Some example sentences of “epidemic”

How to use in-sentence of “epidemic”:

– Hall played senior and professional hockey from 1902 to 1919, when he died as a result of the influenza epidemic of 1918.

– On May 15, 2020, Slovenia became the first European nation to declare the end of the COVID-19 epidemic within its territory.

– In April 2020, the group Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations said that scientists were looking at 115 compounds that could be a vaccine.

– Preliminary research results from Hong Kong also suggest this as the probable reason for many deaths during the SARS epidemic in 2003.

– Earlier 2019, Mahmoud Refaat announced Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan must be trailed as war criminals for their rule of crises in Yemen which left thousands of civilians as victims of starvation, cholera epidemic apart civilians who were killed by the bombing of Saudi-Emirati coalition.

– From 1849-1855, there was a cholera epidemic along the trail.

– This epidemic caused approximately 1 million deaths worldwide.

– The movie was planned to be released earlier than October 20, 1946, but that date was delayed due to an epidemic of polio that prevented children across the United States from attending movies.

Some example sentences of epidemic
Some example sentences of epidemic

Example sentences of “epidemic”:

- One of the causes of the epidemic was that there was no sanitation along the Trail.

- The Naples Plague is a Plague plague epidemic that occurred in Italy from 1656 to 1658, which caused a devastating blow to the population of Naples.

– One of the causes of the epidemic was that there was no sanitation along the Trail.

– The Naples Plague is a Plague plague epidemic that occurred in Italy from 1656 to 1658, which caused a devastating blow to the population of Naples.

– An epidemic of Foot and Mouth disease in 2001 led to many farmers losing their cattle, so they lost a lot of money.

– The attacks happened during a deadly summer heat wave and polio epidemic in the Northeastern United States.

– In connection with the plague epidemic in 1638, Sparman wrote an educational book about the plague.

– However, scholars believe that Verus may have been a victim of smallpox, as he died during a widespread epidemic known as the Antonine Plague.

– Unlike catastrophes that pull communities together, this epidemic was so terrifying that it broke people’s trust in one another.

– Since the protective ability of influenza vaccines depends primarily on the closeness of the match between the vaccine virus and the epidemic virus, the presence of non-reactive H3N2 SIV variants suggests that current commercial vaccines might not effectively protect pigs from infection with a majority of H3N2 viruses.

– It no longer exists as an epidemic disease.

– These reports talk about an epidemic that spread across Asia, Africa, and North America.

– After that, the epidemic spread to the Persian Gulf.

– In January 1925, Medical doctordoctors realized that a diphtheria epidemic was likely to sweep through Nome’s young people.

– In 1546, Girolamo Fracastoro proposed that epidemic diseases were caused by transferable seed like entities through direct, indirect contact and contact over long distances with an infection.

– When an epidemic of smallpox occurred in England in 1721, she ordered that her daughter be inoculated.

More in-sentence examples of “epidemic”:

– Because of this, and because of a famine and epidemic in northern Italy, the western Roman Empire was able to bribe Attila into retreating from the Italian Peninsula.

– In 1546 the physician Girolamo Fracastoro theorized that epidemic diseases were caused by tiny, invisible particles or “spores”, which might not be living creatures, but this was not widely accepted.

– J.’s birth, his father Patrick also succumbed to the infectious cholera epidemic that infested the family’s East Boston neighborhood.

– The Black Death, an epidemic that spread over all of Europe and parts of Asia, arrived in England in 1349 and killed perhaps up to a third of the population.

– According to tradition, the play has been presented every 10 years since 1634, in fulfillment of a vow made after the village was spared an epidemic of plague, except in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War and World War II, when religious plays were banned.

– These more dangerous strains of cholera bacteria caused the 2010 epidemic in Haiti and the 2004 outbreak in India.

– Attorney’s office in Pittsburgh, where he worked to fight the opioid epidemic by leading prosecutions of cases involving opioid-related deaths, violent crimes, and gun trafficking.

– In this particular model, after the epidemic is over, all people have been infected and recovered.

– Syria is considered very weak to the epidemic due to the ongoing civil war and horrible humanitarian situation.

– The term is used now for the description and causation of epidemic diseases, and of disease in general.

– Many members of the American LGBT community found Reagan’s response to the epidemic to be delayed, and that he is responsible for a wide spread of the disease.

