Some example sentences of “mon”

How to use in-sentence of “mon”:

– Bourg, Breil-de-Barrel, Chardin, Bren, Boësse, Devies, Promiod, Boettes, Francou, Champlong, Arsine, Sopien, Brenvey, Champ, Chancellier, Chancellier Dessous, Chancellier Dessus, Revard, Pracarrà, Bioure, Salère, La Nouva, Giacomet, Varé, Chenez, Devies, Pointé, Étavé, Chesalet, Toniquet, Assert, Fontanella, Fressoney, Nissod, Travod, Nuarsa, Soletta, Domianaz, Closel Dessous, Closel Dessus, La Tour, Lo Cret, Verlex, Albard, Pissin Dessous, Pissin Dessus, La Sounere, Barmusse, Cretadonaz, Cret Blanc Dessous, Cret Blanc Dessus, Chavod, Merlin, Tour de Grange, Sarmasse, Barmafol, Plantin, Perolles, Soleil, Bretton, Saint-Valentin, Sellotaz, Govergnou, Cillod, Panorama, Remela, Neran, Larianaz, Gléréyaz, La Marca, Grand Prà, Crétaz, Cloîtres, Plan Pissin, Tornafol, Bertina, Gare, Saint-Clair, Piou, Cérouic, Étrop, Étrop Dessus, Pranego, Crétaz Chardon, Pragarin Dessous, Pragarin Dessus, Salé, Salé Dessus, Les Îles, Moriola, Taxard, Ussel, Château d’Ussel, Biolasse Dessous, Biolasse Dessus, Perry, Bellecombe, Mon Ross Dessus, Toule.

– Tourists and locals head to Wat Poramai-yikawat — a mon styled temple, and Wat Sanam Nua temple for worship.

– Dorayi screened and auditioned principal character but when he was bring out to camera, he could not performed effectively, therefore, Ado Ahmad Gidan Dabino MON appropriated for the role and plays  perfectly.

– She was known for her 2002 single “Tu es mon autre”.

– It was called “En chantant veil mon duel faire”.

Some example sentences of mon
Some example sentences of mon

Example sentences of “mon”:

– Phetchaburi is an old royal city, dating back to the Mon of the 8th century.

– He wrote his autobiography, “Ma vie racontée à mon chien cinéphile”, in 2001.

– Since 2015, Mon became a part of the municipality of Albula/Alvra.

– Even though most of them are of Thai ancestry, there is also a lot of Mon and Karen blood around.

– The town also has number of historic attractions, such as a fig tree on the corner of King and Cadell Streets, which is thought to be 150 years old; and the Mon Repos, a residence built in a Queen Anne-style, which was built in the 1890s.

– Graeme McMillan of “Hollywood Reporter” says this could be because only four women speak in the first three Star Wars movies, and Mon Mothma is one of them.

– He sang “Dans mon H.L.M.”, “Laisse béton”, “Les Bobos”, “Manhattan-Kaboul”, “Marche à l’ombre”, “Mistral gagnant”, “Molly Malone” and “Mon beauf’”.

– As a singer, she was known for her single “Mon amour, mon ami”.

– The Mon script was originally adapted from the Pallava script.

– Khader was born in Bilin, Mon StateBilin, Rangoon, Burma.

– Koyamaki was chosen as the mon Japanese Imperial crest for Prince Hisahito of Akishino, currently third in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

– Murals of Wat Khongkharam At a Mon monastery over 200 years old and originally called “Wat Klang” or “Phia To”.

– For five centuries, the “Daigaku-ryō” was near the Suzaku Mon at southern boundary of the Imperial enclosure.

– William’s last words were in French: “Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, ayez pitié de moi et de ton pauvre peuple”.

– The Mon language is one of oldest language in Mainland Southeast Asia, and is part of an Austroasiatic language families.

- Phetchaburi is an old royal city, dating back to the Mon of the 8th century.

- He wrote his autobiography, "Ma vie racontée à mon chien cinéphile", in 2001.
- Since 2015, Mon became a part of the municipality of Albula/Alvra.

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