Some example sentences of “nile”

How to use in-sentence of “nile”:

– The River Jordan in the Middle East, and the Nile are two good examples of where this is happening.

– Crops were grown after the Nile flood water went down.

– The society of ancient Egypt depended on a balance of natural and human resources, especially the irrigation of the Nile Valley so that Egyptians could grow crops.

– The Battle of the Nile was an important navynaval British and the French.

– This species is one of the largest of all crocodilian species, approaching the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile in maximum size – males reach at least 5 metres in length, and often approach 6 metres.

Some example sentences of nile
Some example sentences of nile

Example sentences of “nile”:

– The tombs were built on the west bank of the Nile where the sun seemed to set.

– If a mosquito bites a bird that has WNV, and then bites a human, that person can get West Nile Virus.

– It was given to the British as part of the surrender arrangements when French forces were caught in Alexandria by the Battle of the Nile and a larger force of British and Ottoman troops.

– Uganda is almost completely in the Nile basin.

– Howard died on November 25, 2017 in Los Angeles, California of heart failure complicated by the West Nile virus at the age of 89.

– Punt, we are told by the Egyptians, is situated – in relation to the Nile Valley – both to the north, in contact with the countries of the Near East of the Mediterranean area, and also to the east or south-east, while its furthest borders are far away to the south.

– The description of the Pelican falling into the Nile seems connected with the idea that dangerous things are disguised as fish, and the pelican will capture them in its large beak.

– This happens in less than 1% of people who get West Nile virus.

– He conquered lands from the Niya Kingdom in northern Syria to the Cataracts of the NileFourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia.

– It was designed and implemented by Senemut at a site on the Thebes, EgyptWest Bank of the Nile River near the entrance to what now is called the Valley of the Kings.

– It has only 10% as much sediment as the Nile RiverNile because the Niger’s source is in very old rocks that have little silt.

- The tombs were built on the west bank of the Nile where the sun seemed to set.

- If a mosquito bites a bird that has WNV, and then bites a human, that person can get West Nile Virus.
- It was given to the British as part of the surrender arrangements when French forces were caught in Alexandria by the Battle of the Nile and a larger force of British and Ottoman troops.

– He had become famous in Britain for his victories over the French, such as at the Battle of the Nile in 1798.

– It was composed after Fanshawe had made journeys to Africa up the river Nile between 1969 and 1973.

– The Aswan Low Dam or Old Aswan Dam is a dam across the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt.

– The sandstone for this temple, including all the columns, was transported from Gebel Silsila 100 miles south on the Nile river.

– However, most of them come and go through the seasons, except for the Nile River and Niger River.

– Flora and fauna previously widespread retreat northwards to the Atlas Mountains, southwards into West Africa, or eastwards into the Nile Valley and thence either south-east to the Ethiopian Highlands and Kenya or north-east across the Sinai into Asia.

Nilesat allowed for the launch of several specialized TV channels in addition to Egyptian Satellite Channel and Nile TV.

– Lower Egypt was the northern Nile and the Nile Delta.

– From there the numbering progressed downriver in an orderly fashion along the narrow fertile strip of land that was the Nile valley.

More in-sentence examples of “nile”:

- West Nile Virus is a virus that belongs to the genus "Flavivirus".

- Most were built on the western side of the River Nile in desert areas.
- The societies and towns on the upper Nile River, or Upper Egypt began to join together.

– West Nile Virus is a virus that belongs to the genus “Flavivirus”.

– Most were built on the western side of the River Nile in desert areas.

– The societies and towns on the upper Nile River, or Upper Egypt began to join together.

– Gustave is a Nile crocodile and is about Though the actual number is difficult to verify, he is a near-mythical creature and is greatly feared by people in the region.

– This was also happening in the Nile Delta, or Lower Egypt.

– Only the one done by emperor Nero seemed to be a preparative for the conquest of Ethiopia or Nubia: in 62AD two legionaries explored the sources of the Nile river.

– Neuroinvasive disease is when the West Nile virus infects the central nervous system.

