Some example sentences of “play the game”

How to use in-sentence of “play the game”:

– The certificate needed to play the game is invalid since 2009, Jan 1st, making the game unplayable.

– Sometimes people play the game by changing the way the imaginary robot is set up at the start to watch what happens.

– Generally more males play the game than females.

– James Creighton, an engineer who learned how to play the game of hockey while living in Nova Scotia, is credited for bringing the game to a new level.

– This game is a 2D side-scrolling Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game which required players to create characters and then play the game as the “Novice Job Advancement”.

– Each time a contestant fails, he lose a life, and must play the game again.

– When two people play the Game of Life, the alive cells have two colors and a player wins when their colors take up all of the cells.

– This allows contestants to play the game without the risk of losing their lives.

Some example sentences of play the game
Some example sentences of play the game

Example sentences of “play the game”:

– When he was a young man he played football, and once hoped to play the game in the NFL.

– An item called Pokemon GO Plus is being sold to let people play the game without looking at their smartphones all the time.

– When the game has finished, the electronic unit will say “This game is finished!” After a pause the game will encourage the player to play the game again by saying “Wanna warp again?” In Brain Warp, the player can select between one of the six different games.

– All games will be both single player and multiplayer, with some games allowing up to eight players to play the game at the same time using controllers and/or mobile phones.

– The reason it is called a game is because people who play the game can set it up in different ways to make it do different things.

– Sometimes, city-states would play the game instead of going to war with each other.

– She was critical of the HMs needed to play the game and the perceived imbalance that favored Water-type Pokémon.

– There is a simple mathematical strategy to play the game perfectly.

– However, in every Fire Emblem game since Fire Emblem: Awakening, the player has the choice whether or not they want to play the game with permadeath.

– This ability may help a point guard to play the game well with the right strategy at right time.

– Sometimes the game can be unfavorable, even a point guard pass well and play the game with right strategy.

– In this Semi-playoff, two teams play the game and a team which wins 3 games of total 5 games goes to the next stage.

– Up to four people can play the game on the screen, playing drums, vocals, bass, and guitar.

– Up to four players can play the game at once.

– People usually play the game Online and offlineonline, where they connect to a server and fight other players.

– Reviewers liked its strategic gameplay, but a lot complained about the time limit, saying it made it harder to play the game outside of the main task.

– Adults usually play the game by betting money on the first piece, on capturing pieces, or on winning the game, to make gameplay more interesting.

- When he was a young man he played football, and once hoped to play the game in the NFL.

- An item called Pokemon GO Plus is being sold to let people play the game without looking at their smartphones all the time.
- When the game has finished, the electronic unit will say "This game is finished!" After a pause the game will encourage the player to play the game again by saying "Wanna warp again?" In Brain Warp, the player can select between one of the six different games.

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