Some example sentences of “expression”

How to use in-sentence of “expression”:

+ They have lost their gene expression in the Cell cell or their ability to code protein.

+ Latin expression which means “seize the day”.

+ A DNA construct may express wildtype protein, or prevent the expression of certain genes by expressing competitors or inhibitors.

+ Movement of large molecules such as proteins and RNA through the pores is required for both gene expression and the maintenance of chromosomes.

+ After completing his PhD he worked at the California Institute of Technology until 1971, where he studied plasmids and, later, gene expression in human cells at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory under James Watson.

+ The backbone will include bacterial resistance genes for growth in bacteria, and promoters for expression in the organism.

+ A fraction is a mathematicsmathematical expression relating two quantities or divides the other.

+ Coroners once used a basket coffin to collect bodies, thus the expression “a basket case” which meant the person was dead.

Some example sentences of expression
Some example sentences of expression

Example sentences of “expression”:

+ De la Rocha asked former Juvenile Expression bandmate Tim Commerford to play bass, and he agreed.

+ Inequality is sometimes used to name a statement that one expression is smaller, greater, not smaller or not greater than the other.

+ The Zhou Dynasty began to bow to external and internal pressures in the 8th century BC, and the kingdom eventually broke apart into smaller states, beginning in the Spring and Autumn Period and reaching full expression in the Warring States period.

+ The expression of a gene may vary a lot in different tissues.

+ It publishes a bi-annual documenting free expression violations against writers around the world.

+ Because of their arrangement in a pattern that repeats, when one arrives at a mathematical expression for the frequency of oscillation, one finds that there are only distinct quantized values allowed.


+ If the template is put on BC years there are massive Expression Error issues.

+ De la Rocha asked former Juvenile Expression bandmate Tim Commerford to play bass, and he agreed.

+ Inequality is sometimes used to name a statement that one expression is smaller, greater, not smaller or not greater than the other.

+ Up-regulation increases the expression of one or more genes and as a result the protein encoded by those genes.

+ Since then, the phrase has become a common expression which has also been used in clinical and research literature.

+ There is also an expression “no man’s land”, but that does not have a formal legal meaning.

+ If harder operations are used, such as division or square roots, then this algebraic expression is not a polynomial.

+ The phrase is one of the many Latin phrases that use the expression “ad astra”, meaning “to the stars”.

More in-sentence examples of “expression”:

+ When an offspring observes the expression of behaviour such as fear in response to a stress stimulus, the same response would be elicited in the offspring when the stimulus is presented.

+ They must combine artistic expression and media relations.

+ This expression is a phase factor that becomes part of a state’s amplitude.

+ The expression was known after one of the manifestos written by Artur Górski.

+ This became worse after 1967 when Albania was declared an atheist state, and no public or private expression of religion was allowed.

+ Appointed pioneers of the gender, the Gómez brothers manage in the world of creation and expression through the music.

+ Because JVMs are available for many hardware and software platform platforms, Java can be both platform in its own right – hence the expression “write once, run anywhere.” The use of the same bytecode for all platforms allows Java to be described as “compile once, run anywhere”, as opposed to “write once, compile anywhere”, which describes cross-platform compiled languages.

+ This expression was used in theaters by actors.

+ Bengali nationalism is the Nationalismpolitical expression of ethno-national consciousness of the Bengali people.

+ Negative ways can include but are not limited to use of drugs including alcohol, and expression of anger, which are likely to lead to complicated social interactions, thus causing increased distress.

+ Machinima filming differed from traditional cinematography in that character expression was limited, but camera movements were more flexible and improvised.

+ This template is used to insert expression icons.

+ Australians thought they were “an authentic expression of the national spirit”.

+ Because nearly all spam is automated, altering the format of the e-mail address to where it does not match the regular expression in the e-mail address search engine helps prevent spam.

+ When people are sad or feel they are carrying a burden, they may use the expression ‘to have an albatross around their neck’.

+ If this template generates an expression error, it is because the period is missing from.

+ If any of a virus’s genome segments is damaged in such a way as to prevent replication or expression of an essential gene, the virus is inviable when it, alone, infects a host cell.

+ Some like to use the German expression “Märchen” or “wonder tale” instead of “fairy tale”.

+ A Smilesmile is a facial expression that shows happiness.

+ It is often seen as an expression of youth rebellionrevolt against adult consumerism and conformity.

+ The lyrics depict an expression of joy and a celebration of all creation with its many bright colors.

+ He tried to develop an expression for black-body radiation expressed in terms of wavelength by assuming that radiation consisted of small quanta and then to see what happened if the quanta were made infinitely small.

+ Most regular expression engines have been adapted to include back-references.

+ A sort value relates to a Val expression as follows.

+ The idea of ridiculing the absurdity of existence has its expression in the dramatic art of Samuel Beckett and the so called school of Paris, which included Arthur Adamov, Jean Genet, and Eugene O’Neill.

+ The website supports Freedom of speechfree expression and criticizes religious fundamentalism, especially Islamic religious fundamentalism.

+ It is an expression of queer nationalism.

+ In biology, epigenetics is the study of Heredityinherited changes in phenotype or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence.

+ In English, the word “Gaul” may also mean a Celtic inhabitant of that region, although the expression may be used for all ancient speakers of the Gaulish language as well.

+ The expression of sentiments, the forcefulness of details — bushy hair and moustaches here — and the violence of the movements are characteristic of the Pergamene style.

+ Gene expression is the process by which the heritable information in a gene, the sequence of DNA base pairs, is made into a functional gene Product product, such as protein or RNA.

+ Several steps in the gene expression process may be modulated.

+ The SB system enables high-level stable gene transfer and sustained transgene expression in multiple primary human somatic cell types, thereby representing a highly attractive gene transfer strategy for clinical use.

+ A regular expression processor is used for processing a regular expression statement in terms of a grammar in a given formal language, and with that examines a text string.

+ Tulsidas’s composition ‘Ramcharithmanasa.’ written in Awadhi is important both as an expression of his devotion and as a literary work.His devotion in the literary world is very important.

+ Carson thought Sir Walter Scott’s long poem, “The Lady of the Lake” was “the finest expression of outdoor life.” Roberts 186 He also liked a book about William the Conqueror.

+ As a stem cell matures it undergoes changes in gene expression which limit the cell types it can become.

+ In the technical language, people do not use the expression “hook to the chin”, because as a rule one calls a “hook” a punch from the side with the lead hand, and almost always the chin is the target of punches.

+ The expression “early modern” is sometimes, and incorrectly, used as a substitute for the term Renaissance.

+ A mathematical equation is an expression containing two mathematical objects connected by an equals sign.

+ The expression “Lama” means the “superior one”.

+ Many regular expression languages also support “wildcard” characters.

+ Note that this explicit expression is not necessary if the argument contains or starts with an “=”.

+ The lac repressor is a DNA-binding protein which inhibits the expression of genes which code for lactase enzymes.

+ Human babies first laugh at the age of around three or four months, usually as an expression of surprise.

+ Its use as an expression of abuse, mockery, or for the denigration of others is unacceptable.

+ He published “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals” in 1873.

+ When an offspring observes the expression of behaviour such as fear in response to a stress stimulus, the same response would be elicited in the offspring when the stimulus is presented.

+ They must combine artistic expression and media relations.
+ This expression is a phase factor that becomes part of a state's amplitude.

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