Some example sentences of “faithful”

How to use in-sentence of “faithful”:

+ In 1980, a theatrical live-action movie called “Popeye” was released, featuring an original story written by Jules Pfeiffer, directed by Robert Altman, and serving as a more faithful adaptation to Segar’s “Thimble Theatre.” It brought almost every friend of Popeye’s to the silver screen, although it showed the well-known sailor as having an initial aversion to spinach, and the setting took place in a port town called Sweethaven, created on the island of Malta by Altman’s set decorators.

+ The four men who then formed the quartet signed an oath in their own blood that they would be faithful and stay together as a group.

+ With his arm freed, he then blows his horn to signal his faithful followers.

+ Cain was first and thoroughly a devout and faithful man of god, until his weakened mind was manipulated by Satan.

+ In the first part, we hear Gerontius who is very faithful to God.

+ This sometimes made life difficult for him, but he was always faithful to the monarchy, and he had a lot of tact in dealing with people.

+ The badge’s clear blue border bears the motto “IN ACTION FAITHFUL AND IN HONOUR CLEAR”.

+ The reliability of Old Faithful can be attributed to the fact that it is not connected to any other thermal features of the Upper Geyser Basin.

Some example sentences of faithful
Some example sentences of faithful

Example sentences of “faithful”:

+ Other faithful Christians who had since died would also make up a total of 144,000 kings in heaven.

+ The mausoleum of Hazrat Shahbaz Qalandar attracts hundred of thousands of faithful Muslims every year.

+ And when Paul arrives in Jerusalem to deliver the money he raised for the faithful there, it is to James that he speaks, and who insists that Paul ritually cleanse himself at Herod’s Temple to prove his faith and deny rumors of teaching rebellion against the Torah.

+ Some Roman women thought gems could keep their husbands faithful to them.

+ He has been portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” before having a more faithful take starting with “Deadpool”.

+ This title was usually granted by a monarch to reward a subject for longtime faithful service or some very notable deeds.

+ The council agreed that Origen was not faithful to the Catholic Church.

+ Old Faithful was named in 1870 during the Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition and was the first geyser in the park to get a name.

+ On 2 July 922, Charles lost his most faithful supporter, Herveus of Reims.

+ Both the minaret and the bell tower serve the same purpose — to call the faithful to prayer.

+ It holds that both the scripture of the Torah and mouth-to-mouth traditions later written down in the Talmud etc., were actually and literally given by God, and that past rabbis handed them over without change and were always faithful in deciding how they applied to reality.

+ Other faithful Christians who had since died would also make up a total of 144,000 kings in heaven.

+ The mausoleum of Hazrat Shahbaz Qalandar attracts hundred of thousands of faithful Muslims every year.
+ And when Paul arrives in Jerusalem to deliver the money he raised for the faithful there, it is to James that he speaks, and who insists that Paul ritually cleanse himself at Herod's Temple to prove his faith and deny rumors of teaching rebellion against the Torah.

+ The movie is considered the most faithful to the book of all the movie adaptations.

+ The full name of the college is “The Warden and the College of the Souls of all Faithful People deceased in the University of Oxford”.

+ His faithful mistress, Juliette Drouet, died in 1883, only two years before his own death.

+ He is not afraid because his friend Faithful reminds him of the words of Psalm 23: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” The sun rises as he leaves.

+ His faithful brother-in-law, Helias of Saint Saens, was there with him.

+ The main characters are: Sherlock Holmes, a young highly talented detective who investigates crimes, his faithful colleague Watson, a exmilitar of the War in Afghanistan, and his great enemy Moriarty.

+ It is mostly used in a religious sense or in ceremonyceremonies such as marriages when the couple who are being married make their “marriage vows”, promising to be faithful to one another.

+ She became a symbol for the faithful wife.

More in-sentence examples of “faithful”:

+ She lived an uninhibited private life and had relationships with the French Ambassador, Marini, her brother-in-law, Maurice as well as Count Filippo d’Aglié, a handsome courtier who remained faithful to her all her life.

+ After taking all the money, the gang forced Scott, his wife, family, maids and tellers to go with them back to Faithful Creek.

+ Old Faithful is located at pixels from the top.

+ A faithful believer of justice and truth, a deeply rooted Historian with a great passion for the Venezuela that saw him grow up.

+ Hindus believe that gods and goddesses will answer the prayers of the faithful and inspire spiritually.

+ The prophet did some strange things to warn the people that they were going to be punished for a time because they had not been faithful to God as he had told them to.

+ This game features Game Watch games in two styles: Classic, which features faithful reproductions of the original games, and Modern, which gives the games a different visual style using characters from the Super Mario Bros.

+ These disruptions have made the earlier mathematical relationship inaccurate, but have in fact made Old Faithful more predictable.

+ Shiba inu are faithful to their owners and are wary of strangers.

