Some example sentences of “first line”

How to use in-sentence of “first line”:

+ Marram specialises in being the first line of land plants in coastal sand dunes.

+ Nowadays, most Vietnamese overseas change the first line of the anthem “Quốc gia đến ngày giải phóng” to “Đứng lên đáp lời sông núi”, meaning “Oh Citizens! Stand up answer the call rivers and mountains”.

+ Note that the first line of text must begin with the vertical-bar, although it can be indented as a bar further along the line.

+ You will usually include it as the first line of the page.

+ While I can see the reason for deletion, the first line of a Simple article is likely to be the same as the first line of the EN equivalent – especially in such topics – and notability is obvious.

+ For each string there must be a blank line before the first line of the string and after the last line of the string.

+ In the first line of table code, after the “{“, instead of specifying a style directly, you can also specify a CSS class.

+ The 1st Armored Division defeated the Soviet forces at Bolschaya Buzhalyk, breaking through Odessa’s first line of defense.

Some example sentences of first line
Some example sentences of first line

Example sentences of “first line”:

+ The first line opened on 19 July 1900, during the 1900 World’s Fair.

+ The very first and last lines of each table are excepted, as it is not necessary to add the character before the first line and after the last one.

+ The first line of input parameters, with the group code and column headers must not be changed.

+ Speaking in the Anthology, Starr insisted on changing the first line which originally was “”What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and throw tomatoes at me?”” He changed the lyric so that fans would not throw tomatoes at him should he perform it live.

+ The wrapping of end-quotes grew to be so common, during 2005-2010, that it has become instinctive to expect an end-quote to almost always be prematurely wrapped onto a second line, and the first line to be truncated as bizarrely too short.

+ The first line reads “Stabat mater dolorosa”.

+ The body’s first line of defence against viruses is the innate immune system.

+ This would be similar to how the first line of :en:General relativity says “For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see :en:Introduction to general relativity.” Please leave comments with your “vote”.

+ The first line of the city-owned and city-run Independent Subway System opened in 1932.

+ Today, the first line “Germany, Germany above all” sounds too strong for some people, and is often misunderstood.

+ These codes must be placed in the next four parameter fields on the first line of parameters.

+ The first line treatment for ADHD includes cognitive behavioral therapy and use of stimulants.

+ For example, take the first line of the chr file for the game Super Mario Bros.

+ Naslund has spent most of his time with the Rangers playing on the team’s first line with Scott Gomez as his center.

+ The first line opened to the public on 9 March 2004.

+ When Ilari Filppula moved to the KHL, Teräväinen was put in as the first line centerman for Jokerit.

+ Its first line was opened in 1995, with another section being added in 2008.

+ It is also the first line where trains get their power from Overhead linesoverhead wires above the track, instead of a third rail beside the track.

+ These cells are the innate immune system’s first line of defense against invading organisms.Gene Mayer.

+ The first line opened on 19 July 1900, during the 1900 World's Fair.

+ The very first and last lines of each table are excepted, as it is not necessary to add the character before the first line and after the last one.
+ The first line of input parameters, with the group code and column headers must not be changed.

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