Some example sentences of “skates”

How to use in-sentence of “skates”:

– Modern figure skates have two edges on the blades and a toothed toepick on the front of the blade.

– He was looking at his old pads and skates that Eddie Dufour had arranged in Georges’s corner.

– In recent years, young people have been using roller skates or roller blades to get around the island.

– There are two subfamilies, the hardnose skates and the softnose skates.

– Many of these became extinct during the Permian, but the remaining sharks underwent a second burst of adaptive radiation during the Jurassic, around which time the skates and rays first appeared.

– She still skates professionally, and also makes figure skating clothes.

– Inline skates usually have between 2 and 5 polyurethane wheels.

– Speedskating ice skates have a single edge on the blade.

Some example sentences of skates
Some example sentences of skates

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