Some example sentences of “ether”

How to use in-sentence of “ether”:

+ This could have addicted these people to the ether if they did that often enough.

+ Amber consists of several resinous bodies that can mostly dissolve in ethanolalcohol, ether and bituminous substance that does not dissolve.

+ Dimethyl ether and ethanol are functional isomers.

+ A strain is a designated group of offspring that have descended from a modified plant, produced ether by conventional breeding or by biotechnological means or result from genetic mutation.

+ Women would drink ether instead, as would teetotalers, people who had decided not to drink alcohol.

+ To have James Clerk Maxwell’s equations be consistent with both astronomical observations Maxwell proposed in 1877 that light travels through an ether which is everywhere in the universe.

Some example sentences of ether
Some example sentences of ether

Example sentences of “ether”:

+ He tried using ether and chloroform, but refused to use ether due to its bad odor.

+ The Ether coin can be transferred between accounts and used as a payment mechanism.

+ He tried using ether and chloroform, but refused to use ether due to its bad odor.

+ The Ether coin can be transferred between accounts and used as a payment mechanism.

+ It became illegal to sell ether in Poland in 1923.

+ In 1895, Lorentz and Fitzgerald noted that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment could be explained by the ether wind contracting the experiment in the direction of motion of the ether.

+ People used to take ether as a recreational drug in the 1800s.

+ So, most Grignard reactions occur in solvents such as anhydrous diethyl ether or tetrahydrofuran, because the oxygen in these solvents stabilizes the magnesium reagent.

+ The persistent null results of this experiment puzzled physicists, and called the ether theory into question.

+ The Ether coin is mined and used as compensation to miners for verifying transactions.

+ Depending on how the atoms are arranged, it can represent two different compounds dimethyl ether CH-O-H.

+ An ester is a carbonyl with an ether group on the carbon atom.

+ Dimethyl ether and ethanol would have dissimilar infrared spectra in the functional group region.

+ It also contains the Book of Ether who had lived in some of the same areas shortly after the time of the Tower of Babel, but died out because of wars.

+ Chemists dissolve celluloid in ether or acetone to make collodion.

+ People would either drink a drink with small amounts of ether in it, just like people drink alcoholic drinks, or inhale the fumes given off by pure or nearly pure ether.

+ To be able to label those that were ether accused of being a witch, or executed because they were one, I have created :Category:Witches.

+ Diethyl ether is a clear liquid chemical.

+ Now other chemicals are used because ether has side effects and can catch fire.

+ Albert Einstein said the idea of the ether was not needed if another idea, the idea of “absolute time” was dropped.

+ It is very easy to change the ether part of the molecule with another similar one.

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