Some example sentences of “gender”

How to use in-sentence of “gender”:

– Meitner followed gender roles later in her career.

– In the book, Sanders sets out his position on climate change, free college tuition, income inequality, close the gender wage gap and to defeat Donald Trump while campaigning for Hillary Clinton during the last three months leading to the 2016 presidential election.

– He was his life was devoted entirely to the movement of liberation movements liberalism Gender and Korean, and made ​​it possible to introduce improvements on all male rights, offer of male shelter and Protective Facility.

– She has said in many interviews that she was not bullied for her gender identification.

– This idea of gender relating to race and class is called intersectionality.

– She was the leader of Amnesty International’s gender unit from 2003 to 2010.

Some example sentences of gender
Some example sentences of gender

Example sentences of “gender”:

– Most words suffer from gender inflection in Portuguese, not all words.

– A non-binary gender is any gender that is not male or female.

– This plan attempts to contest gender inequalities in employment, pay and training by 2020.

– They are seen as “universal” which means they are meant for everyone, no matter what their race, intelligence, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity are.

– Although an individual’s gender identity is determined by psychology, a gender identity can be constructed by wearing particular clothing, language, actions and such, that are associated with that gender in a given society.

– In April 2016, Haley indicated she would not support legislation introduced by the South Carolina State Senate which would require transgender individuals to use restrooms based on biological sex instead of gender identity.

– The Act defines “transgender person” as someone with a “mixture of male and female genital features or congenital ambiguities” a male who “undergoes genital excision or castration” or, more broadly, “any person whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the social norms and cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at the time of their birth” which allows people to self-identify as such.

– The average Canaan dog weighs 35-55 pounds depending on the gender and age.

– To know a noun’s gender is very important because it affects all the words in a sentence that are tied to the noun, such as adjectives.

– The terms third gender and third sex mean people who are seen as neither man nor woman.

- Most words suffer from gender inflection in Portuguese, not all words.

- A non-binary gender is any gender that is not male or female.

– At a young age, he witnessed many incidents of Racismracial, gender discrimination.

– They are very social, and they develop a hierarchy based on gender and size that is very complex.

– She served as pope for about two and a half years but her true gender was exposed when she became pregnant.

– The cultural context of gender segregation in children’s peer groups.

– There might be a gender difference in reporting rates of sick building syndrome because women tend to report more symptoms than men.

– Then they work with one other missionary who is the same gender as they are, and change companions often so they are not always with the same person.

– An issue of anxiety or Depression depression related to a doubt about one’s gender identity or sexual orientation has been classified as WHO in the ICD-10, under “Mental and behavioural sicknesses/problems connected with sexual development and orientation”.

– Women like Zora Neale Hurston and Emma Goldman have argued that by using philosophical ideas of aesthetics and ideas of femininity, it is possible to empower and analyze the ways that gender works in daily life.

More in-sentence examples of “gender”:

– Pansexuality is often described as ‘attraction to people regardless of gender pansexuality can also be described as “gender blind”.

– Many times this conotes neologisms, buzzwords and conlangs applied to gender and other identity labels, that are recent, unheard-of or uncommon to most people.

– In 2008 Bono started his gender transition from female to male.

– Some states also protect “Hijra hijras”, who are traditional third gender people in South Asia, through housing programmes, welfare benefits, pension schemes, and free operations in government hospitals.

– This gender change occurs when the nominal ending of words is changed, which is the name of the letters that are at the end of those words.

– Otherwise, the gender is used ex.

– Like trans men, trans women have many choices that they can make, depending on what culture they are in and what gender roles they, and the people who support them feel like they should have.

– Very early writers thought sexual orientation connects to the gender expression of the person.

– Homosexual relationships were important and had strong effect on later gender relations on Yeowe.

– The idea that there are only two genders is called the gender binary.