– Upper Egypt is a narrow strip of land on both sides of the Nile that extends from modern-day Aswan to the area south of modern-day Cairo.

– At first, a medical professional usually makes a possible diagnosis of West Nile virus based on a person’s symptoms, where they live, and when and where they have traveled.

– It is common in the Mediterranean, the upper Nile River, and the northwestern parts of the Indian Ocean.

– They even started a city, Naucratis, on the river Nile in Egypt.

– The unification of societies of the Nile has also been linked to the drying of the Sahara.

– It stretches across a section of the Nile River.

– The Valley of the Nile had been lived in by early humans for at least 700,000 years.

– Egypt grew along the River Nile and was at its most powerful in the second millennium BC.

– Tutsis are probably part of the a larger ethnic group from the Nile River.

– Farming in Egypt was dependent on the cycle of the Nile River.

– The Nile is very important to the countries where it flows.

– Thutmose travelled up the Nile with his army and fought in the battle, personally killing the Nubian king.

– It is between the Nile and the Red Sea in the southeast of the country.

– The Nile is considered to be an “arcuate” delta, and resembles a triangle or lotus flower when seen from above.

– It is almost extinct along the shores of the river Nile where it was originally cultivated.

– In ancient times, Upper Egypt extended from the Nile Delta to the first cataract.

– There are deltas on the Nile River, the Amazon River, the Mekong River, the Mississippi River and the Danube River.

– The Ogdoad were the original great gods of Iunu where they were thought to have helped with creation, then died and retired to the land of the dead where they continued to make the Nile River flow and the sun rise every day.

– Papyrus growing on the banks of the Nile River was used to make paper.

– The Blue Nile starts at Lake Tana in Ethiopia and flows through Ethiopia and Sudan.

– He later has a nightmare in which he witnesses several Hebrew infants being thrown in the Nile and later, Seti reveals that he “sacrificed” the Hebrew children, to prevent retaliation.

– Details recorded in the Royal Annals includes the height of the annual Nile flood, taxation, sculpture, buildings, and warfare.

– During the rest of the year, the White Nile has almost twice as much water than the Blue Nile.

– The nomes were numbered in a more or less orderly fashion south to north through the Nile delta.

– Salamunovich died from the West Nile virus on April 3, 2014 at a hospital in Sherman Oaks, California.

– Caesar and Cleopatra celebrated their victory with a triumphant procession on the Nile in the spring of 47 B.C.

– The Aga Khan’s mausoleum is near the Nile at Aswan, Egypt.

– The Tabula Peutingeriana says “Flumen Girin” and “Hoc flumen quidam Grin vocant, alii Nilum appellant dicint enim sub terra Etyopium in Nilum ire Lacum.”, which means “This river which some are naming Grin is called Nile by others and is thought to flow under the ground of Ethiopia i.e.

– The Nile Crocodile is carnivorous, or eats meat.

– The third season, “She” was the months during which the Nile flooded.

– The complex of temples is near Luxor on the Nile in Egypt.

– The cataracts of the Nile RiverNile are areas between Aswan and Khartoum where the water is shallow and flows quickly.

– It is on the west bank of the Nile River opposite Cairo.

– Hapi was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egyptian religion.

– River Nile split off from Northern.

– Seneca wrote that around 62AD Nero sent some legionaries to the city of Meroe in Nubia in order to explore all the Nile southward from that capital.

– Hapi was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in Egyptian mythology.

– The Ancient Egyptians took cats on board Nile boats to catch birds in the thickets along the riverbanks.

– It sits in a depression to the south of the pyramid of the Pharaoh Khafre at the west bank of the Nile River.

– They collaborated with Giorgio Moroder, Todd Edwards, Nile Rodgers, Panda Bear, Chilly Gonzales, DJ Falcon, Julian Casablancas, Paul Williams Paul Williams and Pharrell Williams.

– The Nile crocodile eats bigger animals as it gets bigger.

– His sire was Pioneerof the Nile and his dam was Littleprincessemma.

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