Some example sentences of “spite”

How to use in-sentence of “spite”:

– In spite of the war, the IOC had many events at its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

– However, later it was shown that executions by stoning are still being carried out, in spite of his claims that they have stopped.

– Pemex oil production continued in spite of the threat of the system and its offshore impacts.

– In spite of his defeat of Callaghan’s force, Abe ordered his warships to pull back without bombing Henderson Field.

– In spite of the sizable non-Muslim population and criticism by the international community, the Sultan still announced Brunei’s adoption of Sharia law in 2013 to fully enforce on the Muslim majority and partially enforce on non-Muslims.

– In spite of their titles the first halves of these two books are both about a branch of music theory called “performance practice”: They tell us a lot about how music was played in those days, how some rhythms were played quite freely and how ornaments in the music were played.

Some example sentences of spite
Some example sentences of spite

Example sentences of “spite”:

– In the last year or two of his life, he became blind in spite of two eye operations.

– By the time it was released, the band had become one of the most critically-praised hardcore punk bands of the time, in spite of a lack of mainstream success.

– Laxmi Aggarwal is the director of Chhanv Foundation, an NGO that helps people who are able to keep living or succeeding in spite of acid attacks in India.

– In spite of their sacred vows, the nuns waltz.

– The boy is brought in and Grimes takes him off in spite of the storm.

– Many music festivals performed his compositions, and he traveled to hear the concerts in spite of the fact that he was starting to become ill.

– In 1944 elder of Karlal tribe Capt Sardar Muhammad Zain Khan Karlal joined Muslim league with other notables of this tribe.In same year he was nominated as member of All India Muslim League organizing Committee by Quaid -e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.In 1946 elections he was elected as Member NWFP Legislative Assembly from the lone constituency of Abbottabad on All India Muslim League ticket in spite of the strong support of the congress by the more populous tribes of District Hazara.

– Elder’s health gradually weakened, but in spite of two heart attacks in 90s, he gave himself to the service of the people until the early 2000s.

– In spite of their violence, the amount of material ejected in novae is usually only about 1⁄10,000 of a solar mass, quite small relative to the mass of the white dwarf.

– His recent displays of editing have shown that he is a valuable contributor here, a content builder which SEWP would be cutting of its own nose to spite its face if he remained indefinitely blocked.

– In spite of this, the Virginia Company continued to finance and transport settlers to sustain Jamestown.

– The track tracks “Sheila” and “In Spite of Me” were part of the independent movie “Spanking the Monkey”.

– Sometimes it is necessary to comment on the user’s behaviour or attitude, or on the flaws of a particular opinion or argument, and I don’t feel that this is a personal attack as long as it is phrased in a constructive way, not intended to spite the user.

– In spite of his disabilities, Bass remained cheerful.

– In spite of his liaison with Étiennette, Louis Philippe had several other mistresses until he met, in July 1766, Madame de Montesson, a witty but married twenty-eight year old.

– In spite of the many enemies who envied his ambition, he was able to acquire the confidence of the king until the latter decided to have his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled in order to marry Anne Boleyn.

– In spite of its local name, the tapir is not a cow.

– In spite of Phoebe’s love for Cole, she and her two sisters vanquish him, or so they thought.

– In spite of everything Handel was doing for opera he had many enemies as well as friends.

– Samael told Sarah that Abraham had sacrificed Isaac in spite of his wailing, and Sarah died of horror and grief.It was Moses who most often had dealings with the angel.

- In the last year or two of his life, he became blind in spite of two eye operations.

- By the time it was released, the band had become one of the most critically-praised hardcore punk bands of the time, in spite of a lack of mainstream success.

More in-sentence examples of “spite”:

– In spite of several criticisms, the World Bank Group’s role in economic development and reduction of poverty has continued in many countries.

– In spite of this, the Munis did not abandon him, and Dattatraya, accompanied by his shakti, continued to engage in these practices and was meditated on by those longing for moksha.

– In spite of all sorts of obstacles, and of the slowness of the Holy See, which in 1693 imparted indulgences to the Confraternities of the Sacred Heart and, in 1697, granted the feast to the Visitandines with the Mass of the Five Wounds, but refused a feast common to all, with special Mass and Office.

– In spite of its roots, savate is a sport relatively safe in order to learn.

– In spite of everything, Kaworu claims that it was he who was the trigger for Fourth Impact, because he became the 13th Angel.

– In spite of such limitations, Lucy now communicates with both speech and sign language.

– In spite of that, he wanted to avoid conflict and remain in peace.

– The Candies, Candies suddenly declared their breakup in spite of its strong popularity.

– In spite of this penalty, some drivers don’t care about that.

– Holmes spoke often of Moriarty’s genius in admiration in spite of the horror of the crimes.

– In spite of raising questions which predominantly affect Pakistan, the Pakistan delegation is often able to play a significant role in debates on other issues as well.

