Some example sentences of “geometry”

How to use in-sentence of “geometry”:

– For example, hyperbolic geometry and elliptic geometry come from changing Euclid’s parallel postulate.

– In this case, if a proof uses this statement, researchers will often look for a new proof that “does not” require the hypothesis <!–in the same way that it is desirable that statements in Euclidean geometry be proved using only the axioms of neutral geometry, i.e.

– It will help mathematicians understand a lot more about algebraic geometry and algebraic topology, which are connected to many other areas of mathematics.

– Some theorems of Euclidean geometry cannot be used on the sphere, many of them have been adapted though.

– Marie-Sophie Germain was a FranceFrench mathematician who made important contributions to differential geometry and number theory.

– In geometry a Pentachoron is an object in four-dimensional space.

– One way to imagine elliptic geometry is by thinking of the surface of a globe.

– Adaptive optics should not be confused with active optics, which works on a longer timescale to correct the primary mirror geometry itself.

Some example sentences of geometry
Some example sentences of geometry

Example sentences of “geometry”:

– As well Eugenio Beltrami published book on non-Eucludean geometry in 1868.

– Solid geometry can also measure a solid shape’s volume and surface area.

– Homogeneous coordinates of projective geometry offered an extension of the notion of coordinate system in a different direction, and enriched the scope of algebraic geometry.

– They only received two years of education in arithmetic and geometry before Dalton was forced to retire because of a stroke.

– He also made notable contributions to analytic geometry and probability.

– In mathematics, hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry, meaning that the parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry isn’t true.

– The field of geometry which follows all of Euclid’s axioms is called Euclidean geometry.

– A long time ago, differential geometry was used for map projections.

– Among other things they use solid geometry and trigonometry to create correct perspective.

– The update 2.11 contains different kinds of things to the additional Geometry Dash.

– Chemists need to understand the geometry of MOs in order to discuss molecular structure.

– The geometrical system described in the “Elements” was long known simply as “geometry” and was considered to be the only geometry possible.

– In addition, “kinematics” applies algebraic geometry to the study of the mechanical advantage of a mechanical system, or mechanism.

– The geometrical system described in the “Elements” was long known simply as geometry, and was considered to be the only geometry possible.

– Algebraic geometry occupies a central place in modern mathematics.

– In principle, all sigmatropic shifts can occur with either the same geometry of the migrating group.

– There are 3 different vaults in Geometry Dash.

– The study of geometry related to triangles is called trigonometry.

– Art based on geometry is a kind of geometric abstraction.

- As well Eugenio Beltrami published book on non-Eucludean geometry in 1868.

- Solid geometry can also measure a solid shape's volume and surface area.

More in-sentence examples of “geometry”:

– In Beltrami’s model, lines of hyperbolic geometry are represented by geodesics on the pseudosphere.

– The first authors of non-Euclidean geometries were the HungaryHungarian mathematician János Bolyai and the Russian mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, who separately published treatises on hyperbolic geometry around 1830.

– Early distinguished Gresham College professors included Christopher Wren, who lectured on astronomy in the 17th century, and Robert Hooke, who was Professor of Geometry from 1665 until 1704.

– The geometry of hobbits: “Homo floresiensis” and human evolution.

– He was known for his works in algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and related areas in algebraic geometry.

– The basic idea is to use geometry to model the effects of gravity.

– Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics studying polynomial equations.

– The Gauss-Bonnet theorem is a theorem that connects the geometry of a shape with its topology.

– In geometry a pentahedron is a polyhedron of five faces.

– He is known for his works about algebraic geometry and differential equations.

– Because of the geometry of the molecules involved in cheletropic reactions, they confirm a number of predictions made by theoretical chemists.

– Plane geometry can be used to measure the area and perimeter of a flat shape.

– These are two-dimensional shapes or flat plane geometry shapes.

– The developers of Geometry Dash, RobTop Games, was created by a Swedish man named Robert Topala.

– A parameter called γ encodes the influence of gravity on the geometry of space.

– The short words are often used for arithmetic, geometry or simple algebra by students and their schools.

– Today that system is referred to as Euclidean geometry to distinguish it from other so-called non-Euclidean geometries which mathematicians developed in the 19th century.

– Their works on hyperbolic geometry had an influence on its development among later European geometers, including Witelo, Alfonso and John Wallis.

– He also provided foundations for the theory of elliptic functions, differential geometry and the calculus of variations.

– In non-Euclidean geometry they can meet, either infinitely many times.

– An inspiring development is discovery of mirror symmetry, whereby Calabi-Yau spaces tend to come in pairs such that solutions previously difficult within the extreme vibrational mode of one string can be solved by through the mirror Calabi-Yau space’s geometry in its opposite range.

– There are global leaderboards to show who is best globally, and there are also Creator leaderboards to show who’s the best Geometry Dash level creator.

– They bring more and more for more people to come and play Geometry Dash.

– In the 19th century other forms of geometry were found.

– At the start, algebraic geometry was about studying systems of polynomial equations in several variables.

– The geometry then determines that at certain angles, the light reflected from both surfaces adds, while at other angles, the light subtracts.

– On the average, space is very nearly flat, meaning that Euclidean geometry is experimentally true with high accuracy throughout most of the Universe.

– Glide is based on the basic geometry and “world view” of OpenGL 1.1.

– From an analytic geometry point of view, the absolute value of a real number is that number’s distance from zero along the real number line.

– An interesting property of hyperbolic geometry follows from the occurrence of more than one parallel line through a point “P”: there are two classes of non-intersecting lines.

– In some areas of mathematics, such as plane geometry or 2D computer graphics, the whole space in which the work is carried out is a single plane.

– Coordination geometry is a way of showing how atoms are put in molecules.

– In the nineteenth century, hyperbolic geometry was explored by János Bolyai and Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, after whom it sometimes is named.

– One of the points of Geometry Dash is for fans to rage, and then feel proud about themselves.

– Katok was the Director of the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at the Pennsylvania State University.

– Modern algebraic geometry is based on more abstract techniques of abstract algebra, especially commutative algebra, with the language and the problems of geometry.

– Spherical geometry is the use of geometry on a sphere.

– The kind of geometry he started is one of the bases of the theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein.

– In order for the geometry to be animated, these functions typically require some form of time-based variable as its input.

– Replacing this rule means that hyperbolic geometry acts differently from ordinary flat plane geometry.

– He came from the same island as Oenopides, and who was as far as we know the first to write a systematically ordered geometry textbook.

– Parallel is a term in geometry and in everyday life that refers to a property of lines or planes.

– He won the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the non-spherical geometry of atomic nuclei.

– Isaac Newton used geometry to describe the relationship between acceleration, velocity, and distance.

– Some superstring theories seem to come together on a shared range of geometry that, according to string theorists, is apparently the geometry of space.

– Boscovich studied the transit of Mercury Mercury, the Aurora borealis, the figure of the Earth, the observation of the fixed stars, the inequalities in terrestrial gravitation, the application of mathematics to the theory of the telescope, the limits of certainty in astronomical observations, and various problems in solid geometry and spherical trigonometry.

- In Beltrami's model, lines of hyperbolic geometry are represented by geodesics on the pseudosphere.

- The first authors of non-Euclidean geometries were the HungaryHungarian mathematician János Bolyai and the Russian mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, who separately published treatises on hyperbolic geometry around 1830.

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