Some example sentences of “shake”

How to use in-sentence of “shake”:

– The first four were “Shake It Off Shake It Off”, “Style”, and “Bad Blood”.

– After the 49ers won, the coaches went to midfield to shake hands.

– After San Francisco won, the coaches went to midfield to shake hands.

– When he sings hills shake and water moves.

– In other words, the building does not shake as much because it is sitting on the elevated building foundation, and will probably take less damage from the earthquake.

Some example sentences of shake
Some example sentences of shake

Example sentences of “shake”:

– Another aspect is: do men shake hands with women? In the past, in many societies, they did not.

– Like other rattlesnakes they shake their tail to make a rasping sound which warns enemies.

– The money tree is a holy tree that can give you money if you shake it.

– All these women cast off their nuns’ costume, they shake off the cold powder of the grave; suddenly they throw themselves into the delights of their past life; they dance like bacchantes, they play like lords, they drink like sappers.

– The tune may have been based on the melody of “Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself”, written by John Field sometime before 1812.

– This is why you can not put a left handed glove on your right hand, or shake the right hand of a person using your left hand.

– Hasidism has strict laws about physical contact between the genders, Hasidic men will not even shake hands or make any physical contact with unrelated members of the opposite gender and Hasidic women will not make any physical contact with unrelated members of the opposite gender and also limit conversation.

– The angel Gabriel asked if she was hungry, then told her to shake the tree and dates fell for her to eat.

– They drop their jaws, wave their eyebrows, and shake their heads at each other.

– For people who have brown recluses living in their house, it is a good idea to shake out any clothes that have been on the floor for a few days before putting them on.

- Another aspect is: do men shake hands with women? In the past, in many societies, they did not.

- Like other rattlesnakes they shake their tail to make a rasping sound which warns enemies.
- The money tree is a holy tree that can give you money if you shake it.

– He has been very active in the community and while he has been an administrator, has helped out the project in more ways than you can shake a stick at.

– If the other player made an illegal move, the Turk would shake its head, move the piece back.

– Lacking super speed, Jace was unable to shake off the virus.

– Wario can jump, do a shoulder bash, and at certain times, can use the Wii Remote’s motion features to shake stuff or control stuff.

– Before his execution the older Childers made his son promise from to find every man who had signed his father’s death warrant out and shake his hand.

– Most people think a person with a seizure will shake and twitch.

– A milk shake is a cold drink usually made with milk, ice cream, and sweet syrups, such as chocolate syrup, mixed in a blender.

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