Some example sentences of “indeed”

How to use in-sentence of “indeed”:

+ This may indeed play a part, but primarily the cause of fatigue is what is called ‘metabolic fatigue’, such as the shortage of fuel within the muscles.

+ With “The Nutcracker”, it is indeed one of the first ballets that children encounter.

+ The IP listed on Jimbo’s talk page is indeed from a range associated with Benniguy / Inkpen2 on simple.

+ They were indeed invented by Linus Yale Jnr in the 1860s.

+ All of these contributions do indeed show that this range is definitely not trying to edit constructively and I believe that it never will.

+ Their second album was indeed titled “The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek” although you could argue the third album used more humor.

Some example sentences of indeed
Some example sentences of indeed

Example sentences of “indeed”:

+ He went on to say that energy use would rise "because there would be more lights on in the early morning." He was also concerned about children going to school in the dark, which indeed they were.

+ This was indeed a great blessing for her and for this poor Bedouin family.
+ It was indeed his last opera and his last big work.

+ He went on to say that energy use would rise “because there would be more lights on in the early morning.” He was also concerned about children going to school in the dark, which indeed they were.

+ This was indeed a great blessing for her and for this poor Bedouin family.

+ It was indeed his last opera and his last big work.

+ If the orbit is indeed highly elliptical, then the temperature variance range will be extreme.

+ The question was finally settled in 2002 by Grigori Perelman, a Russian mathematician, with methods from geometry, showing that it is indeed true.

+ At that point debt troubles cloud the future, indeed the future of the UDP and Dean Barrow is nebulous in its own way.

+ It also looks at the soil a person is working on, to make a claim that they should indeed work and occupy that land.

+ The Roman treasury was indeed in a bad way after Nero’s extravagances, but Galba did not handle the situation well.

+ In 1923 it was indeed discovered that there were complex, ionized layers.

+ The United States did indeed reach its peak oil in the early 1970s.

+ I think a probationary lifting might be a good idea, to see whether you will indeed “edit normally” or whether you’ll go back to obsessing over this one user’s edits.

+ Its significance lies in the fact that this was the first of the fossils which had been found in the twenties and thirties to provide evidence that humans indeed have a ‘natural history’ all of their own – just as Darwin had predicted.

+ In a later interview, Beust’s father confirmed that his son is indeed homosexual.

+ There is evidence that at the time of European settlement of Australia some Mountain Ash were indeed the tallest plants in the world.

+ Perusing my edit history atWP will show that it is indeed an impersonator using my name here.

+ Given their small size, bonsai plants would not technically be “trees”, but are indeed “trees”.

+ He does indeed do his job perfectly.

+ This forces Gabrielle to accept that Hope is indeed evil.

More in-sentence examples of “indeed”:

+ In the 1960s it was finally proven that “tulip breaking virus” was indeed a virus, and today its genetic code has been partially sequenced.

+ Charny’s predictions turned out to be true and indeed a great many nobles on both sides lost their life that day, including de Charny himself.

+ But it indeed qualifies for good article status.

+ This story is thought by some to be a myth, but Archimedes was indeed a most notable inventor.

+ Investigation later confirmed that the Soviet satellite warning system had indeed malfunctioned.

+ According to the police officer, the accident indeed took place near Raalte on the N348 between Raalte and Deventer, but not on the location where the 66.6 kilometre marker currently is, but near the 60.0 kilometre marker.

+ Searching no google, I also find a number of images, and a railroad; so this migfht indeed be notable.

+ The remainder of the motorway was constructed as the Leeds South East Urban Motorway as was part of the M1, and indeed formed its northern most section until 1999 with the completion of the M1/A1 link and the completion of the road at J3.

+ When she arrives at Sídhe Dubh she learns from Eamonn that he indeed has Bran held prisoner.

+ The above article is indeed copied directly as null citations exist throughout.

+ It is clear from contemporary sources that a female usurper did indeed rule the country at this time, and that her reign ended some time before 1003.

+ In 1895, Dubois returned to Europe and toured the continent to convince his colleagues that he had indeed found a missing link.

+ Furthermore, there is no policy saying that flooding is disruption, and indeed the meta page, and now our own, is only a guideline, not a policy, and suggests that admins use it, not that they must, further proving that a block was an inappropriate use of the administrator tools.

+ For the first, and indeed for the last time, six emperors administered the Roman world.

+ Gould also discusses the possibility that what Morrell sighted was indeed the eastern coast of Graham Land, the so-called “Foyn Coast”, Gould uses the term “Foyn Coast” to describe the whole east coast of Graham Land.

