Some example sentences of “obey”

How to use in-sentence of “obey”:

+ Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that all the other people who obey God will live forever on a paradise Earth.

+ Angels are powerful, smart spirits that obey God’s commands and praise him with singing and they have male gender, but without any sex.

+ Specifically, he would obey any command he hears if he also hears the phrase “would you kindly”.

+ He needed a keeper who would obey him.

+ David Ross Obey from 1969 to 2011.

+ After the “Furman” decision, the states of Georgia, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and Louisiana changed their death penalty laws to obey the Supreme Court’s decision in “Furman”.

Some example sentences of obey
Some example sentences of obey

Example sentences of “obey”:

+ Attorney General, he was a known figure in the Watergate Scandal, and Saturday Night Massacreresigned rather than obey President Nixon’s order to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox.

+ They must obey any minimum wage laws that the country has.

+ Fermions also obey a theory called Fermi-Dirac statistics.

+ A person may refuse to obey a law or order that he or she thinks is wrong.

+ Amalendu, aa They were very well organized and ready all the time to obey the orders of their leaders.

+ However he also felt that there should be strong rules in society and that people needed to obey them.

+ If they obey the axioms of a vector space, you can think of them as vectors and the theorems of linear algebra will still apply to them.

+ In the 18th century the hundreds of rulers of parts of the Holy Roman Empire were practically independent; they seldom had to obey the Emperor, and often made war against each other or against the Emperor.

+ The Houses must obey House Corrino, because the leader of House Corrino is also the Emperor.

+ Particles with an integer spin are called bosons, which obey Bose-Einstein Statistics.

+ When he got better, he promises he would obey the Will will of God.

+ In the first week of February, it created a government that would obey all of Japan’s needs.

+ Confucius said that in all these relationships, both people must obey rules.

+ Pythagoras taught them all, and they had to obey strict rules.

+ Bosons are different from fermions, which are particles that make up matter, because bosons obey Bose-Einstein statistics.

+ Attorney General, he was a known figure in the Watergate Scandal, and Saturday Night Massacreresigned rather than obey President Nixon's order to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox.

+ They must obey any minimum wage laws that the country has.
+ Fermions also obey a theory called Fermi-Dirac statistics.

More in-sentence examples of “obey”:

+ People who use cell phone while driving improve the risk to violate the road safety code like running a red light, driving above the speed limit or failing to obey a mandatory stop.

+ In March 1621 Billington was punishmentpunished because he did not to obey Myles Standish the military leader.

+ To avoid hitting people, riders must obey signs that say “no bicycling”, even if it does not seem to make sense at the time.

+ This is because fermions obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that they cannot gather together in the same quantum state.

+ Military discipline is training people to obey rules and keep order.”The Military Leadership Handbook”, eds.

+ The proper use of the symbol is debated; it is used to describe any cyclic pi system in some publications, or only those pi systems that obey Hückel’s rule on others.

+ The second was to ‘get up when they are told’, the third lesson was ‘to get dress when they are told’, the fourth lesson was ‘to listen’ and the fifth and final lesson was to ‘completely obey parents’ commands’.

+ One of the purposes is to advise children to obey their parents and to behave themselves.  They say  “Are there any crybabies around?” or “Are naughty kids around?” in the local dialect.  If parents want Namahage to encourage or tell off their children by giving a specific original way, parents can ask them in advance to give special lessons to their children.  It lasts until children heavily cry or leave their house.

+ Businesses that do not obey health and safety regulations may be punished.

+ Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Hall Monitor: Quite serious and good grades. To try to obey a law or a rule at any time.

+ Dick Deadeye points out that “when people have to obey other people’s orders, equality’s out of the question”.

+ Chapter 3 tells the Christians to obey the government leaders and to live a good life and be gentle.

+ However, after finding salvation through faith, most of the reformers said we should obey the law.

+ They also programmed him to obey certain commands without him knowing it.

+ On May 5, 2010, Obey announced that he would not seek reelection to Congress in November 2010.

+ They have to obey the rules they were given.

+ Higgs bosons obey the conservation of energy law, which states that no energy is created or destroyed, but instead can be transferred or change form.

+ For example, in the 1600s, John Locke, an English philosopher, had created the idea of the “social contract.” This idea said that people agree to obey governments, and in return, those governments agree to protect the people and their rights.

+ He found the Lord Mayor, who said: “Lord! what can I do? I am spent: people will not obey me.

+ Even outside of North Korea, these North Koreans are often not allowed to interact with the local people outside of work, are forced to live in North Korean communities, and must obey North Korean laws.

+ In judo and some other martial arts the two contestants will bow to one another to show that they respect one another and will obey the rules of the game.

+ In this book he says that everybody had to obey political rules and he was only doing what everyone else did.

+ Mixed with this are promises of God helping those who obey Him.

+ He sings this in a song which is very beautiful, but it does not obey the rules of the Mastersingers.

+ All particles with 1/2 spin are called fermions, and obey Fermi-Dirac statistics.

+ Many materials obey this law as long as the load does not exceed the material’s elastic limit.

+ They chose to break the state’s law but obey their own.

+ He will have to promise to be a good citizen and obey the country’s laws.

+ Models have been constructed within Euclidean geometry that obey the axioms of hyperbolic geometry.

+ They typically believe that the only things the state should provide are police and judges to make sure that people obey the laws, and a military to make sure that no one attacks the country.

+ These particles with 1/2 spin are called Fermions because they obey Fermi-Dirac Statistics.

+ For example, a subject must obey a prince, but also a prince must listen to a subject and must rule him well and fairly.

+ Either the monarch has to obey the laws like everyone else, or there are special laws that say what the monarch can and cannot do.

+ They refused to obey White Americans.

+ There are other, more unusual examples of rings, however they all obey the special rules below.

+ In the European Union, member states have authorities which make sure that people obey the health and safety laws.

+ Everyone should agree to obey the Sovereign, and give him all power of coercion or force of restraint under law.

+ He was made to leave the Conservatory because he did not obey their rules.

+ Sam commands the pack in the double-timbre of the Alpha, to obey his decision to destroy Bella and her unborn child.

+ Ryan further reveals that, after purchasing Jack’s embryo, Fontaine made him to obey orders when he is told “Would you kindly…” Jack was then sent to the surface when the war started to put him beyond Ryan’s reach.

+ In a 9-0 decision, the Supreme Court ordered the states to start trying to obey the “Brown” decision and de-segregate their schools.

+ A rebellion is when people refuse to obey orders and fight against authority.

+ Moody often abuses Betty, because she does not obey him.

+ The abbot had to obey the bishop.

+ Because they did not obey him, God made them leave the garden, so all people had to work for their food.

+ Those attending did not feel bound to obey any laws made by the illegitimate legislature.

+ During his long life Verdi changed opera so that it did not have to obey old-fashioned rules.

+ People who use cell phone while driving improve the risk to violate the road safety code like running a red light, driving above the speed limit or failing to obey a mandatory stop.

+ In March 1621 Billington was punishmentpunished because he did not to obey Myles Standish the military leader.

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