Some example sentences of “expectations”

How to use in-sentence of “expectations”:

– It is the ability to form these expectations that give humans the capacity to predict the outcomes of their behavior, before the behavior is performed.

– It needs expanding to meet our current expectations of a comprehensive article, as recently witnessed during the demotion of Avril Lavigne.

– They worked on rational expectations and showed problems in it.

– Bayley did not fulfill all expectations and leaving Maiden after recording two albums.

– The show exceeded expectations by having a higher viewership rating than several drama shows at the time.

Some example sentences of expectations
Some example sentences of expectations

Example sentences of “expectations”:

- Cognitive dissonance theory says that people have a bias to seek consonance between their expectations and reality.

- While I love being active in creating articles/content building, reverting vandalism, and tagging pages with QD, I realized, after reading the opposing comments, that the expectations and requirements of admin would be too much for me at this time, as I am only 14.

– Cognitive dissonance theory says that people have a bias to seek consonance between their expectations and reality.

– While I love being active in creating articles/content building, reverting vandalism, and tagging pages with QD, I realized, after reading the opposing comments, that the expectations and requirements of admin would be too much for me at this time, as I am only 14.

– Additionally, not conforming to these expectations can make someone feel scared or guilty.

– Early patterns of attachment, in turn, shape – but do not determine – the individual’s expectations in later relationships.

– Researchers observed 152 Kenyan children in rural settings and found that this change didn’t occur until parental expectations and customary duties increased.

– Clapton, Winwood, and many other people had high expectations for the new band, but many people did not like the new stuff they were doing.

– Pet names often reflect the owner’s view of the animal, and their expectations they have for their companion.

– She calls this acting “gender performativity.” What society regards as a person’s gender is just a performance made to please social expectations and not a true expression of the person’s ‘gender identity’.

– Fashion designers in particular have expectations of what a human body is supposed to look like.

– In April 2010, at the Royal College of Nursing conference in Bournemouth, “Holby City” was accused of fostering unrealistic expectations of the NHS, encouraging patients to believe in miracles and fuelling a compensation culture.

– The Act defines “transgender person” as someone with a “mixture of male and female genital features or congenital ambiguities” a male who “undergoes genital excision or castration” or, more broadly, “any person whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the social norms and cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at the time of their birth” which allows people to self-identify as such.

– Haunted by her long suppressed past and pressured by family to seek treatment from mystical healers for her infertility, a Kosovar woman struggles to reconcile the expectations of motherhood with a legacy of wartime brutality.

– Personally, people conform because they have expectations for themselves.

– The Golf GTI has evolved a long way since the 80’s but the fifth generation GTI is criticised by some as it does not live up to the expectations and standards set by the legendary Mk1 GTI, which was fitted with an 1600, 8 valve motor.

– The term “malware” only refers to software that is made for malicious purposes and works against users’ expectations — and so does not include applications that may do unintended harm due to some deficiency.

– If the trajectory were made more clear and then we were to try to locate that electron along an extension of the trajectory we just staked out, then we would find that the more precise we made our knowledge of the trajectory, the less likely we would be to find the electron where ordinary expectations would lead us to believe it to be.

– She thoroughly battles the expectations of respectable young ladies during the turn of the century.

– The expectations Ozai had for Azula caused her to become stressed and paranoid, eventually leading to her mental breakdown at the end of the series.

– The song looks at the dark expectations that are garnered from media images.

– Abbasid dynastic colour over time developed in white as the colour of Shia Islam and black as the colour of Sunni Islam: “The proselytes of the ʿAbbasid revolution took full advantage of the eschatological expectations raised by black banners in their campaign to undermine the Umayyad dynasty from within.

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