Some example sentences of “down”

How to use in-sentence of “down”:

– One of the famous images of Gish’s silent movie years is the climax of “Way Down East”.

– Nystagmus, often called “dancing eyes”, is an eye condition which causes uncontrolled, rapid, jerky, movement of the eyes, usually from side to side, but sometimes up and down or in a circular motion.

– The observer would receive all the signals, one after another, with each new signal slowing down at a very small rate until the 12:00 signal.

– Some use oxygen to break down glucose completely into COO.

– Canadian Navy ships that were carrying supplies to help people after Hurricane Katrina were slowed down because of Nate.

– The match contained many notable moments, including points where Jericho, Christian, Benjamin and Kane all jumped over the top rope to the outside of the ring to knock down multiple opponents.

– Unlike birds, the human stomach can break down the seed coat and release the taxanes into the body.

Some example sentences of down
Some example sentences of down

Example sentences of “down”:

- For example, if the player holds down the B button, then Wario does not run.

- Some policemen beated down activists.
- They have stripes down their sides.

– For example, if the player holds down the B button, then Wario does not run.

– Some policemen beated down activists.

– They have stripes down their sides.

– A person with a disability can explain their complaint, and the Specialist will write it down for them.

– Because of this, there are usually two shift keys, on the left and right sides of the keyboard, and they are held down using one of the little fingers while the other finger presses the other key.

– He took the scythe, and lay in wait for Uranos to come down to Earth to lie with Gaia.

– For example, a person could get the death penalty for adultery; cutting down a living tree; moving the Borderboundary of a field to make their land bigger and someone else’s smaller; major theft; treason; disorderly conduct, drunkenness; and promiscuity.

– The texts were written down around 1230.

– He made his first major league hit the following day off veteran pitcher Tim Belcher, and started 13 games before being sent back down to the minors.

– He turned down a nomination for vice presidential candidate in 1812.

– On July 31, 2013, Xtranormal was shut down officially.

– He is said to have climbed the tower of St Mary’s Parish Church in Market Drayton and sat on a gargoyle, frightening people down below.

– The rocks slow down the water so it soaks into the ground more.

More in-sentence examples of “down”:

– The Cultural Revolution began to slow down in 1967, and ended in 1969.

– She was sent back into the fields, “with blood and sweat rolling down my face until I couldn’t see.” Her boss returned her to Brodess, who tried unsuccessfully to sell her.

– The ground down food passes down a tube called the oesophagus, which squeezes out excess water.

– When we dig down we find layers in the soil.

– Siegfried travels down the river Rhine.

– Soon, Ratchet shoots down Qwark’s spaceship.

– Residents plan to tear down the building.

– The storm wrecked the Georges Bank fishing fleet which drowned 81 fishermen and knocked down trees, tore roofs off houses and forced boats to go up on shore.

– From 1671 until Lully’s death in 1687, the school was directed by the great dancing master Pierre Beauchamp, the man who set down the five positions of the feet.

– In 1844, an attempt by Smith to shut down the Nauvoo newspaper led to Smith being accused of treason, followed by him being killed by a mob.

– This lists events during the rule of pharaohs down to Neferirkare Kakai, third ruler of the Fifth Dynasty.

– Taxis may be flagged down at any time of the day along any public road outside of the Central Business District.

– There are six different “flavors” of quarks: the up quark, down quark, strange quark, charmed quark, bottom quark, and top quark.

– Then it slows down as its kinetic energy is changed back into potential energy.

– He invaded Normandy down the river Seine.

– This works on English wiki because they have dedicated groups of editors ready to swoop down and refit pages to meet requirements.

– This slowed down the bacteria.

– I was wondering whether it would be in our scope to start creating some LTA pages to track down persistent vandals.

– After a really long time, the white dwarf cools down into a black dwarf.

– The abstract works are expressions of her Dreaming legends, passed down to her from her mother.

– About 90% of people with Down syndrome live through their teens.

– I stepped down as admin/b’crat/CU years ago and still get spammed to death for dealing with just one single long term vandal.

– The NCAA shut down the SMU football program for the 1987 season.

– Arnold he led a small group of soldiers to stop or slow down the British as they returned to the Atlantic Ocean.

- The Cultural Revolution began to slow down in 1967, and ended in 1969.

- She was sent back into the fields, "with blood and sweat rolling down my face until I couldn't see." Her boss returned her to Brodess, who tried unsuccessfully to sell her.
- The ground down food passes down a tube called the oesophagus, which squeezes out excess water.

– It weakened back to a tropical storm and down to a tropical depression.

– This happens because on releasing the string, two progressive waves move down the string in opposite directions.

– She wrote down many rude things people said in her diaries.

– Both larvae and adults eat the leaves and strip the plant down to a skeleton.

– At most stations between the up and down escalators there is a concrete staircase where an additional escalator could be installed, but has not been fitted.

– He is about to kill Bella, when five large wolves chase him down and kill him.

– Grass wears down their teeth because it has a high concentration of silica and is very abrasive.

– This is understood to mean that normally Paul used a secretary to write down as he spoke his letters.

– The word “alto” can also mean: the second line down in 4 part choir music.

– Many of the Roman walls were knocked down by William the Conqueror and used to build St Albans Abbey, otherwise known as St Albans Cathedral.

– On 11 January 2020, Iran said that it had shot down the plane by mistake.

– A person uses the headache diary to write down information about their headaches, like when they started, what kind of symptoms they had and how bad the pain was etc.

– Some people then took it down to see how it was made.

– In 2020, Thabane came under pressure to step down due to his alleged involvement in his ex-wife’s murder.

– There are many different forms of child abuse; if I look at this page, it all boils down to the child being hit, and seeing/recognising the bruises.

– In the past, non-photosynthetic plants were thought to get food by breaking down organic matter like fungi do.

– Good fingering is fingering which avoids moving the hand up and down unnecessarily.

– Because he could not continue to speak out openly, Kellner wrote down his thoughts in a secret diary.

– The reason this happens is because of the gravity of the black hole slows down time around it, making it look like the object will take an infinite amount of time to reach it.

– Florida Bay is a flat platform which has laid down a huge amount of carbonate rock.

– The air is cooled and the water goes down a drain.

– Allison weakened down to 50mph winds.

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