Some example sentences of “resulting”

How to use in-sentence of “resulting”:

+ Originally, the game ended on a wrong answer, resulting in a few instances where a contestant won without playing a single face, so it was changed to so that the game ended when one contestant gave a wrong answer and the other gave a correct answer on their respective turns.

+ The resulting jelly was then fermented.

+ It was first used in 1808, when Spain was invaded by Napoleon, resulting in the Peninsular War with Spanish guerilla forces resisting the French army.

+ In the DES block cipher, a 56-bit key is used, resulting in a relatively small key space of size 2.

+ Trenches are active with earthquakes and resulting tsunamis.

+ However, rounding is set to more decimals, and the compounnd has atoms with “less precision”, the resulting number will be inaccurate.

+ For instance, the net rate at which a chemical dissolved in a fluid moves toward or away from some point is proportional to the Laplacian of the chemical concentration at that point; the resulting equation is the diffusion equation.

+ Ethanol is oxidized from the liquid, resulting in vinegar.

Some example sentences of resulting
Some example sentences of resulting

Example sentences of “resulting”:

+ As more and more of the sea ice is thinner first-year ice the greater effect storms have on its stability with turbulence resulting from major extratropical cyclones resulting in extensive fractures of sea ice.

+ The angle of subduction was shallow, resulting in a broad belt of mountains running down western North America.

+ The server might slow down if there are too many people accessing the server at the same time, resulting in a high load.

+ Effectiveness of the insulation of a building envelope can be compromised by gaps resulting from shrinkage of individual panels.

+ Dark blue was primarily used for reasons of expediency—it suffered less from the effects of fading resulting from prolonged exposure to the elements.

+ A crossbody or crossbody block is a move where a wrestler jumps onto their opponent and lands horizontally across their torso, forcing them to the mat and sometimes resulting in a pinfall attempt.

+ The people ignored the order to stop, so the General gave the signal of fire with rifles and cannons, resulting in a massacre of innocent people.

+ As more and more of the sea ice is thinner first-year ice the greater effect storms have on its stability with turbulence resulting from major extratropical cyclones resulting in extensive fractures of sea ice.

+ The angle of subduction was shallow, resulting in a broad belt of mountains running down western North America.
+ The server might slow down if there are too many people accessing the server at the same time, resulting in a high load.

+ Tsarnaev was charged on April 22 with using and Conspiracy conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death and with destruction of property resulting in death.

+ Jolie has a defective BRCA1 gene resulting in a very high risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

+ It was not sited near any major roads and therefore missed out on the resulting opportunities for trade.

+ Despite the secrecy rule, details of the votes and the arguments in Council are sometimes leaked to the press, resulting in investigations and criminal prosecutions of the leaking staff member.

More in-sentence examples of “resulting”:

+ The resulting drug has sedative effects.

+ The resulting model and its variants were called the Brown Bess.

+ Harry, already lost his parents and his godfather, mocks him to be a coward, resulting in Harry was thrown into a wall by an angry Remus.

+ Some walkers are unprepared for the often extreme weather conditions on the exposed tops and many fatalities are recorded every year, often resulting from slips on wet rock or ice.

+ It came back under Prussian rule on January 1, 1816, resulting to be assigned to the district of Tecklenburg.

+ Each population of cells keeps its own phenotype and the resulting organism is a mixture of the two phenotypes.

+ Three more died at a Munich hospital, resulting in 23 fatalities with 21 survivors.

+ The NME described the resulting sound as “an ear-splitting sonic stew”.

+ On August 15, Baron Corbin cashed in his Money In the Bank Contract however Mahal retained, resulting setting a record for the shortest WWE Championship match at 6 seconds.

+ The resulting stream then flows down the hillside into the azalea pool.

+ The resulting practical transcription is a hybrid called both transcription and transliteration by general public.

+ Dubai had a property boom when they announced freehold property resulting in large capital investments.

+ Instead of having grooves, the needle is kept on track electronically so the needle does not have to actually touch the disc therefore resulting in less wear on the disc and on the needle.

+ Lanier Heights, and Meridian Hill – naming the resulting area after both schools.

+ Outside the Middle East, pita bread is often used as a pocket and stuffed with the different ingredients; in Arab countries a round khubz bread, ‘eish’ in Egypt, is halved, and the two resulting round pieces are used to create a cigar-shaped wrap.

