Some example sentences of “pointed”

How to use in-sentence of “pointed”:

+ Ansei, I believe I understand your problem and I am not ‘re-fram questions’ – What I pointed out as arguing, is a clear case of arguing, and is not related to the culture of bullying you mentioned.

+ The wings are long and narrow with pointed tips.

+ They have a slender streamlined body, long pointed wings and a short bill.

+ These arches rise from sloping fins with angular leading edges pointed to the flow of the river.

+ Arches can have many forms, but they can be sorted into three categories: circular, pointed and parabolic.

Some example sentences of pointed
Some example sentences of pointed

Example sentences of “pointed”:

+ He pointed out that there could be massive stars whose gravity is so great that not even light could escape from their surface.

+ The leaflets are pointed and toothed, with hairs on the lower surface.

+ He pointed to his feathers and told the farmer that they didn’t resemble a crane’s feathers at all.

+ They could make a vault with three sides or five sides quite easily, by using pointed arches.

+ Gossip pointed out Manuel de Godoy, her husband’s Prime Minister, was her long-time lover.

+ Typically the crown of a King has a slightly pointed arched top, while that of a Queen has a slightly bowed top.

+ New paradigms have been created over time, and people either pointed them out at the time, or when looking back.

+ By using the pointed arch, walls could become less massive and window openings could be larger and grouped more closely together.

+ Others pointed out that he still referred to other gods.

+ In 1961, defector Anatoliy Golitsyn gave information which pointed to Philby.

+ Red foxes have long legs, pointed triangular black ears, a pointed snout, and a long bushy tail with a white tail tip.

+ The statement pointed out that human rights were universal, and that they could not be divided.

+ Evidence pointed out that Berry felt threatened by Burton due to a previous altercation in Atlanta a week before to the shooting.

+ She then pointed to the sky, said “this was for you”; as a tribute to her late husband, Eddie, and did Eddie’s taunt before leaving.

+ The next development in stone tool making was to chip all the edges of a rock so that it made a pointed shape, useful for a spearhead, or arrow tip.

+ All are colorful and have long downturned bills and pointed wings, which give them a swallow-like appearance when seen from afar.

+ While I am ready to help such editors, I pointed out some of the issues I see.

+ He pointed out the connexions between the political system, the market-place and democratic freedom.

+ Other writers believe that Michelangelo wanted the pointed dome, not just because it was safer to build, but also because it looked more exciting, as if the building was pushing upwards.

+ He pointed out that there could be massive stars whose gravity is so great that not even light could escape from their surface.

+ The leaflets are pointed and toothed, with hairs on the lower surface.

More in-sentence examples of “pointed”:

+ The left-wing politicians pointed to the time before the 1970s, when many girls were employed to live-in and work for wealthier families.

+ Alex, the Greek Jew, quickly took out his camera, pointed it towards a heap of burning bodies, and pressed the shutter.

+ Elmo’s light is a weather event in which bright, glowing, ball of light is seen near pointed objects, like the mast of a ship.

+ It got its name from its pointed shape.

+ The PAN pointed to his competitive primary election as a sign of internal democracy.

+ The fabric walls of a tent are supported by wood or metal poles and thin ropes, and the tent or the ropes are usually attached to the ground with plastic or metal pointed stakes as one thing.

+ However, he pointed out that a whopping 40% of Milo is made up of pure sugar! That’s not even the scariest part, as he goes on to say in the video.

+ In the United States, the pointed lightning rod conductor, often incorrectly referred to as the “lightning attractor” was invented by Benjamin Franklin as part of his groundbreaking explorations of electricity.

+ At the time of the flyby the southern hemisphere of the moon was pointed towards the Sun so only it was studied.

+ Lloyd pointed out that each cow added benefit to its owner but damaged the land overall for all herders by overgrazing.

+ Rows of pointed arches were used to decorate walls.

+ Marcy Lewis pointed at her and fell into a little fit.

+ Moreover, since Enceladus rotates synchronously with its orbital period and therefore keeps one face pointed toward Saturn, the planet never moves in the sky of Enceladus and cannot be seen from the far side of the satellite.

+ He re-read the Beatles’s recording contract, and pointed out that even after the band turned in their seventy new recordings to EMI, they were still under contract with them until 1976, and could not go to any other record company until then.

+ As things are pointed to, a number is said.

+ It is plasma plasma made by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the air.

+ Important features of the style are pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses.

+ The Democratic “Chicago Times” said, “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States”.

+ Little work was done on them until November 1967, when Franco Pacini pointed out that if the neutron stars were spinning and had large magnetic fields, then electromagnetic waves would be emitted.

+ They regularly pointed out problems with the building.

+ The female abdomen also ends in a pointed ovipositor that looks a bit like a stinger.

+ It is similar to a garden fork, made of metal or another hard material, with three or more pointed ends.

+ Some authors have pointed out that the ideas of mind control can be found in all stages of human history.

+ When a gamma-ray burst is pointed towards Earth, the focusing of its energy along a relatively narrow beam causes the burst to appear much brighter than it would have been were its energy emitted spherically.

+ As pointed out above, protecting Simple is a team effort.

+ It has Gothic features in the pointed arches of its naves, as well as in the ambulatory that goes around the presbytery.

+ Engraving was commonly done with pointed tools of iron or even with diamond points.

+ Each time another thing is pointed to, the next whole number is used.

+ Doreen Mantle, as pointed out is being messed around with by block evaders.

+ The restoration was strongly criticized during Viollet-le-Duc’s lifetime because he made the error of using slates and restoring the roofs as pointed cones, where local practice was traditionally of tile roofing and low slopes, as in this region snow was very seldom.

+ At a symposium in 1938 at Cold Spring Harbor, Astbury pointed out that the 0.34 nanometre spacing was the same as amino acids in polypeptide chains.

+ The Wii Remote is pointed at the screen, and a star icon is shown.

+ Unlike the tuba, the instrument is bent in a circle to fit around the body of the musician; it ends in a large, flaring bell that is pointed forward, projecting the sound ahead of the player.

+ Unlike the tits, it has a sharply pointed bill.

+ They have thin bodies, long, bushy tails, short legs and pointed faces.

+ These are pointed both upstream and downstream.

+ Spellman pointed out that the Supreme Court had recently upheld such provisions.

+ It had four paddle-shaped flippers and sharp teeth in long, pointed jaws.

+ The fictional Draco Malfoy is described as having a pale, pointed face, sleek white-blond hair and light icy gray eyes that seem cold.

+ As pointed out above, it may be time perhaps for a new category.

+ Tesla wrote an article for The Electrical Experimenter entitled “Famous Scientific Illusions”, in which he explains the logic of Franklin’s pointed lightning rod and discloses his improved method and apparatus.

+ A stabbing is penetration with a sharp or pointed object at close range.

+ Later, the Jews were allowed to return but were forced to wear pointed hats.

+ The fact that various previously unknown editors with an apparent conflict of interest have been participating in this discussion while ignoring what the rest of the editors have pointed out suggests a desperation to have the article kept.

+ He tried hard to understand how the needle could seem to move itself so that it always pointed north.

+ The left-wing politicians pointed to the time before the 1970s, when many girls were employed to live-in and work for wealthier families.

+ Alex, the Greek Jew, quickly took out his camera, pointed it towards a heap of burning bodies, and pressed the shutter.

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