Some example sentences of “poem”

How to use in-sentence of “poem”:

– It was used in the poem “Meeting at night”.

– This play was based, in turn, on “The Princess”, a long poem of 1847 by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

– The poem was published after Tennyson had read a pro-evolution book by Robert Chambers.

– A song or poem that tells a story in short stanzas and repeated simple words.

– It wasn’t very popular when first published, and is still a barely read narrative poem today.

– During the American Civil War, Whittier wrote a poem called “Barbara Frietchie”.

– He wrote a poem called The Laboratory which was about a woman using poison to murderkill her lover’s girlfriend.

– Pope’s poem mocks all the traditions of classics.

Some example sentences of poem
Some example sentences of poem

Example sentences of “poem”:

– The poem was reviewed in “The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry”.

– Another piece of evidence is within the poem itself.

– Clute’s first professional publication was a long science-fiction poem called “Carcajou Lament.” It appeared in “TriQuarterly” in 1959.

– The teacher takes the poem from him and reads it in a very mean manner, wanting Pink’s classmates to laugh.

– The poem is a continuation of Matteo Maria Boiardo’s “Orlando Innamorato”.

– The opening of Richard StraussRichard Strauss’s tone poem “Also sprach Zarathustra” has become particularly famous in recent years through its use in the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey”.

– Plattner Award, Best Poem in Appalachian Heritage, 2012.

– The poem shows typical Russian people in the society of his day.

– A series of Sumerian legends and poems about the mythological hero-king Gilgamesh were probably gathered into a longer Akkadian languageAkkadian poem some time before the 7th century BC.

– She wrote the poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.

– A monologue is a long, uninterrupted speech or poem by one person.

– Later in life, Whittier wrote a poem called “Snowbound”.

– The poem was first published in the “Irish Monthly” in December 1886.

- The poem was reviewed in "The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry".

- Another piece of evidence is within the poem itself.
- Clute's first professional publication was a long science-fiction poem called "Carcajou Lament." It appeared in "TriQuarterly" in 1959.

More in-sentence examples of “poem”:

- His first successful literatureliterary work was "The Traveller a poem about British rule.

- Filostrato is a poem by 14th-century Italian poet Giovanni Boccaccio.

– His first successful literatureliterary work was “The Traveller a poem about British rule.

– Filostrato is a poem by 14th-century Italian poet Giovanni Boccaccio.

– It is quite hard to read, and is more of a long poem than a dramatic play.

– In Tamil literature, Periya Puranam, the great poem works of Sekkizhar is considered the fifth veda.

– The poem is written almost entirely in blank verse.

– Though Poe was referring to an ancient connection between worms and death, he may have been inspired by “The Proud Ladye”, a poem by Spencer Wallis Cone which was reviewed in an 1840 issue of “Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine”.

– The music at the beginning is the start of a symphonic poem by Richard Strauss called “Also Sprach Zarathustra”.

– His best known work is his poem “Devout Rhapsodies about the war between Good and Evil and the temptation and fall of man.

– Jan Kasprowicz, who translated Shelley’s poem into Polish, used this scheme in a work by his own.

– One of her poem books called “Iranian Songs in Seven Languages” is in several languages.

– At that time the genre of epic poem was regarded as suitable for only men.

– It was first proposed by poet and newspaper editor Panagiotis Soutsos in his poem “Dialogue of the Dead”, published in 1833.

– The second time that Qu Yuan was sent away, he wrote Li Saoa long poem about his sadness and then killed himself by walking into the Miluo River with a heavy stone.

– He debuted with the poem collection “”Slik tenker jeg på dere”” in 1969.

– In January 2013 he read his poem “One Today” at the second inauguration of America’s President Barack Obama.

– His most famous poem is „Der Wanderer“.

– It is an allegoryallegorical work, and each book of the poem is about a different virtue.

– The poem is written with no rhymes but with alliteration.

– His first poem was ‘Beduin Musalman’.

– Harty composed many pieces during his early years, including “An Irish Symphony”, a tone poem “With the Wild Geese”, a “Violin Concerto”, and “Ode to a Nightingale”.

– Also published in the same issue was Alger’s poem “Friar Anselmo”.

– The earliest known English poem is a hymn on the creation.

– In one type of story, the world is born from a world egg; such stories include the Finnish peopleFinnish epic poem “Chinese story of Indian Brahmanda Purana.

– The poem was called “Ode an die Freude”.

– His best known work is the Symphonic poemsymphonic poem “Sardegna” a tribute to his native Sardinia, which premiered in Florence in 1933.

– Azerbaijani writer and philosopher Mirza Fatali Akhundov explained the rules of chess in his 1864 poem “The Game of Shatranj”.

– Grendel is one of the three antagonists in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem “Beowulf”.

– The poem is written in a form called rhymed couplets, which means that every two lines rhyme together.

– It is a poem of 14 lines grouped into three quatrains.

– A lyric poem is one that expresses a subjective, personal point of view.

– Both the music and the ballet were inspired by the poem “L’après-midi d’un faune” by Stéphane Mallarmé.

– The date of poem is somewhere between 1040 and 1115.

– Dilys Cadwaladr, the former school teacher on the island, in 1953 became the first woman to win the “Crown” at the National Eisteddfod, for her long poem “Y Llen”.

– Much of the legend of Caupolican is found in the epic poem La Araucana by Alonso de Ercilla, a major piece of literature about the Spanish conquest of America.

– No American poem gained such popularity earlier.

– The poem also praises Queen Elizabeth I of England and her family, the Tudors.

– Tagore wrote his first poem when he was eight years old.

– One of his most famous poem is probably “Demain, dès l’aube”.

– The words are from a poem by John Henry Newman.

– The poem is written in Blank verse that is in unrhymed iambic pentameter.

– After the publication of “Jude the Obscure” in 1895 Hardy gave up novel writing but continued to write poetry including an epic poem called “The Dynasts”.

– The poem plays an important symbolic role as part “Ligeia.” The poem is written by Ligeia as she is dying, though it is actually recited by the narrator, her husband.

– Wagner took most of the story from a medieval poem “Parzival” by the GermanyGerman poet Wolfram von Eschenbach.

– Virgil’s most famous epic poem is called the “Aeneid”.

– The poem is a synthesis of different Greek stories and traditions.

– His most famous poem “And did those feet in ancient time” was, over 100 years later, put to music by Hubert Parry.

– Situmorang was known for his poem “Angkatan ’45”.

– In 2007, Ebner’s poem “a paperman and sick” became one of the Mentioned Poems at the International Poetry Prize Nosside.

– The “Nibelungenlied”, translated as “The Song of the Nibelungs”, is an epic poetryepic poem in Middle High German.

– He modelled the poem on the Greek and Roman classics.

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