Some example sentences of “rebuilding”

How to use in-sentence of “rebuilding”:

– Over the next few years a lot of work went into rebuilding the city and making the buildings better in case there was another earthquake.

– Larry Silverstein said that the entire site would be completed in 2037, and that billions of dollars have been spent on rebuilding the site, even though Ground Zero “is still a hole in the ground.” During an interview for the episode, Silverstein said, “I am the most frustrated person in the world…I’m seventy-eight years of age; I want to see this thing done in my lifetime”.

– It was built in 1938 and was part of Joseph Stalin’s rebuilding of Central Moscow.

– By 1875 the opera company moved to the new “Palais Garnier” which was part of the rebuilding of Paris by Emperor Napoleon III.

– As the country headed into the 1950s, rebuilding continued and a number of immigrationimmigrants from the remaining British Empire were invited to help the rebuilding effort.

– NATO began rebuilding Afghanistan, including its military and government institutions.

– They worked on rebuilding the Firestone company.

Some example sentences of rebuilding
Some example sentences of rebuilding

Example sentences of “rebuilding”:

– The next rebuilding will take place in stages over twenty years.

– Daulat Chak began rebuilding it in 1551.

– Rapid Economy of Manchester economic growth and continued urban rebuilding of the city continued after the Games.

– He made many changes to the interior of the palace, and was responsible for its complete rebuilding after the fire of 1837.

– After that, they decided to build a hall as well as rebuilding the restaurant.

– Wren produced ambitious plans for rebuilding the whole area.

– The beachfront homes after Alicia were in violation of the Texas Open Beaches Act and the Attorney General’s office forebade the repair or rebuilding of those homes.

– Zuko is crowned the new Fire Lord and, with the help of the Avatar and his friends, begins rebuilding the four nations.

– The rebuilding started in 1079 and it was finished around 1140.

– This rebuilding and other plans of Macquarie Bank for the airport are seen as controversial.

– During this rebuilding of the eastbound tunnel, the westbound tunnel was only closed overnight for rebuilding.

- The next rebuilding will take place in stages over twenty years.

- Daulat Chak began rebuilding it in 1551.
- Rapid Economy of Manchester economic growth and continued urban rebuilding of the city continued after the Games.

– The Marshall Plan was a plan of the United States for rebuilding the allied countries of Europe after World War II.

– They started rebuilding the bridge again by 1234.

– After the war, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln caused the Reconstruction, where policies were put together directed at getting back and rebuilding the Southern states while securing the rights of the newly freed slaves.

– People argued over the rebuilding because they wanted to landmark it.

– The next official step towards rebuilding South Africa was the Groote Schuur Minute where the government and the ANC agreed on a common commitment towards the end of violence and intimidation, as well as a commitment to stability and to a peaceful process of negotiations.

– Plans for the rebuilding were cut back as there was not enough money for the original design.

– The boyars and their families were forced to work for months rebuilding the old castle.

– Mary, Hildegard was very active in its rebuilding into an abbey.

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