Some example sentences of “spirit”

How to use in-sentence of “spirit”:

+ This stated that the Holy Spirit came from the Father and the Son, although the original creed declared that It came from just the Father.

+ Cliff Barnes wrote that Chaplin “acts with spirit and force” all the while “acting with a magnificently raw-voiced sincerity” in what was a performance of “surprising power.” Barnes, Clive.

+ Since then the Scientific Spirit, Dedicated Spirit, Revolutionary Spirit and innovative spirit derived from Qiushi Spirit.

+ They say the holy spirit is God’s power rather than a person.

+ Gauger was a nominee of the Breakthrough Director Award at the 2007 Gotham Awards and the John Cassavetes Award at the 2008 Independent Spirit Awards.

Some example sentences of spirit
Some example sentences of spirit

Example sentences of “spirit”:

+ Christians consider the Holy Spirit to be God as well, the third person of God.

+ On June 17, 1940, he distributed leaflets in mailboxes in Brive denouncing the spirit of surrender and thus calling for the Resistance through a work by Charles Péguy, L’Argent, suite.

+ Dev is confused and the family.the next morning Ruby s family come to pick her up but the spirit comes in her and she says that she wants to stay and says that the monastery will stay with her.

+ The sequel was not received very well, with Robert Pardi of TV Guide stating that the movie does not capture the heart and spirit of the original.

+ The canonical story of Jesus ascending bodily into the clouds is different from the gnostic tradition, by which Jesus was said to transcend the bodily world and return to his home in the spirit world.

+ Another example of great humanitarian spirit was Friedrich Born, an ICRC delegate in Budapest who saved the lives of about 11,000 to 15,000 Jewish people in Hungary.

+ Closed as promoted: Please don’t eat me: the consensus here is to promote the article and so to not promote it would be against the spirit of the wiki, as I am not sure I could reasonably apply the spirit of WP:BOLD or WP:IAR to close otherwise.

+ Theologies among Evangelical Unitarians are sometimes classed as Arian, See, for example, Spirit and Truth Fellowship International.

+ Jolly tells Ruby who is suffering that Dev is talking rubbish and takes off Kanha’s locket to protect ruby then the spirit comes in ruby and kicks Jolly out.

+ Christians consider the Holy Spirit to be God as well, the third person of God.

+ On June 17, 1940, he distributed leaflets in mailboxes in Brive denouncing the spirit of surrender and thus calling for the Resistance through a work by Charles Péguy, L'Argent, suite.
+ Dev is confused and the family.the next morning Ruby s family come to pick her up but the spirit comes in her and she says that she wants to stay and says that the monastery will stay with her.

+ The spirit ruby faints after seeing khanas photo.

+ Then after a few incidents Radhika and Dev find out that Ruby is possessed by an evil spirit and the priest says that either Ruby or Radhika have to live but to take away the evil spirit radhika must go to a cave that leads to the world of death.

+ They won the Allan Slaight Humanitarian Spirit Award in 2011 for their high ideals and humanitarian service.

+ For “Middle of Nowhere” she was nominated for a Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Actress.

+ In the Hindu religion, there is a strong spirit energy called Kundalini.

+ Max Weber treats this in his work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

More in-sentence examples of “spirit”:

+ When a man had killed his enemy in battle he shaved his head on his return and was rubbed with medicine, to defend him from the spirit of the dead man.

+ They often felt that Faust represented the spirit of the German people.

+ When a man had killed his enemy in battle he shaved his head on his return and was rubbed with medicine, to defend him from the spirit of the dead man.

+ They often felt that Faust represented the spirit of the German people.

+ Scientists who have conducted a search for real séances and believed that contact with the dead is a reality include the evolutionary biologist Alfred Russel Wallace#Religious views, and application of the theory to mankindAlfred Russel Wallace, the inventor of telephone Alexander Graham Bell, and the inventor of television technology John Logie Baird, who claimed to have contacted the spirit of the inventor Thomas Edison, and more.

+ In addition, although the development of the native force, but the quality and the fighting spirit is low it is almost impossible to undertake military tasks instead of the French.

+ The word is used in this sense in the saying: “Pride comes before a fall” or “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Prov.16:18.

+ It is also the name of the spirit who serves Prospero in ShakespeareShakespeare’s “The Tempest”.

+ The person’s spirit is on a journey through life that continues after death.