– He solved the epidemic by having the water pump’s handle removed so that the people would get water from some other place.

– In 1945, the barracks were so crowded and sanitation was so bad that an epidemic of typhus spread through the camp.

– If the rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans are correct, the PIE principles did not prevent an epidemic of psychiatric disorders.

– In 2005, there was an epidemic of bird influenza spreading through some parts of the world, often called avian flu.

– He became the second victim of the cholera epidemic of 1831 and was buried in an unmarked “pauper’s” grave.

– Following a yellow fever epidemic in 1822, many New York residents moved to the healthier air of Greenwich; where many stayed.

– Several factors were notable: the coming of modern agriculture, and the control of epidemic diseases.

– It worked, and the epidemic was soon over.

– On January 20, 2020, Chinese premier Li Keqiang called for efforts to stop and control the pneumonia epidemic caused by a novel coronavirus.

– The military parade in Russia was held on June 24, the march of the immortal regiment was scheduled for July 26, 2020, but due to the epidemic situation it was postponed indefinitely.

– An epidemic is when the number of people infected with a disease is increasing in a population.

– In the winter of 1925, there was a diphtheria epidemic among Inuit in the Nome area.

– This experiment was conducted because of the obesity epidemic in the United States, and because of a case in which two teenage girls sued McDonald’s who claimed they became obese as a result of eating food from McDonald’s.

– In India, flu called Spanish flu spread like an epidemic killing many people.

– The most important part of the epidemic was from 1889 to 1890, but there were two other large parts from 1890 to 1892.

– In addition, it is also possible for epidemic or outbreak to progress and become a full fledged pandemic.

– Many thousands of Italian settlers moved to Libya to set up businesses and farms, which were going to supply food and produce for Italy and its Empire Libyans had some of their land in Cyrenaica taken from them by force and about 70,000 people died during the battles, starved, or were decimated by the terrible epidemic of 1918.

– During the 1300s, this epidemic struck parts of Asia, North Africa, and Europe.

– It was used for the Black Death as well, an epidemic of the 14th century that killed Millions of people in Europe.

– It happened at the same time as the 2019–2020 dengue fever epidemicongoing dengue fever epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean.

– Flattening the curve means slowing the spread of the epidemic so that the peak number of people requiring care at a time is reduced, and the health care system does not pass its capacity.

– The story is about an African expedition that battles thick jungle, hostile natives, wild animals, and a deadly epidemic in its search for the fabled City of the Dead.

– One particular unit that may be of interest for those pursuing epidemiology is with with Epidemic Intelligence Service, a subgroup within the CDC specializing in epidemiology.

– Between 1720 and 1722, there was an epidemic in the Provence and in Marseille.

– During the Middle Ages, the oriental rat flea spread a bacteria that caused the Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death or Black Plague, a huge epidemic much more severe than today’s bird flu.

– After World War II, there was an epidemic of methamphetamine abuse in Japan, according to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

– The history of ChinaChinese developed the practice of variolation following a smallpox epidemic around 1000 BC.

– During this time the opium epidemic was growing in China.

– An epidemic killed many English and Indians in the region.

– The outbreak has been called an epidemic in more than a dozen states and union territories.

– The HIV/AIDS epidemic has led to many situations where both parents have died and left behind a family of orphans.

– Iraq is thought to be especially vulnerable to the epidemic due to being weakened by the Iraq war and United Nations sanctions, by sectarian conflict and the rise of Islamic State over the past three decades.

– His father died during a cholera epidemic when Jean was very young.

– An example of this would be with malaria; although malaria is endemic to certain regions in South America, Africa, and South Asia, during certain years or times it can become an epidemic with higher number of cases then usual present in the population.

– They should not create pages because this nonsense epidemic of creating pages is wasting our time.

– The first recorded epidemic was in the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire, It was called the Plague of Justinian after emperor Justinian I, who was infected but survived through extensive treatment.

– The curve being flattened is the epidemic curve, a representation of the number of infected people needing health care over time.

- Because of this, and because of a famine and epidemic in northern Italy, the western Roman Empire was able to bribe Attila into retreating from the Italian Peninsula.

- In 1546 the physician Girolamo Fracastoro theorized that epidemic diseases were caused by tiny, invisible particles or "spores", which might not be living creatures, but this was not widely accepted.

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