Some example sentences of “politics”

How to use in-sentence of “politics”:

– They also show us lots about the politics and culture of ancient Greece during the 4th century BC.

– Some parts of right-wing politics is based on reactionary thinking and a wish to return to the way things were.

– He is known for his writings on modern British history and politics and on Welsh history.

– He gained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Magdalen College, Oxford.

– He was professor of comparative politics at the University of Bergen and adjunct professor of democracy development at the Örebro University.

– Another follower of Jeffersonian politics he was elected to the U.S.

– They sing about FranceFrench politics and anarchism.

– He hated war and so he did not take part in politics but concentrated on science and literature.

Some example sentences of politics
Some example sentences of politics

Example sentences of “politics”:

– Under him, a new group of officials and leaders started a process of changes in the politics and economy of the Soviet Union.

– These often involved politics and the gods of Greek mythology.

– He was an adjunct professor of American politics at Wichita State University.

– He stayed in politics and law.

– Frederick’s years dedicated to the arts instead of politics ended upon the 1740 death of Frederick William and his inheritance of the Kingdom of Prussia.

– Camus and Sartre often talked about philosophy and politics in small restaurants called cafés.

– Bernard Crick wrote a list of the political virtues, which were about best practices of politics itself.

– Leibniz played a major role in the European politics and diplomacy of his day.

– Nag retired from politics in 1982.

– Then, he became involved in politics and supported Republicanism.

– Often, these relate to national security matters, which are supposed to go past party politics – the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, for example, has to talk to the Leader of the Opposition as well as the Prime Minister about certain matters.

– They had many things in common, including being in politics after a highly successful military career.

– In 1990, he joined active politics and successfully contested from Patna Central Assembly.

– The most famous Thapa Khalak dynasty of Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa in the Nepalese politics belonged to this Bagale Thapa clan.

– The House of Stroganov or Stroganoff also known as the “Stroganov family” were a Russian noble family that were very powerful and often involved in the politics of the time.

– She analyses politics and criticizes capitalism.

– Forcadell entered politics in 1999, when she joined the ERC.

– It writes about society and politics in the Belarusian language.

– The Vikings from Denmark came to England, where they affected the history and politics and even the English language.

- Under him, a new group of officials and leaders started a process of changes in the politics and economy of the Soviet Union.

- These often involved politics and the gods of Greek mythology.
- He was an adjunct professor of American politics at Wichita State University.

More in-sentence examples of “politics”:

- Higgins has been important in Australian federal politics and for the Liberal Party of Australia.

- As a councillor of Nijmegen he entered politics in 1945.
- On 29 November 2017, Pitts wrote an article named "Belize, a nation in the making: Women in Belize's development" which outlined the various accomplishments made by women in Belizean politics and how the two major political parties should do more to get women involved.

– Higgins has been important in Australian federal politics and for the Liberal Party of Australia.

– As a councillor of Nijmegen he entered politics in 1945.

– On 29 November 2017, Pitts wrote an article named “Belize, a nation in the making: Women in Belize’s development” which outlined the various accomplishments made by women in Belizean politics and how the two major political parties should do more to get women involved.

– A person writing a microblog can use many ideas from “what am I doing now” to Race cars or politics or information about their business or personal life.

– Cicero was heavily involved in the politics of the Roman Republic.

– Niccolò Machiavelli wrote, in his 1532 book, The Prince, that politics was firstly about having and keeping power.

– Collins was active in local politics in Illinois and Nevada.

– He went into politics in the 1960’s after the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo was murdered.

– Smoot stopped working in politics and business and spent his time working in the church.

– Jin left him after Deng was attacked in politics 1933.

– In 1986, he entered Colombian politics with success.

– Lange became active in politics when he joined the Labour Party in 1963, while he was still at university.

– Lucrezia’s family was typical of the ruthless Machiavellian politics and sexual corruption of the times.

– The Justice Party was isolated in contemporary Indian politics by its many controversial activities.

– The additional text feels like an attempt at introducing POV material into the various articles, but I’m not familiar enough with the politics of the region to be sure.

– Members of the family have had a significant impact on the economy and politics since the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

– Hindenburg often complained that he missed the quiet of his retirement and, that politics was full of ideas like economics that he did not understand.

– Two political partypolitical parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have been the main participants in American politics since the American Civil War.

– Grass has always been interested in politics and helped in the election campaigns of the SPD.

– The city’s gates, palaces, tombs and monuments, walls, schools, tower for looking at the stars and other buildings all together make up the World Heritage Site because they show the philosophy, culture, politics and spiritual beliefs of the Koryo people.

– This led to a split in the PQ and subsequently Lévesque’s resignation from politics in 1985.

– Durey became interested in left-wing politics and later joined the Communist Party.

– I am not familiar with the Pakistan/India politics but it seems to me all or most of these are started from a Pakistan point of view.

– It grew in United States politics around 1993 when the Supreme Court of Hawaii declared the prohibition in that state to be unconstitutional.

– Harding was also rising in politics of Ohio.

– They described it as the example of the influence of a multinational corporation on the internal politics of countries.

– She was active in politics during her White House years, she sat in on Cabinet and policy meetings and also, serving as her husband’s closest adviser.

– Ethiopian nationalists believe that Ethnic Federalism must be ended to shift Ethiopian politics from ethnic patronage to ideology, it must be ended to induce national cohesion and blunt sectarian loyalty, and through the blunting of ethnic cohesion induce an era of unity and prosperity.

– After his presidency, he maintained a position in Rwandan politics by serving as the Vice President of Rwandan and holds an honorary position as Chancellor of National Orders in service of later president Juvenal Habyarimana.

– He became disillusioned with politics and retired from public life that year.

– He used to work for the Daily Mirror as their politics reporter, and was an alcoholic.

– There have been efforts toward constitutional reform to ensure that more women are represented in politics on the national level, but these reforms have not yet resulted in concrete changes.

– The great issues which had divided the country in his time colonialism, Ireland and Africa – lasted in British politics for most of the next century.

– UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson have not liked that the council acts for politics instead of human rights.

– Harvey officially retired from politics and law in 2002.

– Some scholars think she might have had a kind of dyslexia.Julia Epstein”The Iron Pen: Frances Burney and the Politics of Women’s Writing.” 23.

– Realism theory is a way of thinking about politics and world history, that focuses on being realistic.

– In the beginning, revenge and family politics are at play, but when one of them gets falsely accused of committing murder, the “siblings” finally overcome differences and band together.

– Dole Institute of Politics is a nonpartisan political institution at the University of Kansas.

– It has news and opinion about Catholicism and how it relates to American politics and cultural life.

– After retiring from the Court, he went into politics becoming a Senator of Colombia in 2002.

– He was an important figure in Cyprus politics since the island’s independence.

– World War I had greatly changed the way of diplomacy and politics in Asia, Europe, and Africa with the defeat of the Central Powers.

– Because of politics in Europe, many nations supported Luther.

– Chambers, “Telepistemology of the Closet; Or, the Queer Politics of “Six Feet Under””.

– The report deals with sustainable development and the change of politics needed for achieving that.

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