+ Lovecraft’s stories were inspiration for lots of other authors.The spirit of his works, presenting a world that does not care, is present in many works of fiction.

+ So Kuntala Kumari passed her early childhood at Burma with her parents and imbibed the spirit of fearlessness.

+ His spirit runs away and hides.

+ While none of these edits were made consecutively within a 24 hour period, I believe they are in violation of the spirit of the 3RR rule.

+ The Summon Spirit helps Lloyd use the eternal sword.

+ In March 2007, Spirit became a low-cost carrier.

+ These highly educated immigrants were also responsible for education reform and the enlightened, revolutionary spirit that developed in Aarau.

+ Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.” 1 Samuel 16: 23 NIV He unknowingly puts in his court the person God chose to replace him.

+ The letter also warns against people who say that Jesus was not a flesh-and-blood figure: “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who say that Jesus Christ has not come in the flesh.” This shows that, from the time the epistle was first written, there were those who had docetismdocetic ideas about Jesus, believing that the human person of Jesus was really a pure spirit or did not come at all.

+ The expression “Numen inest” appears in Ovid’s “Fasti” and has been translated as ‘There is a spirit here’.

+ The band released four more songs as singles: “Fake Plastic Trees”, “High and Dry”, “Just” and “Street Spirit “.

+ He is overwhelmed by a spirit of PERVERSENESS, and sets out to commit wrong for the sake of wrong.

+ It was created in November 15th, 1908 in Niterói, a city from Rio de Janeiro, by Zélio de Morais and a Spirit called Caboclo das Sete Encruzilhadas.

+ The units were used in the North East, passing to Arriva Trains NorthernNorthern Spirit at privatisation, then to Arriva Trains Northern, Northern Rail, Arriva Rail North and now Northern Trains.

+ The idea of the Holy Spirit in Christianity, for example, is a universal and shared spirit many souls are part of, and which is expressed on Earth in that faith by “the Church” meaning “the body of Christ” meaning “all bodies that follow Jesus.” This could be more inclusive than the is/has view of souls and bodies.

+ It is in the spirit of respect and honour for the Apostolic Throne of Alexandria.

+ Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

+ In 1842, he wrote: “Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life.

+ The dragon is included in most Chinese myths as a symbol of strength, goodness, and the spirit of change.

+ This spirit can speak for the gods or dead people you love, and can also help to heal or do magic.

+ Yamatohime- The Phoenix Suzaku, Devil God, and Spirit Queen of Fire.

+ The imperfect spirit may be seen as evil, or sometimes just not perfect but doing the best it can.

+ It’s anyway against the spirit of this demo template showing what another template actually does, and not what it did some time ago.

+ According to Catholics, the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit who also guides the Pope.

+ His most famous work is his essay “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.

+ Do not link to websites that do not meet this guideline or that contradict the spirit of WP:BLP.

+ Because of this, white spirit or other substitutes are often used.

+ After that, her mother Anna appeared to her in spirit form and told Jasmine to travel with Lief and Barda to find the jewels.

+ An evil spirit inhabits a damaged bike.

+ The earliest such recording anybody could name for me is an 1894 78 rpm record called “The Spirit of ’76″, a narrated musical vignette with martial fife-and-drum that gets louder as it ‘nears’ the listener and quieter as it ‘moves away’.

+ The cooperative spirit of consensus is different from the competitive spirit which is brought to a point in majority voting.

+ It cause many to fear the spirit of the American Revolutionary War might be getting out of hand.

+ The Holy Spirit is God’s instrument in this.

+ The most feared spirit in Thailand is Phi Tai Hong, the ghost of a person who has died suddenly of a violent death.

+ Some cities showed him a spirit of charity; many audiences submitted him to insults and even violence.

+ Goku is eventually able to heavily wound Frieza using a Spirit Bomb, calling on the energies of the entire planet Namek.

+ Fire symbolizes both the Holy Spirit and light.

+ This second video was called “The Spirit of Christmas Jesus vs.

+ Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Rapollo in 1922 in which both governments agreed to ignore previous treaties such as Versailles, co-operate “in a spirit of mutual goodwill” and help each other with their economic needs.

+ Some say the Spirit comes only from the Father.

+ Most Aboriginals believe that all life is connected to the great spirit ancestors of the Dreamtime.

+ Some sort of public interest or community spirit is often part of the motive.

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