Some example sentences of “fault”

How to use in-sentence of “fault”:

+ The Great Glen follows a large geological fault known as the Great Glen Fault.

+ People said it was the fault of the Jews.

+ During a period of major Fault faulting and volcanism roughly 600,000 to 400,000 years ago, the Masek Beds were made.

+ The fault was the cause of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

+ The San Andreas Fault became most active after the Miocene.

+ Victim blaming is saying that it is the fault of the victim that a crime was committed against them.

+ The Hayward Fault Zone runs through Hayward.

+ Sometimes a series of earthquakes occur in a sort of earthquake storm, where the earthquakes strike a fault in clusters, each triggered by the shaking or stress redistribution of the previous earthquakes.

Some example sentences of fault
Some example sentences of fault

Example sentences of “fault”:

+ When rocks on one side of a fault rise relative to the other, it can form a mountain.

+ The fault zone is also seismically active; there are hot springs in the area and notable earthquakes every few years.

+ When rocks on one side of a fault rise relative to the other, it can form a mountain.

+ The fault zone is also seismically active; there are hot springs in the area and notable earthquakes every few years.

+ To the north and west of the Highland Boundary Fault are the more mountainous Scottish Highlands and islands, and this half of the country contains less than 5% of the total population.

+ Clifford Trafzer’s 1982 “Kit Carson Campaign: The Last Great Navajo War” found fault with both Carleton and Carson, but Trafzer completely ignored Carson’s many acts and deeds that humanized The Long Walk.

+ The fault allowed the Midland Valley to descend as a major rift by up to 4000 metres and there was subsequently vertical movement.

+ In contrast, a counter-claim asserts that the party is entitled to offset the damages awarded to plaintiff by the proportionate share of any responsibility, liability, or fault assigned to the plaintiff by the jury.

+ The 921 Earthquake happened along the Chelungpu fault line in western part of the island of Taiwan.

+ The fault continues on the North American side of the North Atlantic Ocean, but is no longer part of a continuous fault.

+ John Wiley Sons, 2007 page 63 Brownouts can also be caused accidentally by Fault faults in the electrical grid which cause a drop in voltage.

+ In Lake Victoria, an earthquake forms a underwater fault line.

+ East-west trending Fault faults and the karst topography may have some role in supplying water to the “river”.

+ The range was created by the Raymond Fault which made the rocks push up and sink down over time.

+ It has narrow Fault faulted basins.

+ The two nearest Fault seismic faults are the Whittier Fault and the other is Chino Fault, both of which are part of the Elsinore Fault Zone.

More in-sentence examples of “fault”:

+ The Great Glen Fault has a long history of movements.

+ Earthquakes are caused when a fault breaks suddenly.

+ Weathering along the fault zone during Quaternary glaciation formed the famous Loch Ness.

+ An active fault is a fault fault that is likely to become the source of another earthquake sometime in the future.

+ Also there is an abrupt interruption in the foothills that align with the fault as they descend from the Central Volcanic Sierra mountain range towards the valley.

+ This can be particularly useful in the case of relay runners disqualified through no fault of their own, due to doping by team mates for example.

+ In fact, if a fault occurs the rider receives a penalty and loses automatically four points per mistake.

+ The island is sometimes referred to as “Scotland in miniature”, as it is divided into “Highland” and “Lowland” areas by the Highland Boundary Fault which runs northeast to southwest across Scotland.McKirdy, Alan Gordon, John Crofts, Roger 2007.

+ He tells Ilia that it is not his fault that their fathers were enemies.

+ To the northeast the fault continues, before becoming obscured by the effects of Mesozoic rifting to the north of Shetland.

+ Of course, if they fail, the fault is theirs, rather than the government department’s.

+ The Highland Boundary Fault was active during the Caledonian orogeny.

+ It is a site of Fault faults and earthquakes.

+ The word “massif” means a block of mountains formed by this process, and surrounded by fault lines.

+ Inductors are also used in electrical transmission systems, where they are used to lower the amount of voltage an electrical device gives off or lower the fault current.

+ It is not our fault if the child sees this page.

+ The fault is actually much longer, and over 400 million years old.

+ His best known work was “Technics and Time, 1Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus” and “Echographies of Television”.

+ It is a definite fault to serve a couscous dish with too little liquid.

+ The crash was the fault of a mechanic who had worked on the plane.

+ The Great Glen Fault is a long fault strike-slip fault that runs through its namesake the Great Glen in Scotland.

+ The other area is in the Almannagjá fault against a rock wall.

+ A ground fault circuit interrupter is a type of circuit breaker which shuts off electric power when it senses an imbalance between the outgoing and incoming current.

+ The fault runs from the south-west to the north-east of Scotland.

+ Earthquakes tend to occur in sequences or ‘storms’, where a major earthquake above 6.5 on the Richter magnitude scale can set off later earthquakes along the weakened fault line.

+ It is based on The Fault in Our Starsthe novel of the same name by John Green.

+ She feels that it was her fault that Amfortas was wounded.

+ Some sections of land near the fault were changed in elevation by as much as 7 meters.

+ It consists of a Rift rift valley between the Highland Boundary Fault to the north and the Southern Uplands Fault to the south.

+ The fault is located along the foothills of the Central Mountains in Nantou and Taichung counties.

+ Rocks of the Lewisian complex were caught up in the Caledonian orogeny, appearing in the hanging walls of many of the thrust Fault faults formed during the late stages of this tectonic event.

+ Burney’s only fault was “obsequiousness”.

+ The boundaries between moving plates form the largest fault surfaces on Earth.

+ At the gallows, Peisley pleaded he had a drunken fight, and death was Benyon’s fault as much as his.

+ Robot RB-34, known as Herbie, is manufactured with a fault – it reads human minds.

+ The fault first happened about 430–390 million years ago.

+ He noticed that operating speeds were 40% faster from England to Denmark than the other way round, and in 1871 he found a fault in the telegraph cable from England to Denmark.

+ By doing these things, companies that make synthetic cannabis can say that they are not selling drugs, and it is not their fault if people ignore their warning label.

+ They lie south of the Southern Uplands Fault line that runs from Ballantrae on the Ayrshire coast northeastwards to Dunbar in East Lothian on the North Sea coast, a distance of some The term is used both to describe the geographical region and to collectively denote the various ranges of hills within this region.

+ However, a fault in his patent application allowed others to copy it.

+ Each Atlas page can vary slightly, but each contains multiple maps, such as a general map, blank-outline map, terrain map, a precipitation map, a cities map, population map, earth-quake fault lines, and others.

+ The first social was very lackluster, mainly my fault for not testing the required meeting software…

+ Due to being built on a fault line, which runs through the downtown, it is has few skyscrapers and tall structures and is one of the most spread out cities in the world.

+ The complete fault was broken when the Mid-Atlantic Ridge formed 200 million years ago.

+ The Fault fault separates the hard igneous and metamorphic rocks to the north from the softer sedimentary rocks of the Scottish Lowlands in the south.

+ He said that he did not think that Jackson’s death was his fault in any way.

+ She sings to the crowd: “Let her among you without fault cast the first stone”.

+ Geologists can learn a lot about the history of the rock by studying the patterns of the fault lines.

+ But we do know where earthquakes might happen in the future, like close to fault lines.

+ I find fault in the closing admin injecting their personal opinion and overriding the community’s consensus on this item.

+ The Great Glen Fault has a long history of movements.

+ Earthquakes are caused when a fault breaks suddenly.
+ Weathering along the fault zone during Quaternary glaciation formed the famous Loch Ness.

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