– However, some transgender people do not want to be a part of the LGBTLGB community, as they may see themselves as heterosexual and not feel like they belong with transphobic, which means that they may have a fear or dislike of transgender people, or they may not want heterosexuals to see sexuality and gender identity as the same thing.

– The population divided by gender was 48.9% male and 51.1% female.

– She supported legislation requiring gender price parity for dry cleaning.

– However, it can cause mental and emotional issues for the child if they begin to struggle with gender identity.

– In some contexts, if the gender is unknown, the pronoun will be written in pinyin as “ta” even if the rest of the document is written in Chinese characters.

– Typically, gender has been described by using terms such as man, woman, or even transsexual.

– Discrimination based on gender identity in employment and public accommodations is forbidden under the new law.

– The weight of the ball can vary from 6 to 16 pounds, depending on level age and gender of the participants.

– The player will meet several companions who will join him in his quest depending on his alignment and on the gender the player has chosen for his character.

– See Grammatical gender for more detail.

– As time has passed, the growing voice of LGBTQ+ issues and rise of educational resources on the topics of gender and sexuality has allowed for many to learn about transgender issues, and help others with their own gender navigation.

– The study cannot provide a positive identification but could rule out some types of hoax through carbon dating and gender determination.

– I think that all actors should be subcatted by gender, as this is a profession in which gender is of significant relevance.

– People who are attracted to the same gender are usually referred to as ‘homosexual’.

– Pansexuality is considered the opposite of asexuality, as pansexuality means a person may be sexually attracted to anyone regardless of their gender identity, but asexuality means a person is sexually attracted to no one.

– Unfortunately, what a lot of feminists thought about as gender related issues that everyone faced were mostly things that educated white women from the United States and Europe knew about and saw as issues.

– A 2012 study by the “Center for American Progress” showed that a third of LGBTQ+ employees felt forced into traditional gender roles to keep their jobs.

– Self-regulatory mechanisms governing gender development.

– The gender makeup of the city was 46.7% male and 53.3% female.

– An extra option is available in this barnstar to allow users to specify a gender for the recipient of the award.

– Any gender can take part in the event.

– Thinking of gender in this way can lead to a society with strict gender roles that are in place for a long time to think that those are natural or biological roles that each option has to conform to at birth.

– Some may describe it as “gender blind” because those who identify as pansexual do not consider gender important when they are attracted to others.

– Each has its own ending, which also depends on the gender of the noun.

– Liberal feminists would be more likely to accept the argument are better suited to the ‘traditional’ gender placements.

– Some Agender people more also experience gender dysphoria if they are unable to express their identity as something they’re comfortable with.

– The plural acts like a fourth gender because gender does not change plural words.

– Quraishi started a group on the Afghan National Gender Recruitment Strategy.

– Hasidism has strict laws about physical contact between the genders, Hasidic men will not even shake hands or make any physical contact with unrelated members of the opposite gender and Hasidic women will not make any physical contact with unrelated members of the opposite gender and also limit conversation.

– What Jones did to affect future generations was prove that women can do anything, to prove that women don’t have to fall under a stereotype because of the gender someone is assigned in birth.

– In 2014, to keep up with changing views about gender identity, Facebook changed their gender options that users can pick from, to 58 different gender identities.

– However, a person with GID may also have BDD if they obsess over perceived defects on their body that contradict or go beyond their gender identity.

– It is possible to have every different combination of sex, gender identity, and gender expression.

– This form of plural formation is considered sexist by certain groups and individuals, resulting in proposals for a neutral gender to be adopted, such as “thirty pals”.

– Programs include: Japanese Language Teaching and Education, Gender and Culture Studies, Minority and Culture Studies and Multicultural Communication.

– They found out that lots of people have lots of different ideas about what gender is and what is normal for people of different genders to do.

- Pansexuality is often described as ‘attraction to people regardless of gender pansexuality can also be described as "gender blind".

- Many times this conotes neologisms, buzzwords and conlangs applied to gender and other identity labels, that are recent, unheard-of or uncommon to most people.

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