and the splicing process.

– Alternative splicing allows DNA to code for more than one protein.

– Alternative splicing can occur in many ways.

– With RNA splicing and post-RNA translation changes, the total number of unique human proteins may be in the low millions.

– The control of alternative RNA splicing is performed by complex network of signalling molecules.

– Alternative splicing is a major source of genetic diversity in eukaryotes.

– RNA splicing is a stage in gene transcription.

– Abnormal variations in splicing occur in disease.

– Sequences of coding DNA which are joined together in the final RNA after RNA splicing are exons.

- The splicing process produces the final proteins, which then fold up into their protein structure.

- Heihachi’s goal was to make a new life form by splicing Ogre’s genome with his own.
- This is done by translation translation and RNA splicing which produces messenger RNAs.

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