Some example sentences of “revolution”

How to use in-sentence of “revolution”:

– The rogue state of Iran Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei condemned the savage attack of the Zionist regime against an international aid convoy heading towards Gaza, and said the Israeli regime proved that it is more brutal than Fascists.

– Soon after the Russian Revolution of 1917, the first period of the Russian Civil War began.

– Göncz played a role in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

– The revolution established the principle of the “right to work and decided to establish “National Workshops” for the unemployed.

– It was written at the time of the French Revolution when these ideas were becoming very important in Europe.

– As the Industrial Revolution grew in the 18th century18th and 19th centuries, the industries of rail, insurance, retail, petroleum, and telegraphy grew dramatically.

– Any single revolution of a body around the sun is only approximately elliptical, because the precession of the perihelion prevents the orbit from being a simple closed curve such as an ellipse.

Some example sentences of revolution
Some example sentences of revolution

Example sentences of “revolution”:

- The war also contributed to the Russian Revolution and Civil War in 1917.

- In the desperation of war, the Russian Revolution of 1917Russian Revolution promised the people "peace, bread and land" and led to the end of the Russian Empire and its replacement by the formation of the Soviet Union.

– The war also contributed to the Russian Revolution and Civil War in 1917.

– In the desperation of war, the Russian Revolution of 1917Russian Revolution promised the people “peace, bread and land” and led to the end of the Russian Empire and its replacement by the formation of the Soviet Union.

– The Enlightenment’s ideas were also important to the people who fought in the French Revolution of 1789.

– Ever since the Iranian revolution 1979, it had been unusual for Israel to attack Syria.

– In Canada this was mirrored by the Quiet Revolution and the emergence of Quebec nationalism.

– However, like Lenin, she had little sympathy for Marx’s ‘historicism’ and denied that for a revolution to occur, capitalism would have to reach an advanced stage of development.

– Thomas Paine went to France after the American Revolution to join the French Revolution.

– More than 9 years of hard and disciplined work prior to the outbreak of Iranian Revolution of 1978-79, bore its fruit and helped Komala build a strong and cohesive body of cadres among sections of Kurdish society.

– Toussaint’s General officerGeneral, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, took up Toussaint’s job in the revolution after he died.

– The October RevolutionRussian revolution in October 1917 meant that Russia left the alliance, but the military alliance between France and the UK lasted until 1940, when invaded France.

– Brick Breaker Revolution 3D is a game that is like Arkanoid.

More in-sentence examples of “revolution”:

– He took part in the French Revolution of 1789.

– There was a revolution in France, in the year 1789.

– It has been said of Nechayev: “His personality and ideas portray, as if in a crooked mirror, the lust for revolution reaching even beyond political fanaticism into insanity.

– They played a big part in the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

– In 1991 he was founding member of György Bretter Literary Circle, a society with great literary traditions that had ceased to exist in 1983 and being revived after the 1989 revolution in Romania.

– In the summer of 1873, with the help of Cafiero, an old project was realised: to create an international center for the revolution in Italy and the world.

– Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 during World War I, Odessa was occupied by several groups, including the UkraineUkrainian “Tsentral’na Rada”, the French Army, the Red Army and the White Army.

– Influenced by his western education and urban upbringing, Bashar initially seemed eager to implement a cultural revolution in Syria.

– Lagrange survived the French Revolution and became the first professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique upon its opening in 1794.

– When the August Revolution broke out, the province commissioned a general uprising to seize power in Bình Dương and establish a provincial People’s Committee.

– The city was declared provisional capital on two occasions, the first 1806, and then click 1955 during the events of the Revolution freedom.

– As more and more small property holders were granted the vote, in France and the UK, Socialismsocialist and revolution gripped Europe in 1848.

– Until the French Revolution in 1789, Lucca was independent from Venice and Genoa.

– When atomic clocks were made, they became the basis of the definition of the second, rather than the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

– After the revolution Trotsky left Russia for his own safety.

– Lot is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790.

– He sided with revolutionary movements, such as Fidel Castro’s Communist Revolution in Cuba in the mid-century.

– After the Velvet revolution in 1989, he returned to Czechoslovakia to become a professor at Charles University in Prague.

– During the October Revolution of 1917 he was a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee in Moscow.

– They were very important during the industrial revolution where they replaced horses, windmills and watermills to work machines.

– The New England Revolution are a United States football team from Foxborough, MassachusettsFoxborough, Massachusetts that plays in the Eastern Conference of Major League Soccer.

– After the Revolution he joined what is now the Mariinsky Ballet.

– The alliance is especially popular in the West and Center of Ukraine but is also the only “Orange party” winning votes in the East and South of Ukraine where the Orange Revolution was not popular.

– Bazargan was Iran’s first prime minister after the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

– The revolution was characterized by several socialismsocialist, anarchist, populist, and agrarian movements.

- He took part in the French Revolution of 1789.

- There was a revolution in France, in the year 1789.

– The crisis led to the French Revolution of 1848.

– Scientists could communicate better, which helped bring the scientific revolution and new technology.

– Soon after, the Philippine Revolution broke out, led by the Katipunan, a secret revolutionary society founded by Andres Bonifacio and later led by Emilio Aguinaldo.

– He was a leader in the Nihilist movement and known for his single-minded pursuit of revolution by any means necessary, including murder.

– The city was the focal point of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Battle of Budapest in 1945, and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

– Haute-Marne is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790 with Chaumont as is capital.

– Products manufactured in Redditch during the industrial revolution include needles, fishing tackle, batteries, springs, motorbikes and other light industrial products.

– This attempt at revolution caused the Finnish civil war.

– It also had an influence on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s.

– The 1956 Hungarian Revolution caused the breakup of the side.

– The execution of Charles I of EnglandCharles I and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 reinforced this.

– The team at Revolution had very high ambitions for the game, but there was a lot of competition.

– Ain is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790 with Bourg-en-Bresse as is Capital citycapital.

– The dynasty he established ruled Egypt and Sudan until the Egyptian Revolution of 1952.

– France had a monarchy until the French Revolution in 1789.

– Gironde was formed during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790 with parts of the old provinces of Guyenne and Gascony.

– Today it is well known that the HeliocentrismEarth travels around the Sun but before the scientific revolution people thought that the Sun going around the Earth was common sense.

– Isère is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790 with Moirans as its Capital capital.

– He played for the New England Revolution in the United States before Fulham gave them money to get him to play for them, but then was put on Sounders F.C.

– He remained in Paris after the French Revolution began in 1789 but escaped to Belgium two years later.

– Sewing machines were an invention of the industrial revolution that made it possible to sew faster than people could sew by hand.

– The scientific revolution was a time following the Middle Ages and the Renaissance when many discoveries were made.

– The February 1848 Revolution in France ended the reign of Louis-Philippe of FranceKing Louis-Philippe, and led to the creation of the French Second Republic.

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