– Those whose grave sites these were placed at usually died at a very young age or in a violent manner, and the tablet was supposed to help lay their souls to rest in spite of their untimely deaths.

– In spite of the loss, Jackson did gain a strategic victory.

– In spite of the Kunar carrying more water than the Kabul, the river continues as the Kabul River after this confluence, mainly for the political and historical significance of the name.

– In spite of the years of Japanese occupation, the Philippines became independent exactly as scheduled a decade before, on July 4, 1946.

– In spite of its large size, the whale shark is timid.

– In spite of this large loss, Russia was one of the winners of the war and became a world superpower.

– In spite of above all every one respects others belief and faith and celebrates others’ festivals which makes a peaceful and prosperous society.

– In spite of earning a high salary he often had no money.

– In spite of the restricted views and modest facilities, the West Stand remains a popular vantage point for many fans.

– In spite of releases by the Temptations, the Supremes and Edwin Starr, which opened about inner city struggle, illegitimate pregnancy and wars respectively, Motown was afraid the song would ruin Marvin’s squeaky-clean teen pop image.

– In spite of protests, Korchnoi’s son was arrested for evading army service, sentenced to two and a half years in labour camp, and served the full sentence.

– See “US Report on International Religious Freedom” May 2009, Section on Iran This happened in spite of the famous “Amman Message”, a joint declaration made by over 200 of the most noted moderate Islamic scholars in a conference in Amman, Jordan, in 2005, stressing that Sufism is very much ‘part’ of Islam.

– General Omar Bradley, who knew Patton well, said that when it came to his men Patton was softhearted in spite of his gruff manner.

- In spite of several criticisms, the World Bank Group’s role in economic development and reduction of poverty has continued in many countries.

- In spite of this, the Munis did not abandon him, and Dattatraya, accompanied by his shakti, continued to engage in these practices and was meditated on by those longing for moksha.
- In spite of all sorts of obstacles, and of the slowness of the Holy See, which in 1693 imparted indulgences to the Confraternities of the Sacred Heart and, in 1697, granted the feast to the Visitandines with the Mass of the Five Wounds, but refused a feast common to all, with special Mass and Office.

– Cheng gazes at Lucy’s youthful face which, in spite of the circumstances, beams with innocence.

– In spite of the extreme deformation of the serpentinite, Lawson declared the bridge perfectly safe.

– In spite of containing four parts, the heart of a fish is considered two-chambered.

– A search turns up only social media and a primary source, in spite of the fact that there are two refs here.

– In an interview with CCTV on 12 June 2005, Lee stressed the need to have a continuous renewal of talent in the country’s leadership, saying:”In a different world we need to find a niche for ourselves, little corners where in spite of our small size we can perform a role which will be useful to the world.

– Proud, lazy and attractive, she successfully intrigued to have her daughters marry well to the Louis François, Prince of ContiPrince of Conti, Duke of Berry, Duke of Modena and King of Spain, mostly to spite her sister Louise Françoise de Bourbon, the Duchess of Bourbon.

– As Abert summarized it, in spite of the finale, ‘the point of the opera is not to proclaim a universal moral, but to depict the decisive battle between two tremendous forces.

– In spite of a decrease in convection shortly after forming, the large depression remained well organized, with a 575 mile wide wind field.

– The service was first broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1928 and, except for 1930, has been broadcast every year since, even throughout World War II in spite of the stained glass having been removed from the Chapel and the lack of heating.

– Windows Server 2012 received generally good reviews in spite of having included the same controversial Metro-based user interface seen in Windows 8.

– Some scientists think that the closing of fishing areas kept the total number of fish high in spite of the oil spill.

– In spite of these efforts, Brown died of his injuries and Hudner was forced to leave, having also been injured in the landing.

– In spite of this, the persons with special skills and knowledge of this sport declare that the low kicks, the elbows, an the knees are more causing destruction for the persons who fight.

– In spite of their nominal equality, Marcus held more authority than Verus.

– Literature, national though it be in origin, knows no frontiers, and should remain common currency among nations in spite of political or international upheavals.

– The heavy pressures keep the icy part of this surrounding mixture as solids, in spite of the large temperatures near the core.

– However, this is in spite of portrayals of male sexuality in anime being a fast-growing trend in the U.S.

– During its nearly 50 years of existence, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries has gathered a growing number of States and liberation movements which, in spite of their ideological, political, economic, social and cultural diversity, have accepted its founding principles and primary objectives and shown their readiness to realize them.

– In spite of the difference, this is the meaning in the name of the United States’ most famous maker of cookies and crackers, National Biscuit Company.

– In spite of all the other differences between them, the fact that bats and whales both feed their young on milk is one of the features used to classify both as mammals, since it was inherited from a common ancestor.

– The third album, was launched in 1995, selling 1.5 million copies and reaching the third position of Billboard 200 in spite of not including any single of success.

– Her audiences seemed to love her in spite of her unmusicality.

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