+ The restoration of the 300-year-old traditional Iranian courtyard house demonstrates an exemplary conservation approach by remaining faithful to the original building.

+ His faithful dog shall bear him company.

+ Early Christians used the palm branch to symbolize the victory of the faithful over enemies of the soul, as in the Palm Sunday festival celebrating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

+ Such books contained prayers to be said by laymenlay faithful at each of the canonical hours of the day.

+ The day after the sermon, a member of Faithful Word Baptist Church brought weapons to an event Obama was at.

+ There are different opinions as to which translation is more faithful to the original.

+ Critics called it faithful to the children’s novel.

+ He gives her the power to make the decision on her own, and in return she turns herself into a pretty and faithful young woman he had truly wanted.

+ When Kundry is not in Klingsor’s power she is actually a faithful messenger of the Grail.

+ The whole chapter is merely an extension of this dreadful and yet hoped-for moment when the vessel of her body breaks and she, faithful to her pre-eternal love-covenant with Mehar, will be forever united through death.

+ He remained a faithful pet for many years after his owner died.

+ As the series is more faithful to Segar and Sagendorf’s work, the plots of each issue follow more closely to the original format of the older comics rather than the cartoons, and the art even replicates Segar’s style flawlessly.

+ Kraftwerk continues to have a faithful following.

+ Orthodox Jews consider themselves as the only truly faithful Jews and reject all the new non-Orthodox forms of Jewish thought, religious or secular, that came to be in the last 250 years.

+ Ebichu is a hamster and faithful and versatile housekeeper, a top-class performance.

+ Some say it is better than the movie due to the graphic violence and more faithful source material.

+ She lived an uninhibited private life and had relationships with the French Ambassador, Marini, her brother-in-law, Maurice as well as Count Filippo d'Aglié, a handsome courtier who remained faithful to her all her life.

+ After taking all the money, the gang forced Scott, his wife, family, maids and tellers to go with them back to Faithful Creek.
+ Old Faithful is located at pixels from the top.

+ Character roles may be roles such as: the faithful servant, the maid, the villain, the mother-in-law, the priest etc.

+ The parable of the Faithful Servant and parable of the Ten Virgins, adjacent in Matthew, involve waiting for a bridegroom, and have an eschatological theme: be prepared for the day of reckoning.

+ Critics said the movie was “a faithful adaptation of a beloved children’s novel and a powerful portrayal of love, loss, and imagination through children’s eyes.

+ Cotton’s son gave these writings to the scholar Méric Casaubon, who published them in 1659 as “A True Faithful Relation of What passed for many Yeers between Dr.

+ It allows for massive changes in the storyline because of time traveling, which let its creators take the franchise in a new direction while still being faithful to the existing canon.

+ The faithful follow the Latin RiteLatin, Byzantine, Armenian and Chaldean Rite.

+ When Christian and Faithful travel through Vanity Fair, Bunyan adds the editorial comment:But as in other “fairs”, some one Commodity is as the chief of all the “fair”, so the Ware of “Rome” and her Merchandize is greatly promoted in “this fair”: Only our “English” Nation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat.

+ She says she loves him but that she wants to be faithful to her husband.

+ His father Malik Sir Umar Hayat Tiwana had also been a faithful vassal of the British Raj and did much to elevate the family further.

+ The schools, which were faithful to tangsudo had to choose the strategy of the emigration, by installing them outside of Korea, in America, Europe, Southern Africa, etc., to maintain live and unaltered the message of the ancient, wise men of Orient.

+ Aino was to be a faithful wife to him all his life, although she suffered a lot of hardship due to his drinking problems and his debts.

+ Both were faithful allies of Margaret.

+ It is a useful warning to the faithful of the terrible fate of those who abuse riches.

+ Jewish Christian communities outside Palestine, or all faithful living in a non-Christian environment, and the tone of authority throughout the letter, all indicate someone well known and respected.

+ The faithful were forbidden to read such books.

+ The clergy remaining faithful to the Strossmayer was marginalized, with the most ardent supporters excommunicated by the Zagreb archbishop.

+ In DNA replication DNA polymerase “reads” a piece of DNA that’s already there and uses it to make a new piece that is exactly the same as the old piece.The primary role of DNA polymerases is to accurately and efficiently replicate the genome in order to ensure the maintenance of the genetic information and its faithful transmission through generations.

+ If the relationship between the Churches is complete, involving fulness of “those bonds of communion – faith, sacraments and pastoral governance – that permit the Faithful to receive the life of grace within the Church”, it is called full communion.

+ However, she felt very bad because she had not been faithful to her husband, and she killed herself in 1906.

+ Christians can be called to vocations that are faithful to Christian teachings, such as marriage, or to be a priest, monk or nun, chastity as a single person or the general calling to live a life that is right, for the good of the Church or humanity.

+ Accompanying Robin are his faithful followers The Merry Men.

+ The Bible says that God promised to bless Abraham and his descendants if they worshipped God and were faithful to him.

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