Some example sentences of “know how”

How to use in-sentence of “know how”:

+ The brains of teenagers are still growing, and it may take a while before they are mature enough to know how to make good choices about their lives.

+ Evelina is confused and embarrassed by his behavior, but does not know how to stop him.

+ The Philistines at the time were the enemies of the people in Israel, so Samson did not know how his father would react once he told him the news.

+ The standard error of the mean is a way to know how close the average of the sample is to the average of the whole group.

+ Test pilots must know about aerospace engineering in order to know how and why planes are tested.

+ In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church began to use theatre as a way of telling the stories from the Bible to people who did not know how to read.

Some example sentences of know how
Some example sentences of know how

Example sentences of “know how”:

+ I won't delete the Main Page, and I know how to properly use the block, delete and protect tools.

+ Scientists want to know how much Carbon dioxideCO and methane is in the atmosphere of Mars.

+ I won’t delete the Main Page, and I know how to properly use the block, delete and protect tools.

+ Scientists want to know how much Carbon dioxideCO and methane is in the atmosphere of Mars.

+ Meg GriffinMeg wants to have a birthday party at the house with a band playing, but Peter and Lois do not know how old she is.

+ Sometimes this is because people do not know how much they should take.

+ To know how much can be drawn out of nature, before it dies, is important.

+ The person says that it’s the only one in the world and that only a few people know how to use it.

+ He had a GPS but did not know how to use it.

+ When mathematicians talk about a set, they sometimes want to know how big a set is.

+ It was also lowered because the people put in charge of the factories did not know how to run them.

+ Saussure wanted to know how people communicate language with each other.

+ It is hard to know how much supplemental Vitamin D, if any, is needed.

More in-sentence examples of “know how”:

+ It helps to know how effectively a batsman is playing.

+ When we look at algorithms as a way of solving problems, often we want to know how long it would take a computer to solve the problem using a particular algorithm.

+ It helps to know how effectively a batsman is playing.

+ When we look at algorithms as a way of solving problems, often we want to know how long it would take a computer to solve the problem using a particular algorithm.

+ For organisms, learning means that they change their behaviour because they remember having been in that situation before and know how to react.

+ However this did not happen partly because the trees were cut when they were too young and partly because the Americans did not know how to process the cut trees to prevent the wood from twisting and splitting.

+ I do not know how to fix that without changing the template or rewriting every single reference in the article to match the one there.

+ Understanding the standard deviation of a set of values allows us to know how large a difference from the “average” is expected.

+ If somebody could please let me know how I can change my password, I would be very thankful.

+ I do not know how to change this mess.

+ Out of curiosity, I’d like to know how I’ve done so far.

+ The book let people know how the Belarusian side takes part in the War in Donbas for the separatists side.

+ The main purpose of having Wikitext in wikis instead of HTML is because HTML is more complicated and not many people know how to use it.

+ First basemen need to have quick feet, stretch well, be quick and know how to catch wild throws.

+ Anger: Because many marijuana users smoke as a means of escaping from difficult emotions, they don’t know how to regulate those emotions naturally.

+ Risk is a number people can use to know how much money they may earn or lose.

+ There are references, but I don’t know how independent/reliable there are, and as there have been questions about quick deletion, I propose we do a discussed deletion instead.

+ Dowland seems to have been married and he had children, although we do not know how many.

+ Most of the people who saw the movie did not know how little the Beatles had really been involved with making it, or even thought to ask.

+ Sorry to bother you, but I am asking if anyone would like to make a table for this page?: alan#Discography? I don’t know how to make a table.

+ I don’t have a dash button on my keyboard, I don’t know how many do.

+ Although they are very simple, rockets are the most powerful engines we know how to make.

+ I know how you feel.

+ I need to know how many active users are there.

+ When foreigners speak Japanese, it is important they know how formal they must be when they speak to people you may or may not know.

+ Writing music down makes it possible for a composer who makes up a piece of music to let other people know how the music is supposed to sound.

+ I don´t know how I came to the idea to classify it as an Anglican religious order.

+ The uncertainty in the mean can be used to know how close the average of the samples are to the average that would come from measuring the whole group.

+ I don’t know how to make a page.

+ So while there are links, from many sources, I dpn’t know how independent or reliable they are.

+ Scientists do not know how many birds there are, but they think there may be anywhere from 2,500 to 9,999 northern cassowaries left.

+ However, since this template now invokes a module, I don’t know how to read it to see if there’s a way to suppress the category.

+ There are many important NP problems that people don’t know how to solve in a way that is faster than testing every possible answer.

+ I have cut down on using ready made templates in favour of more personal messages when dealing with those who vandalise or simply don’t know how to edit here.

+ But if people have clean needles or if they know how to clean needles, they do not get HIV as much.

+ I don’t know how to solve this.

+ If you are interested or know how to play chess, please join.

+ In science, for example, the standard deviation of a group of repeated measurements helps scientists know how sure they are of the average number.

+ As a matter of fact, when Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams were developed in the early 1900’s, astronomers did not know how to find out the temperature of a star.

+ You think you know how difficult people can be, but you have no idea.

+ When the leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, said that he did not want the United States to help his country against coronavirus, he named the idea that Americans had made the virus on purpose to harm Iranains as one of his reasons: “I do not know how real this accusation is but when it exists, who in their right mind would trust you to bring them medication?” said Khamenei.

+ However, we do not know how she could have a child.

+ According to Suetonius, it was at this point that Caesar said that “That man does not know how to win a war”.

+ If a sample is compared to a standard calibration it is possible to know how much of a separated part of the sample makes up the sample.

+ Knowing the uncertainty in the mean, one can know how close the sample average is to the average that would come from measuring the whole group.

+ This was because they did not know how damaging and addictive the drug could be when used.

+ One, Simple does not have enough users that know how to write articles, Two, Simple is a difficult project to create articles for, because the project rules makes it difficult to write quality articles.

+ I want to know how to write my future changes.

+ On the album’s website, he states that he does not know how to sing and that he is not a singer, it is only a way to vent through music.

+ A native of Port Arthur, Ontario, Wilson did not even know how to skate when he joined the town’s church league in 1914.

+ Many other verbs are “irregular”, this means that there is no pattern and no easy way to know how the verb changes.

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