Some example sentences of “noble gas”

How to use in-sentence of “noble gas”:

– A noble gas compound is a chemical compound that has an Chemical elementelement from Group 18 of the periodic table in them.

– Many more noble gas compounds have been found since then.

– The filament needs to be protected from the air, so it is inside the bulb, and the air in the bulb is either removed or more often, replaced with a noble gas that doesn’t affect anything, like neon or argon.

– Helium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, Chemically inertinert monatomic chemical element that heads the noble gas series in the periodic table and whose atomic number is 2.

– Helium is the second least reactive noble gas after neon.

– One problem, not yet resolved, is that the noble gas isotope ratios of Earth’s atmosphere are different from those of its mantle.

– It is a noble gas and no electrons or protons can be lost or gained from this atom.

Some example sentences of noble gas
Some example sentences of noble gas

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