Some example sentences of “of the time”

How to use in-sentence of “of the time”:

– During part of the time in his life, Ohm worked as a school teacher.

– Kelly’s recollection of the time he had spent working with Aaliyah, writing, “R.

– A convict who kept to the conditions of his ticket of leave was given a conditional pardon after half of the time he was supposed to be in gaol.

– But because teams at that time only carried one goalie, and Montreal had perhaps the best goalie of the time in Jacques Plante, Charlie was only used in emergency situations.

– Although NHL is permanent and most of the time cannot be cured, there are ways to manage it.

Some example sentences of of the time
Some example sentences of of the time

Example sentences of “of the time”:

– He was frequently at war with the Papacy, hemmed in between Frederick’s lands in northern Italy and his Kingdom of Sicily to the south, and thus he was excommunicated four times and often vilified in pro-papal chronicles of the time and since.

– The most common view of the time was that a large brain evolved “before” bipedality, the ability to walk on two feet more or less upright.

– This was partly because of his illness, but more because of the time he spent preparing to write books about geometry and perspective, the proportions of men and horses, and fortification.

– Much of the time he appeared opposed to governments as he saw them, and also politics.

– Most of the time only children who are younger than five years old get the disease.

– By the Upper Triassic, these plates had grown so that some placodonts of the time looked like the sea turtles of modern day.

– Although Locke was a good student, he did not like the schedule of the time spent there.

– He spent the rest of the time composing or visiting friends.

– Although most of the time underwear is kept hidden under other clothes, sometimes it is partly exposed for fashion reasons or to make other people feel sexually excited when they see it.

– In any event, in going to Italy, Cervantes was doing what many young Spaniards of the time did to further their careers.

– Brown recluse spiders are hunting spiders, so they spend most of the time on the ground.

– Statesmen of the time were Pericles and Alexander the Great.

– Most of the time the characters are in Sonic Boom, a music shop.

– They tell Rose that she must travel to the future to absorb the energies of the Time vortex time vortex, to save the Doctor and the Earth from the Daleks.

– Walter was known as a kind, modest man, quite unlike some other conductors of the time who behaved like dictators.

– He sometimes played as a starting pitcher but most of the time played as a relief pitcher.

– His government, for most of the time it lasted, did not have a majority in the Senate.

- He was frequently at war with the Papacy, hemmed in between Frederick's lands in northern Italy and his Kingdom of Sicily to the south, and thus he was excommunicated four times and often vilified in pro-papal chronicles of the time and since.

- The most common view of the time was that a large brain evolved "before" bipedality, the ability to walk on two feet more or less upright.

More in-sentence examples of “of the time”:

- He spent 17 years in the Hispaniola, living most of the time in the southwestern region of the island.

- With this, he was able to add some of what the Dutch painters of the time did already.

– He spent 17 years in the Hispaniola, living most of the time in the southwestern region of the island.

– With this, he was able to add some of what the Dutch painters of the time did already.

– Defying the conventions of the time model Dolores Francine Rhiney.

– The islands are most of the time referred to as the Ionian Islands.

– Most of the time nipple discharge is not cancer.

– The number on the bottom of the time signature can be any exponent of 2.

– The way to win the match is to have the most points by the end of the time limit.

– Most of the time users have a special “recycling” bin to recover from, but the loss of system files can stop the system from working.

– Most of the time it is served as an appetizer or as a dessert.

– This is also the club he played for most of the time during his professional career.

– The William and Sibylla were too closely related under Church laws of the time to be married.

– Biblical scholars of the time such as Justus Lipsius were also beginning to look at the Ark story more closely.

– Most of the time people who are masochistic or sadistic are sad in real life.

– This is because they are playing most of the time and usually form the basis of the music.

– He believed he was the last of the Time Lords, until he discovered that the Master had also survived.

– Pope Francis and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani met on 6 March 2021 for at most 40 minutes, part of the time alone except for interpreters, in the Shiite cleric’s modest home in the city of Najaf.

– Most of the time the box is sent to its destination by people who work as “cargofreight forwarders” who know a lot about shipping balikbayan boxes by sea, the boxes can be brought by Filipinos returning to the Philippines on air flights.

– One of the biggest glacial lakes of the time was Glacial Lake Hitchcock.

– English socialist government of the time had planned to build airships for the imperial route London-Cairo-Bombay-Canada-Australia-New York-London.

– This means that the individual atoms can be treated as if each were in isolation, as the vast majority of the time they are.

– Before that, it was the capital of the country now called Vietnam for most of the time from at least the 11th century until 1802.

– Most of the time they are close partners and backstage friends who team with each other almost all the time, while other times they are wrestlers that fight by themselves most of the time who team together for just one match.

– His conducting was very different from that of many of the other famous conductors of the time such as Pierre Monteux, Wilhelm Furtwängler and Otto Klemperer.

– Another historian of the time described the jayhawkers as bands of men that were willing to fight, kill, and rob for a variety of motives that included defense against pro-slavery.

– The Pacific Time Zone is one of the time zones in the world.

– He argued that solving the political crisis of the time required more than perfecting moral character.

– He loved his job most of the time and worked very hard.

– Most of the time key signatures were cancelled whenever the new key signature had fewer sharps or flats than the old key signature, in modern popular music, this is only done when C major or A minor replace another key.

– They spend most of the time soaring.

– This is a small community, so we usually know most of the time who’s online and offline, and who’s our friends.

– Tyrrell was still sponsorshipsponsored by French fuel company Elf, and Tyrrell would keep the French blue racing colours for most of the rest of the time the company existed.

– For most of the time before the Motion Picture Production Code, she played sexually liberated females in sophisticated contemporary comedy movies.

– Public sources of the time said it was good that Solon installed the brothel.

– The Doctor explained that he stopped the war by destroying Gallifrey, killing all of the Time Lords and Daleks.

– Together with other names of the Italian fashion of the time such as Roberto Capucci, the Sartoria Antonelli, the atelier Carosa, Giovanelli Sciarra, Germana Marucelli, Polinober, the Sartoria Vanna and Jole Veneziani, he participated in 1952 in the first historical parade at the Sala Bianca in Palazzo Pitti in Florence.

– The leaders of the time were Otto von Habsburg and the Hungarian minister, Imre Pozsgay.

– It had all the latest equipment of the time to allow it to run as a top secret defence base.

– Fashion is a reflection of the time and place.

– The link text is usually the title of the time interval being linked to; if left blank the template will display “Time interval”.

– Most of the time it’s pretty dormant but there has been some more activity in recent weeks.

– Eptalon said to me that there is a reason that the RfA process is 1 week long and that is to use the whole of the time to its’ fullest extent to allow for a maximum of discussion to occur.

– It was inspired by several works of the time that speculated about life on the moon.

– While most albums of the time included ten to fourteen songs, “The Beatles” included thirty-four songs, and was sold as a two-disc set.

– The Tukeit Hill Frog spends some time low in the trees, 1–3 metres, and some of the time on the ground.

– Much of the time are not spend in battle, instead, it takes place either in the game’s overworld or solve puzzle for dungeons, caves, and other locales.

– Most of the time the book is named after the person who maybe wrote the book.

– Most of the time they are looking for gold, platinum, or mercury.

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