Some example sentences of “slinky”

How to use in-sentence of “slinky”:

– In 2008 Slinky cost about $4.

– Homer Fesperman and Charles Weagley wrote the Slinky television jingle in 1962.

– The entire run of 825,000 new Slinky Dogs sold out well before Christmas 1995.

– Other Slinky toys manufactured during the 1950s were the Slinky Dog, Suzie the Slinky Worm, and a pair of eyeglasses with eyeballs dangling at the end of two Slinkys.

– The company liked her ideas and added Slinky Dog and Slinky Train to their line in 1952.

Some example sentences of slinky
Some example sentences of slinky

Example sentences of “slinky”:

- The original Slinky was $1.

- James Industries had dropped their Slinky Dog from production, but Betty James liked the new Slinky Dog.

– The original Slinky was $1.

– James Industries had dropped their Slinky Dog from production, but Betty James liked the new Slinky Dog.

– His other known role is as the voice of Slinky Dog in “Toy Story 3”, replacing Varney who died in 2000.

– Other Slinky toys were developed such as the Slinky Dog and the Slinky Train.

– They invented a machine that could produce a Slinky from 80 feet of steel wire within 10 seconds.

– Very early in the production history of Slinky, Helen Malsed of Washington developed ideas for Slinky pull toys.

– Later during the Vietnam War prisoner of warprisoners of war again built simple radios, and soldiers used Slinky springs as antennas.

– The Slinky Dog was a small plastic dog whose front and rear ends were joined by a Slinky.

– She kept the price of Slinky low so all children could afford one.

– The first Slinky television commercial was shown on Miss Patty’s Romper Room in 1946.

– Other companies were granted licenses to produce Slinky toys.

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