Some example sentences of “photoelectric effect”

How to use in-sentence of “photoelectric effect”:

– Page 234 ‘ describes the terminology of the photoelectric effect and the previous usage of the term Hertz Effect.

– The Photoelectric effect discovered by Albert Einstein proved that light had to act like particles that carried specific amounts of energy, and that the energies were linked to their frequencies.

– Heinrich Hertz made the first observation of the photoelectric effect in 1887.

– Albert Einstein proposed the Laws of Photoelectric Effect and won the Nobel Prize For Physics 1921.

– The photoelectric effect coverts the light into electric current.

– In 1922, he received the Nobel prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905.

– The photoelectric effect has helped physicists understand the quantum mechanicsquantum nature of light and electrons.

– Below the cutoff frequency, the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect stops altogether.

Some example sentences of photoelectric effect
Some example sentences of photoelectric effect

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