Some example sentences of “royalty”

How to use in-sentence of “royalty”:

– The album was dedicated to the daughter of Chris Brown, Royalty Brown.

– The hotel attracted royalty and other rich guests and diners.

– Since people used it to kill royalty and it was hard to detect, it was called the “Poison of Kings” and the “King of Poisons”.

– The Royalty Theatre is the home to the Royalty Theatre group who also put on a number of low-budget productions throughout the year.

– Croatia Records has been the object of an issue raised by singer Branimir Štulić over royalty rights.

– The fact that they were so close to meeting the requirement, though, made it possible for him to re-negotiate their contract, and get them higher royalty payments.

– This category includes articles related to monarchy as an institution, and other aspects of royalty in general and its types, including ruler titles, succession laws and related concepts.

Some example sentences of royalty
Some example sentences of royalty

Example sentences of “royalty”:

– Taking his name, there is a real servant class, named “”Panam Ningthou Semba””, which keep the royalty in all the apparatus of the polo.

– Between 1819 and 1926, it was ruled by four women – Begums – unique in the royalty of those days.

– RC6 is a proprietary and patented algorithm, and may require licensing and royalty payments for any products using the algorithm.

– Wealthy people — such as royalty — could afford to have clothes made out of fine linen or silk.

– In the past, the village supplied the French royalty with roses.

– Cotton, kilowatt-hours of electricity, board feet of wood, long distance minutes, royalty payments due on artists’ works, and other products and services have been traded on markets of varying scale, with varying degrees of success.

– The law in Austria-Hungary said only people older than 20 could be killed, even when the crime was as bad as killing royalty like Ferdinand.

– Jang Bahadur Rana the then Prime Minister of Nepal revolted against the royalty in 1844.

– It opened at the Royalty Theatre in London on 25 March 1875 with Jacques Offenbach’s “La Périchole” and the farce, “Cryptoconchoid Syphonostomata”.

– Aristocratic people, royalty and ordinary people all mixed there.

– Death masks were taken not only of dead royalty and nobility, but also of important people—poets, philosophers, and Dante, Filippo Brunelleschi, Torquato Tasso, Blaise Pascal and Voltaire.

- Taking his name, there is a real servant class, named ""Panam Ningthou Semba"", which keep the royalty in all the apparatus of the polo.

- Between 1819 and 1926, it was ruled by four women – Begums – unique in the royalty of those days.
- RC6 is a proprietary and patented algorithm, and may require licensing and royalty payments for any products using the algorithm.

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