+ The race to assess the results finds that the runners from Group A do indeed run faster, with the following ranks: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

+ John Keay writes that “he may indeed be an early manifestation of Lord Shiva as Pashu-pati”, but a couple of his specialties of this figure does not match with Rudra.

+ Hello all, and indeed congratulations so far.

+ As early as 1190, William of Newburgh wrote “it is quite clear that everything this man wrote about Arthur and his successors, or indeed about his predecessors from Vortigern onwards, was made up, partly by himself and partly by others”.

+ Given that at least one of the users has contributed here productively, it would in my opinion be appropriate to globally unlock their accounts, or to provide evidence that a global lock is indeed necessary.

+ Hanlon was a real person and did indeed invent this quotation.

+ The diagrams show that birds and mammals are indeed related, but only at the level of the early amniotes.

+ He tells Liadan that Niamh is indeed alive and safe.

+ The Claymore is indeed a big sword and was held only with two hands.

+ Any classical language can be studied philologically, and indeed describing a language as “classical” is to imply the existence of a philological tradition associated with it.

+ It indeed did that, finding evidence that 3 Billion years ago there was once water and a life-supporting environment.

+ In the 1960s it was finally proven that "tulip breaking virus" was indeed a virus, and today its genetic code has been partially sequenced.

+ Charny’s predictions turned out to be true and indeed a great many nobles on both sides lost their life that day, including de Charny himself.
+ But it indeed qualifies for good article status.

+ The viewer carefully needs to look at the geometry of the object to find out that it is indeed impossible.

+ Haeckel’s concept explained, for example, why humans, and indeed all vertebrates, have gill slits and tails early in embryonic development.

+ For example, “For sale: “fresh” fish, “fresh” oysters”, could be construed to imply that “fresh” is not used with its everyday meaning, or indeed to indicate that the fish or oysters are anything but fresh.

+ She was very strict indeed with them, telling them exactly what to do all the time.

+ While he was previously known as a slightly immature sockmaster and a hat collector, he has since changed into a very respectable, mature member indeed with a clean track record ever since.

+ Things like “Film festival” where the proper term is indeed film and “art films” is the proper title for that type of movie.

+ The endocast showed that the brain was indeed small: relative to body size, maybe the smallest among the dinosaurs.

+ And while I know this encyclopedia isn’t just for children, a foreigner or a person who has difficulty with the English language would indeed probably prefer “you” for reading.

+ Tompkins disagreed, and defended structured COBOL: “COBOL programs with convoluted control flow indeed tend to ‘cripple the mind'”, but this was because “there are too many such business application programs written by programmers that have never had the benefit of structured COBOL taught well…”.

+ This situation caused the three royalist representatives, Grol-Subasic-Juraj Sutej, to secede from the provisional government indeed voting was on a single list of People’s Front candidates with provision for opposition votes to be cast in separate voting boxes but this procedure made electors identifiable by OZNA agents.

+ They showed the chert was indeed produced by a hot spring setting.

+ If you indeed think we need a third crat, please spend a thought on who the possible candidates for this position might be, and which ones can indeed get the 75% support needed.

+ This is indeed how things work, but when integrating vector fields, one needs to again be careful in choosing the normal-pointing vector for each piece of the surface, so that when the pieces are put back together, the results are consistent.

+ The literacy rate indeed increased greatly after the reform, from around 10.5%.

+ It is the most frequented of all the shrines in that old city, and indeed one of the most famous in Pakistan and the entire region.

+ When making requests for usurption, I would advise leaving an easy to see notice on your userpage or talk page on your main wiki stating you are which wikis and what account you are requesting and providing the location of this info with your request to help verify that it is indeed you requesting it.

+ The day after her confession, Michel said he had indeed killed eight people.

+ A Roman named Apion came to Alexandria to convince the Jews that they were traitors to the Emperor and that Caligula would punish them but Philo convinced them that “ they should be of good courage, since Gaius’s words indeed showed anger at them but in reality had already set God against himself”.

+ That would make increased size an advantage for sauropods, which did indeed become much larger in the Jurassic than any any land life had before.

+ In practice, much of their work was influenced by Cubism, and indeed their images “were” more dynamic than those of Picasso and Braque.

+ Babur was an excellent general and he planned the battle very carefully as conquering Delhi was indeed very important to him.

+ Analysis of their fossils suggests that the animals were indeed small, bipedal predators.

+ As it is, DYK is run by mainly non-admins, and indeed I would struggle with doing it if it was protected ;.

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