Some example sentences of “sexism”

How to use in-sentence of “sexism”:

– But US congresswoman Ilhan Omar used the phrase in a tweet to honor Johnson’s achievements despite the racism and sexism she faced in NASA.

– Although usually credited as “Sarah Silverman” she is sometimes credited by her nickname, “Big S.” Her satiresatirical comedy addresses social controversial topics such as racism, sexism and religion.

– During her childhood, there was sexism so her father which is pushing her over the limits.

– In November 2019, Ehasz was accused of sexism while working for Netflix.

Sexism is often associated with discrimination against women due to the history of sexism in the western world.

– Heterosexism is related to homophobia and biphobia in the same way that sexism is related to misogyny and transphobia.

Some example sentences of sexism
Some example sentences of sexism

Example sentences of “sexism”:

- Her work also explores such subjects as racism and sexism in American culture.

- Some recent harem titles have experienced a backlash from some anime fans in the United States, particularly from females, due to recurring usage of female fan service in series with the genre designation, prompting calls of sexism from some viewers.
- The problem of MMIW reflects the intersectionality of racism and sexism Indigenous women in the US and Canada face.

– Her work also explores such subjects as racism and sexism in American culture.

– Some recent harem titles have experienced a backlash from some anime fans in the United States, particularly from females, due to recurring usage of female fan service in series with the genre designation, prompting calls of sexism from some viewers.

– The problem of MMIW reflects the intersectionality of racism and sexism Indigenous women in the US and Canada face.

– Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano In 1998 Serano moved to the San Francisco Bay Area.

– Discrimination against people who do not identify as nonbinary is both a type of sexism and a type of transphobia.

– However, women still face sexism in the industry today, including difference in salary compared to men.

– Her body showed extensive bruising.” The Commission concluded that the most significant factors prolonging the case were racism, sexism and indifference of white people.

– Fourth wave feminism uses the internet and its “call-out” culture to challenge misogyny and sexism in popular media such as television, literature, advertising, etc.

– Baker has been ranked as “One of the most important African American leaders of the twentieth century and perhaps the most influential woman in the Civil Rights Movement” known for her critiques not only of racism within American culture, but also the sexism and classism within the Civil Rights Movement.

– She was known for speaking against sexism in sports and society.

– Thorndike had anti-semitismhated Jews and supported sexism and eugenics.

– She didn’t let racism or sexism put her down.

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