+ Most transmitters use a quartz crystal to set the frequency of the resulting carrier wave.

+ Endocrine disruptor resulting from chemical exposure has been linked to genital deformation in both sexes.

+ Following his formal resignation as an MP on 18 June 2008, he officially became the Conservative candidate in the resulting by-election and won it on 10 July 2008.

+ The resulting car made history.

+ But his boss tells him that someone else got it, which resulted Thomas to get very enraged by knocking down the toys and punching a big teddy bear, resulting himself being fired.

+ The resulting groups of data are organized and are much easier for many people to understand.

+ Adding certain substances or impurities will change the melting point of the resulting mixture.

+ The natural monopoly term is usually used to describe markets that have very high fixed costs compared to the marginal costs of selling the good or service, creating economies of scale that are large compared to the size of the market and hence resulting in very high barriers to entry.

+ The following night on Raw, Cole mocked him and his deceased mother resulting in a match between the two at WrestleMania 27.

+ When the police moved into Lena, the strikers closed ranks and the situation rapidly worsened, resulting in troops firing on and killing or injuring a large numbers of miners.

+ The total loss of life resulting from Pontiac’s War is unknown.

+ Were something like this to be on enwiki, I would have to say it should be closed as a “fail”, essentially resulting in the removal of the rights of the user.

+ Due to his Aunt May almost dying, his marriage to Mary Jane and public unmasking are later erased due to a deal made with the demon Mephisto, resulting in several adjustments to the timeline, such as the resurrection of Harry Osborn and Spider-Man original powers.

+ The cross-linking forms a molecule with a larger molecular weight, resulting in a material with a higher melting point.

+ Photosensitive paper was exposed to light through the negative film, resulting in a column of black type on white paper, or a galley.

+ Newly established Republic of Georgia saw bloody Georgian Civil WarCivil War resulting in downfall of first-ever president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia.

+ If this change is allowed to continue unchecked, more and more product will be produced that fall outside the tolerances of the manufacturer or consumer, resulting in waste.

+ Originally dismissed as “silly” by editorial, reports soon came back noting the popularity and sales increase resulting from the Superman feature.

+ In the bulk of the liquid, each molecule is pulled equally in every direction by neighboring liquid molecules, resulting in a net force of zero.

+ Spacetime is curved when there is matter, energy, and momentum resulting in what we perceive as gravity.

+ There are concerns about the negative health effects resulting from a junk food-heavy diet.

+ For example, in floating point arithmetic, a result is rounded to a given or fixed precision, which is the length of the resulting significand.

+ Spits are formed where the prevailing wind blows at an angle to the coastline, resulting in ‘longshore drift’.

+ Sir Penderel Moon “Divide and Quit” London: Chatto Windus, 1962, p.35 He was too well aware of the potential bloodbath and conflict resulting from any such division or separationMoon, p.38 which, alas, was witnessed on such massive scale at the time of the August 1947 Partition of India and Pakistan.

+ In 70 AD it was the scene of the Great Jewish Revolt resulting in the institution of the Fiscus Judaicus.

+ Some consider it offensive to name a team after a race or ethnic group, resulting in protests and legal challenges, but the team owners have refused to think about changing the name.

+ Down-regulation is a process resulting in decreased gene and protein expression.

+ In the final years of the Soviet Union, the region again became a source of dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, resulting in the Nagorno-Karabakh War from 1988–1994.

+ Statisticians say because any test can have inaccuracies, mass testing at this scale might cause hundreds of thousands of false positives a day, resulting in very large numbers of people being told they are infected when they are not infected.

+ She died in Los Angeles resulting from a stroke at age fifty-five.

+ The country rulers were struggling with each other, and this was resulting in instability, family disputes and murders.

+ Early cable ferries used either rope or steel chains, with the latter resulting in the name “chain ferry”.

+ The resulting strings are dipped in oil or molten wax which seeps into the tiny holes of the material, resulting in smoother writing.

+ Hertz, resulting in a fully unified system.

+ The resulting drug has sedative effects.

+ The resulting model and its variants were called the Brown Bess.
+ Harry, already lost his parents and his godfather, mocks him to be a coward, resulting in Harry was thrown into a wall by an angry Remus.

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