Some example sentences of “expected”

How to use in-sentence of “expected”:

– The current level of 80 million of Internet users is expected to increase to 237 million by 2015.

– It is expected to operate in a velocity range of up to Mach 25 on reentry.

– Classification formalizes what constitutes a “state secret” and deals with different levels of protection based on the expected damage the information might cause if it reached the wrong hands.

– However, it is sometimes okay to use “we” or “one” when referring to an experience that “anyone”, any reader, would be expected to have.

– In Conservative Judaism, women are seen as equal to men and are allowed to sit with the men when attending synagogue, whereas in Orthodox Judaism for example, women are expected to sit in a different area.

– Usually a patient is called “terminally ill” when they are not expected to live more than 6 months.

Some example sentences of expected
Some example sentences of expected

Example sentences of “expected”:

– Convicts were expected to work everyday except Sunday from sunrise until sunset without a break.

– An ultra-orthodox Hasidic married woman is expected by their community to cover her hair in public, and sometimes at home.

– On 24 August 2011, ScotRail announced plans to refurbish all the fleet, with the project expected to start in November 2011 and take two years to complete.

– Prince Philippe was the expected to be the next king; but Baudouin’s brother Albert became the new monarch.

– Some of the hotel rooms are regular private hotel rooms and some are meant to be like a European hostel, where people who didn’t know each other would be expected to share the room.

– The House was expected to make changes that would make the bill even weaker.

– In about a billion years time they are expected to merge and become an elliptical galaxy.

– Food coloring can also be done for effect, such as a green ketchup instead of an expected red.

– The Indonesian Republicans fought the British troops, because it was expected that the British would give Indonesia back to the Dutch.

– The movie made much more money than expected -around $370 million.

– In several years from 2009, worldwide demand for rare earth elements is expected to be more than the supply by 40,000 tonnes each year unless new sources are developed..

– The man who killed him expected the new President to pardon him.

– Work began on the farm in the middle of the calendar year 2019, and it is expected that the project will start generating energy in the last quarter of 2020, and work on the project will end in 2022.

– Although singers train to get a wide range they cannot be expected to sing any role in their voice range.

– At first, weather forecasters expected the hurricane to stay over the ocean.

– The mission is expected to cost €165 million in its first year.

– The expected lifespan of a rabbit in the wild is about three years.

– The German had expected that the Dutch would attempt to fill any gaps in the line.

- Convicts were expected to work everyday except Sunday from sunrise until sunset without a break.

- An ultra-orthodox Hasidic married woman is expected by their community to cover her hair in public, and sometimes at home.
- On 24 August 2011, ScotRail announced plans to refurbish all the fleet, with the project expected to start in November 2011 and take two years to complete.

More in-sentence examples of “expected”:

– On the day of the election the Conservatives did worse than expected and May lost her majority in the House of Commons.

– It is expected to launch in either 2021 or 2022.

– These are expected changes for an earthquake of this magnitude.

– Copy/paste in the source view works as expected though.

– To everyone surprise, what had been expected to be an unhappy union turned out to be a marriage of love and happiness.

– However, the actual numbers was much lower than expected during its first week of operation.

– Mean can also stand for expected value.

– The first stage will open by 2029, and other stages are expected to open by 2031.

– Various echinoderms indicate a normal range of salinity, and the overall shelly assemblage is not significantly different from the normal shelly fauna expected in open Ordovician waters.

– Many of them expected to be generals, but the Continental Army was not large enough for so many generals.

– In 1873, the new government expected him to pay to have the monument restored and put back.

– On April 26, 2004, Japanese airline All Nippon Airways became the launch customer for the 7E7, and they expected to have the plane delivered in 2008.

– They were expected to take part in any military campaign when they would be called for duty.

– This meant that most married women were expected to stay in the home and raise children.

– Hardee’s should not be expected to handle early arrival staging for Wal-Mart.

– If it is thrown 1000 times, it is expected that it will land with heads side up 500 times.

– Winds are not expected to get better until October 25 2007.

– The Union army had just decided to move forward again and had not expected any Confederate resistance.

– UFC newcomer Roger Hollett was expected to face Matt Hamill, who returned from retirement, at the event.

– Supply shortages were expected to affect a number of sectors due to panic buying, increased usage of goods to during the pandemic, and people raising up prices on needed products such as masks, toilet paper, plastic gloves and hand sanitizer.

– They expected that if the Earth was moving toward a star, the light from that star should seem faster than if the Earth was moving away from that star.

– The star’s exact age and future are not known, but it is expected to end in a brilliant supernova or hypernova in 1 to 3 million years.

– In fact, many people expected Cleveland to marry her mother Emma.

– Where there is tradition in the Persian Gulf area, there is Islamic conservatism: women cover themselves from head to foot and women travellers are expected to wear long skirts and one-piece bathing suits.

– It was expected that Chapecoense played the final of the South American Cup against Atlético Nacional in Medellín.

– They are expected to be each other’s bridesmaid.

– It is expected to take up its work in September.

– They explain the ice ages which occurred in the geological past of the Earth, and predict climate changes on the Earth which may be expected in the future.

– This means should her son Prince William, Duke of Cambridge take to the British throne as he is expected to, William would become the first blood descendant of Charles II to do so.

– Variance describes how much a random variable differs from its expected value.

– Mitch Gagnon was expected to face Issei Tamura at the event.

– The Nazi party did become the largest party in the Reichstag, and expected Hitler would be Chancellor.

– Since the focus of off-page SEO is the outside activities of a website, it’s expected that one’s ranking will increase as well as the page rank.

– Gandhi’s call for protest against the Rowlatt act got an expected response – of furious unrest and protests.

– Wd1 is too far away for direct measurement of the distance by parallax measurements, so the distance must be got from the expected absolute magnitude of the stars and estimates of the extinction towards the cluster.

– Every evening, Japan’s Navy cadets are expected to think carefully about a their actions during the course of the day.

– In other locations tipping is expected from customers.

– To everyones surprise, what had been expected to be an unhappy union turned out to be a marriage of love and happiness and the couple eventually had 13 children in total even though Leopold would often see his mistress the wife of Marc de Beauvau known as the “Princess of Craon”.

– It was expected that the Christian Democrats would win the election and form a government, and that Wulff would be given a position in this government.

– He expected changes in solar activity would affect climate patterns on Earth.

– Failure rate is usually time dependent, and an intuitive corollary is that the rate changes over time versus the expected life cycle of a system.

– The government was expected to approve the takeover in the fall of 2011.

– Many expected Robinson to be the attorney-general, but the Labour party leader instead picked an unknown, new senior counsel called John Rogers.

– The city is expected to house about 4.5 lakh people within a decade.

– Prognosis refers to the expected course/outcome of a disease.

– The pH is expected to reach 7.7 by the year 2100, an increase of 320% in acidity in a century.

– The expected to live up to 12 to 18 months.

– Harassment can include actions which are expected to be noticed by the target and clearly meant to target them, where no actual conversation takes place.

- On the day of the election the Conservatives did worse than expected and May lost her majority in the House of Commons.

- It is expected to launch in either 2021 or 2022.

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