Some example sentences of “photon”

How to use in-sentence of “photon”:

+ However, to permit the photon to pass through it, the circular hole must have a diameter greater than the size of the photon.

+ Bohr’s theory said electrons could begin in some orbit m and end up in some orbit n, or an electron could begin in some orbit n and end up in some orbit m so if a photon hits an electron, its energy will be absorbed, and the electron will move to a higher orbit because of that extra energy.

+ This work by Planck asserts that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, and their relation can be put in terms of familiar units such as the joule by using the proportionality constant Planck gave us.

+ The longer a photon has been traveling, the more expansion it has undergone; hence, older photons from more distant galaxies are the most red-shifted.

+ Another property of a photon is its wavelength.

+ A photon has a given frequency, which determines its color.

+ However, we can never know whether the photon is off-center at that time.

Some example sentences of photon
Some example sentences of photon

Example sentences of “photon”:

+ Neutron versus photon irradiation for unresectable salivary gland tumors: final report of an RTOG-MRC randomized clinical trial.

+ Pair production happens sometimes in radiation therapy treatments with high-energy photon beams.

+ However, all we can say is that the photon must have been at that point when it ended its existence.

+ The energy of each photon depends on its frequency.

+ Another way to locate a photon is to make it go through a small place.

+ If an oscillation leads to a change in dipole in the molecule, then it will absorb a photon which has the same frequency.

+ The photon is the only boson that does not decay.

+ If the photon has a lot of energy, Compton scattering may take place.

+ The energy of a photon causing the photoelectric effect is found through is the work function for the metal.

+ Finally, a photon has a property called spin.

+ Radiated energy is emitted as photons, and the frequency of a photon is proportional to the “punch” it delivers.

+ The wave that is part of the description of a photon is, in quantum mechanics, not the same kind of thing as a wave on the surface of the ocean or the regions of compressed air and rarefied air that make up sound waves.

+ The Enterprise had 12 Type X phasers and three Photon Torpedo launchers.

+ But if we slow the process down and see where each photon lands on the screen we can never tell ahead of time where the next one will show up.

+ We either measure the momentum of a photon or electron at one time and then without any more delay than necessary measure its position, or we switch things around and measure position first and momentum second.

+ If you saw a giant photon coming straight at you, it could appear as a swath whipping vertically, horizontally, or somewhere in between.

+ Neutron versus photon irradiation for unresectable salivary gland tumors: final report of an RTOG-MRC randomized clinical trial.

+ Pair production happens sometimes in radiation therapy treatments with high-energy photon beams.

More in-sentence examples of “photon”:

+ If the color of the light is infrared, each photon can heat up what it hits.

+ The way to calculate the amount of energy of a photon is given by the equation E = hν.
+ For example, an ultraviolet photon has more energy than an infrared photon.

+ If the color of the light is infrared, each photon can heat up what it hits.

+ The way to calculate the amount of energy of a photon is given by the equation E = hν.

+ For example, an ultraviolet photon has more energy than an infrared photon.

+ That dim spot of light represents the photon or other atomic particle which tunnels through the wall.

+ That only happens when a photon of a certain frequency and energy comes in from the outside, is absorbed by the electron and gives it its energy, and that is what makes the electron go out to a higher orbit.

+ That is because when a photon goes through a hole like that it experiences diffraction.

+ The energy of a photon can be computed from its frequency ν or wavelength λ.

+ The smaller the circular hole is made, the closer we come to knowing the exact position of the photon as it goes through it.

+ Basically, if an electron with “x” amount of energy goes to a lower state of energy and loses “y” energy, then a photon with energy “y” is emitted by the atom and either becomes light or some other form of radiation.

+ The photon or photons come out of a very small hole within a well known period of time.

+ We can know for sure that it is most likely that a photon will hit the center bright band, and that it gets less and less likely that a photon will show up at bands farther and farther from the center.

+ As noted above, the redshift arises from the metric expansion of space; as the space itself expands, the wavelength of a photon traveling through space likewise increases, decreasing its energy.

+ Electromagnetic radiation includes everything from cosmic rays on the high energy photon end, to the visual light spectrum, and on down below the infrared to the extremely low frequency radio waves.

+ Any photon with sufficient energy can affect the chemical bonds of a chemical compound.

+ Each photon in the ultraviolet range has a lot of energy, enough to hurt skin cells and cause a sunburn.

+ If we had very sensitive photographic film that could be darkened by only one photon, then we would find a tiny speck of silver where the photon ended up.

+ When a photon is absorbed by an electron it gives its energy to the electron and disappears.

+ Planck suggested that the energy of each photon was related to the photon frequency by the Planck constant.

+ For saffron, absorbance is determined for the crocin-specific photon wavelength of 440 nm in a given dry sample of spice.

+ If the mathematical model is an accurate representation of the real world, then no photon or other subatomic particle has either an exact position or a definite momentum.

+ If we use this formula, the photon has a mass, which is according to experiments incorrect.

+ We would not know where the photon would hit, but we would know exactly how hard it would hit.

+ An incoming photon will strike the photocathode surface of the PMT which will emit electrons.

+ Chloroplasts also contain various yellow and orange pigments to assist in photon capture for photosynthesis.

+ In a neutral atom, the system will emit a photon of the difference in energy.

+ On the other hand, the momentum of a photon is mathematically related to the amplitude of its wave.

+ Einstein said that the effect was due to a photon striking an electron.

+ A single x-ray is very high photon energy and can go right through the human body.

+ Quantum mechanics is based on the knowledge that a photon of a certain frequency means a photon of a certain amount of energy.

+ Each photon has a certain amount of energy related to its wavelength.

+ And, very surprisingly, a single photon could interfere with itself as though it were a single wave that fit the old wave description.

+ For example, for us to “see” an electron, a photon must first interact with it, and this interaction will change the path of that electron.

+ The wave that applies to a photon might be a pure sine wave.

+ But we never know for sure which photon will go into which band.

+ As the diameter of the hole is decreased, the momentum or the direction of the photon as it leaves the hole is more and more greatly changed.

+ Another important property of a photon is its polarity.

+ If the hole is exactly the same size as the photon it won’t pass through.

+ In atomic physics, Rydberg unit of energy, symbol Ry, corresponds to the energy of the photon whose wavenumber is the Rydberg constant, i.e.

+ When the electron decays back again, it emits one photon of light.

+ A photon has no rest mass, but it has momentum.

+ There was a photon with a certain frequency and now it has been taken away.

+ It is equal to Avogadro’s number multiplied by the energy of one photon of light.

+ A photon is an example of a boson as it has a spin spin of 1 and carries electromagnetism.

+ Bohr said that we know nothing about something like a photon or electron until we observe it.

+ For example, a photon has zero mass and a neutrino has zero charge.

+ One Planck time is the time it would take a photon travelling at the speed of light to cross a distance equal to one Planck length.

+ In 1931 Cornelius Van Niel proposed that photosynthesis is a case of a general mechanism where a photon of light is used to photodecompose a hydrogen donor, with the hydrogen being used to reduce.

+ A silver atom is much larger than a photon, so there would be some fuzziness about where the photon ended up, but people probably would agree that the photon must have ended up somewhere within the target formed by the silver atom.

+ Then it can emit a photon of discrete energy.

+ Under what are called natural units, then the number representing the frequency of a photon would also represent its energy.

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